many challengers of christianity criticize the christian doctrine that jesus was god
first the quick answer
quote "He [=jesus] is omnipresent according to His divine nature because only deity is omnipresent. Likewise, the person of Christ died on the cross, but Jesus experienced death according to His human nature, for
the divine nature is not subject to death and decay." in other
words "purity" the divine nature of jesus does not blend nor mix with the human nature so the answer is "yes jesus was divine god and yes jesus died while god did not die" and a similar idea from another teacher of theology that believed god christ did not die wrote the word 'would' as follows, "if the divine nature acquired attributes of humanity then when christ died god would have died" only somebody who believes the christ god did not die would write that
there is also a great difference in context between these two sources the first source is from defining a difference between reform [calvin] and lutheran that reform believe the natures "do not mix" yet are united inseparably in christas one unit with two natures which do not mix therefore the answer is yes jesus is divine in contrast to the lutheran approach which agrees that the jesus was god and divine but differs that accordiing to lutheran the natures do mix and the human is influenced by the divine nature bt "only in one direction" agreeing the humanity does not weaken the god part
this relates to the previous post can jesus sin if the human is influenced by god then the choice of sin would soil the god nature moved to the body the same problem of god dying hence the author believed god did not die but "would' while both agree that god did not die the difference is whether there is purity like reform or a one way mix like lutheran and the consequence when eating the bread of communion which part of jesus is "omnipresent" in the bread of all the eaters at the same time is it only the divine nature which is omnipresent or is the physical nature blended by influence with the divine if so the body can have the attribute of omnipresence and be as physical body omnipresent in each erson 's bread stoop laughing i am not laughing
this relates to the previous post and those who believe that the jesus body can be omnipresent with the divine attribute it would be consistent for them to say jesus could not sin and consistently that aoproach includes both consistent details consistently which leads to theproblem jesus hd no choice if god prevented him from sinning
now we can analyze the intracacies if jesus was god and also died on the cross... how because "purity" not blend the two natures and in the words of one theologist explaining the difference between lutheran and reform/calviinism "only" the divine nature is omnipresent while the other theologian agrees to several of these details except there is a mix blend in one direction as above
this is not critical to faith according to paul who wrote if you believe jesus is lord WITHOUT the word theo no need to believe in jesus divinity but among church goers that makes or breaks it they would say you are not a christian if you deny diety of christology that jesus was also god and that is the lesson of christology
we can compare with other "gods' zeus was a famous god yet he was born so which godly attribute or character was that? immortal he cannot die the fact that many greeks and romans said zeus was a god is not evidence that he was a god so many challenge if the book said "jesus was a god" then that is the same as greek mythology what if i would say each of you readers is god you know who you are and you never claimed you are god
so the question boils down to "did jesus ever teach he was god' i know the quick answer but lets follow the steps
in "christology" there are a list of places to look to see if jesus claimed he was god i bothered to check each one and two of them were "son of god" and what if they are not in red letters
some christians have responded the phrase "i am" proves jesus thought he was god like the word in exodus "i will be" often translated "i am what i am" [if he
would say "i be what i be" i can guess what his skin color is? just kidding] which is easily deflected by muslims who did a computer search for the phrase "i am" and found paul say "i am" so paul was not god was he... e
now the quick answer yes jesus claimed he was god teaching he and the father are the same one in gospel john 10.30 which generates the next major problem if jesus was divine and we know zeus is immortal and cannot die then what kind of god can die
i met two answers among christians
one answer is that god the father did not die only christ god died on the cross and the father is the one who revived the god jesus from the dead [romans 10] so since jesus had a soul and spirit those did not die any differently than the average human death only the human body died not human soul of jesus and still also the christ god died as some christians believe and as explained below leaving a living god in the appearance of the father and holy spirit not dead and which "of them" or which nature or which appearance revived the christ god? paul revealed in romans 10 "the father raised jesus the christ from the dead so god did not completely die but christ god did die with the human body how because "i have the authority to give my life" in john 6 and other sources
indeed i met christians who believe that christ god died however this related to the previous post can jesus sin if the body of christ is mixed with god and as above can be omnipresent because that is an attribute of divine then could jesus sin and if not then that is not choice
in summary the fact is an agreement in the detail that both lutheran teachers and reform agree that the "god nature did not die" and this agreement is convenient in defending a complaint of muslims if jesus died he cannot be god well we see two possibilities that jesus differed from immortal zeus whether the natures are united purely or mix one direction only.
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