we know that the tradition of jews was to position the brief prophecies in the order "hosea amos mica joel" as preserved in septuagint... the earliest known source for the order of jewish holy books preserved together.
now we also know that around those four the order is very bad because obadia and jona and nahum were taught and preserved before hosea.... and their prophecies would have been recorded earlier... but there is a much bigger problem.
the contents of amos predict in the future the locust will devour in amos 4.9 "Locusts devoured your fig and olive trees, yet you have not returned to me” altho in english it appears past tense the hebrew said the letter for future "yokal" which translators corrupted for the following reason, so when joel said in past tense joel 1.4 "What the locust swarm has left, the great locusts have eaten; what the great locusts have left, the young locusts have eaten;" the prophecy of amos must be before the locusts and was recorded before joel... as preserved in the good septuagint.... amos BEFORE joel. yet the christian bible like the bad rabbis reversed the order positioning joel which must have been added to the books later than amos appears like the rabbis before amos.... that is ridiculous because amos was predicting... hence the need for the translator to lie that the word "devioured' was past tense to hide the flaw of the rabbis which ended up copied into the christian bible... it is time to stop trusting the bad rabbis...
and purify by removal of the jewsh part of the old testament from the bible except for the few specific quotes which jesus quoted with the word "written grapho' those ten quotes can be printed before mathew on one page as the "former covenant" yet the rest we must STOP TRUSTING RABBIS and stop including the former covenant in the holy bible "just because copy the jews stuff." i mean look at where we ended up by trusting rabbis... joel appears before amos the reverse of septuagint and the problem is worse based on the contents as explained above.
amos must have been recorded before joel [among other problems] so stop copying the decisions of rabbis.
why do we trust rabbis to decide which books of the former covenant are good books? we know from josephus 22 twenty two books yet following the bad rabbis contaminate the mix with more books with more than 22 in the collection in the holy bible...
so we need to stop trusting rabbis and only copy the few quotes as above in a brief section called "former covenant" only those few quotes only the ones jesus quoted with the word written grapho.
and rely on the inclusion of other verses which al ready were included in the new testament and without the whole book from which the quote came.
if paul quoted deuteronomy that preserves the good part but not the whole book because we must stop trusting and relying on the rabbis of the jews. why did we trust them in the first place and why think they had any credibility?
look at the result copying the order with joel first and worse we know jona was at era of king amazya as preserved in the book of kings and cronicles also nahum should be with jona because same topic so should be together yet christian bibles not only copy the rabbis to include them despite jesus not quoting "from them" [as jona was in the fish three days was not a quote] but worse christians copy the bad order too... we can compare the good order "obadia, jonah. nahum, amos, hosea. mica" with what the jews ruined and why do christian copy the bad rabbis into the new testament??
it is time to purify and purge the holy bible of christianity from the influence of the rabbis and only include before matthew a brief section with the precise quotes which jesus quoted as "written" with the word grapho, in a brief section called former covenant [because anything else is enuf to preserve within the new testament] followed by the books and letters of the new testament and rely on the inclusion of the few good parts worth repeating.
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