when i was just a kid i learned the list of bible books. i wondered why samuel which is the same book had two parts... after all both parts were parallel to the one book of first cronicles... which is one. i asked a rabbi and he lied that the "limit" for attached scrolls is 30 chapters so they had to split and this was easily refuted by genesis and numbers which are each one book and each much longer... in fact the five "longest" books not counting the compiled psalma are:
1 longest isaia filling 60 pages.
2 jeremia filling 58 pages
3 samuel filling 57 pages to match the division of second chronicles when solomon asks for wisdom [called kings chapter 3] and no need to split because first cron is not split and samuel still smaller than jeremia and isaia.
4 kings [from solomon although bad name better name "solomon" and its start should be like second cron with solomon dream asking for wisdom like second cronicle.] filling 53 pages
5 briefs the twelve short prophecies.filling 52 pages.
the jewish tradition in talmud preserved that one book was named "twelve" because it held the 12 short prophecies.
cronicles would be too long in one book so good to divide and like its division split solomon from david in two books instead of stupid 4.
anther flaw is the decision to include hosea in the "briefs" after all ester is shorter than hosea yet stands alone so no need to include 12 in one long book of 52 pages.
on the other hand it would seem wise to join esther with daniel because they are both stories near the same era.... josepus said esther story is after darius like daniel after destroy temple the rabbis said josepus erred about xerxes identity claiming it was even nearer to daniel era. combined it would be one scroll equivalent to the volume of 21 pages.
similarly not just join ester with daniel but also join joshua and judges into one book named joshua totalling 43 pages still less than ezekiel or book of genesis. so stupid to divide.
could have had the first book a copy of joshua 24 first then joshua chapter one etc until the story of samuel in one book named joshua in one book 43 pages
book of ruth including the short story of ruth with birth of samuel until solomon like division of cronicles one book named ruth filling 60 pages like isaia,
next its parallel first cronicles better named adam by its first word.... until davids death like its paralllel named ruth.
next solomon one and solomon two from solomon until nebucadnezer better solomon one of all kings first and then the parallel we call cronicles. the story after cyrus ends last in solomon 2 ending with chapter 36.
after cyrus now the joined daniel with esther 21 pages and nothing holy after esther because the book named ezra was named ezra because that name appeared at the beginning like the hebrew name for exodus is the hebrew word at its start [the word "names"] and like samuel was named for the story of samuels birth and joshua and more... yet that book was lost and the contents of what is printed as ezra is the book of cyrus which is not the holy one anyway and the holy one was not preserved and we kow the story from josepus... what happened after cyrus is preserved in josepus which is not holy and these stories need not be "holy" the same as macabees tells the story between the old and new testaments... and is not "holy" so neither is cyrus nor nehemia which in fact were not listed in the jewish list and christians only have it because they mimic the bad rabbis.
so daniel which is very short relatiuve to even joshua which as above should be joined in one book with the contents of judges filling 43 pages and less than volume of ezekiel as above... and daniel even less should be joined to ester.
other small ones are ruth but that should be joined to the contents of samuel as above and named ruth starting with ruth and telling until solomon like the good division of cronicles...
besides ruth the 5 shortest are song, longer: lamentation, ester, ecclesiastes, and daniel. as above ester story should be joined with daniel story=es+dn.
lamentation is like a sad song should be joined to song in one book not two tiny books. while eccl. should be joined to proverbs by topic instead of 5 small books.
even joshua is too short nd should be joined with the contents of judges into oine book named joshua so bad division all over. the rabbis claim there are 24 boks which is a lie because josepus specified 22 twenty books of which five are telling the story of moses. so combine and have even less than 22.
in fact if we believe jeremia is good then that includes the message of denial in jeremia chapter seven 7 god said "i did not command sacrifices" in the context of you eat the flesh of your offerings and since that is a good true book then the books of moses are "inaccurate" and wrong and lose any credibility and should be replaced by the story of israels roots in joshua chapter 24 as above.
so that summarises the longest and the shortest and the bad division could be corrected as well as other corrections related to the books and their contents.
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