when science studied skeletons it found skeletons of apes which they call pithicus and other skeletons like humans but not in older earlier times. before a certain point in time they find only pithicus skeletons and not humans which leads to the question how was the first human born? on one hand a small-brain super-smart ape possibly could make human decisions and uniquely human thinking in an ape skull... or not... so i can only ask about the unique skeleton considering the ape may have been smarter or less smart. altho that is unknown what is obvious: if humans were born from human mothers who were themselves born from human mother=infinitely then we would find such skeletons with earlier species unless they were not on this our planet so that is obvious. s
i already published several ideas one which i saw in a dream several years ago and published the next day on my hebrew blog in the hopes i was translating a transmission about our past: a male mammal called dolphin which usually mates with other dolphins but once mated with a mermaid [you know the fish that has a human head/skull] combined the "half fish with" mammal producing the first mer+mammals with almost no hair like dolphins and they breathed only air so climbed out of the water since this is true it rejects the idea of humans born from apes we were born from dolphins and that caused less hair like dolphins despite needing hair on land like other land mammals... after all apes have ape babies of the same species not a different species such as non-hairy baby... specifically on land where land mammals need fur... unless.... s
i had an idea a few weeks ago and found that family guy 2011 published ALMOST THE IDENTICAL IDEA
we all know that in comedy series "family guy first season one" showed a time machine published in april 1999 almost two decades ago. we all know the idea is truth because after all we observe that we can move through space and since space time is one unity we must be able to move through space-time to a different point in time... m
my idea is not a time "machine" but similar story and i was reminded today that family guy published almost the same idea as mine, but six 6 years before mine in May 2011 first there idea: the baby named stewie moves with the time machine and caused the expansion of the universe commonly called the big bang see link below. w
a second element in that episode from may 2011 is that stewie garrunteed his own birth by injecting his dna into his ancestors female and this is essentially the same idea which explains the first human skeleton ever born, as i will explain first in our past and then in our future
FIRSTLY** in our human past ALREADY a human injected their dna into an ancient ape and this blend led to the common ancestor of human and apes which later adapted into two species and this garrunteed the birth of the first human=around 90 ninety thousand bc . when in the past? as i published a few months ago [before opening this blog] from an earlier alien transmission [published june 2017 the first life on earth was around 900,000 years or orbits ago 9*10^5 and i also detailed based on alien transmission the order of the life-forms but cannot find the link now.
the first human [i mean ever born from a female non-human a mammal as above either way] was similar to the idea in 2011 baby in family guy garrunteed his own birth and as a result also garrunteed the cause of the big bang similarly... one human already garrunteed the birth of the first human. this ALREADY OCCURRED and the proof is... the human skeletons which proves it already happened also
my idea from a few weeks ago was not based on that episode it was a response to the flying reindeer of christmas... what could be cooler sounding than fast reindeer that can also fly? only one thing: travel through space-time to another time... that would be the christmas miracle on a different date... but that idea we have seen in old books and many videos and tv my idea was similar to the idea in "star trek" where the ship called enterprise loops around the sun to bend space time and arrive at a time in the past to save some important whale of course the suns gravity waves are not enough to warp time so instead i made a human fly TO THE CENTER OF OUR GALAXY similar to a different star trek video but instead of finding a planet WITH AN ANGRY BEING THAT CALLS ITSELF GOD they find the thing which IS TRULY in the center of our galaxy and other galaxies=a black hole as taught by cosmology
this human is a male who wants to observe the first humans born, as he believes=from apes and calculates his stellar-vehicle to loop near the black hole at the center of our galaxy not near enough to fall in but near enough that the powerful gravity waves bend space time and at the correct trajectory he will move in space-time to a point in space time where he calculates our planet named earth is in the year of the first humans
the problem is double his calculations are not precise and the year of the first human is also not known precisely so he moved to a point in space time near a giant planet with orange stripes and must jet towards earth [moving only in space] arriving precisely 100,000 time units of, as in the alien transmission, one orbit so the most recent tenth of time of life which was as in the previous transmission 9*10^5 this is 1*10^5 around 99000 years ago
this male saw no humans which proved as wrong, the history which he had believed in, it was false there are no humans in that year only furry apes at 99k bc and humans as he believed should have existed already... as he was taught so he chased away some male apes and when the female apes were in heat they slept with him and this ALREADY OCCURRED in our past as evident from the existence of different human skeletons which were wrongly dated older than 99000 bc
so in summary in our past 99kbc 99000 years ago, a male human chased away male apes and when the female apes were in heat they slept with him receiving human dna which garrunteed the birth of the "first human ever born in the past" as above around ten thousand years later but how this male got there was as above, by a trajectory near the black hole in the center of our galaxy arriving as above in that year to inject the human dna at that point in time when there were no humans yet and those parents were the ancestors of the two species born later. this is the alien transmission which they knew and which we will find is true when we have the tools, and which as you know differs from both religion and so-called science but is the only true record of the first humans amen
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