dont you remember? back in elementary school the teachers complained that "run-on" sentences are bad...
well look at how bad the bible is with those long wordy bad sentences which should be split with periods for example verse one has one verb but immediately the second one is bad.
we all were taught " The easiest way to fix a run-on is to split the sentence into smaller sentences using a period" each sentence is not complete unless it has a verb but why two verbs? i ate rice and walked home. bad split them. it is bad.
edit to fix because they read very badly and should be rooted out from your writing"
take the second verse in the bible, "and the land" STOP you just started a sentence with and.... until they edit the book and fix the quality we must recognize it is bad.
"the land WAS empty and darkness WAS on the water AND the spirit of elohim moved on the water.
this is not only bad but also refutes the jewish emphasis on numbers of verses because the sentences are bad and poorly divided it is truly more sentences.
split it with periods.
verse one [remove the word beginning which we know is false and claim the religious claim "elohim made the sky and the land." 2 the land was empty. 3 over the water was darkness. 4 the spirit of elohim moved on the water."
note the hebrew bible has both spirits of elohim and of jehova and since those are names we should preserve them like adam and isaac were preserved with sounds and not translated.
i think the spirit of jehova mentioned in book samuels is the christian holy spirit while even the rabbis interpret soirit of elohim as the spirit of messia which means christ so jesus before the body was spirit and he was reffered to as spirit of elohim and even rabbis say that is the christ only refusing to say it was jesus but admiitting in their boks it is the christ.
as a child i noticed the emphassis on the number of sentences which did not truly show the lenbgth of sections and in fact wer almost all bad "incorect" sentences.
so today i found the statistics for the number of words and letters in some of the books. i searched for number of word sin joshua and could not find any such stats but did find for other books so i share what i found
the number of letters in the hebrew book called genesis letters fill 78063 letters with many spaces.
the number of words in genesis in hebrew is 20,612 words and thousands of those letters should be removed and could be removed they only waste ink and luckily are narrow so only waste a bit of expensive cow skin relatively.
the number of bad sentences is stupid because they are bad and are more nearer the number of words. but if they would be small ho w would we find our way through a book with 4100 sentences? 100 chaopters each 41 sentences long... my solution have a summary. but most of the content is not needed anyway so why bother to fix the sentence and remove "and" as above when most of the sentencs do not deserve the efoort of preservation.
anyway stats exodus has 16,713 words composed of a volume of 63,527 hebrew kletters thoiusand s of those letters are only troublesome distratction and thopusamds of the words are repetitive or worse.
especialy bad exodus is too repetitive. a holy books said "he will make the teahing long" that was the excuse to add stupid wrods and distracting letters wjhile letter jews taught the corect method of education is "TO TEACH SHORTLY".
next book "leviticus" hebrew words 11,950 words composed with volume of 44,790 letters.
next book "numbers" hebrew words 16408 with 63,529 letters
and last known book "deuteronomy" hebrew words 16,408 with 63,529 letters and the one i want to know joshua i cannot find. the theme of the bible is the "sons of israel" so the roots of father are too far away and could be brief like book cronicles... and the important parts were already summarised in joshua 24 so both the needed part which is a lready preserved and the rest are also not needed... that saves 82,000 ety-tu thousand words. much ink and much paper could be saved if the existing summary in bnook joshua would replace the five books. but only a few million jews print ible the real large expense of ink and paper is christian which do not truly need the "former covenant' the few details worth repeating are al;ready contained in the new testament and in fact paul warned not to read moses... we should respect the apostle paul.
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