Saturday, January 6, 2018

how many books from god?

the catholic bible has 73 books and the catholics quote epistle letter of paul to timothy that "all" 73 are good  for studying etc.
yet the protestants removed books which traditionally and for hundreds of years were considered holy.
so the protestant bible has less than 73 books and FAMOUS PROTESTANT LEADER IN REFORMATION martin luther criticized the decision to include certain books for example
O’Hare P.F.  The Facts About Luther, 1916–1987 reprint ed., p. 202-203
1 “Ecclesiastes... is too much incoherent matter in it”+2“The book of Esther I toss into the Elbe [river]."+3"Jonah is so monstrous that it is absolutely incredible.” (as quoted in O’Hare, p. 202). these three  in addition to the ones protestants "print without" removed from the traditional printing until then 73-66=7+3 above.
similarly like paul wrote second cor. 3.14-15 about the "vail/veil" when reading moses=“We have no wish either to see or hear Moses” (Ibid, p. 202). same as holy spirit through apostle paul in epistle letter to corinthians.
you know god cannot make mistakes therefore such books as genesis and exodus and leviticus cannot be from god... and when jesus "quoted" as it is WRITTEN, he never referred to any NAME book "never said as "written in genesis" so we would not think those were good books instead he was not quoting from bad genesis but from a different good book which the rabbis did not preserve. this is most clear when jesus said "the two will be one flesh" different wording than the jewish old testament and also "worship and serve god" most clearly a different book [not the jewish ones] which the rabbis failed to preserve but replaced with bad books with errors, these examples reveal even quotes "which also appear in the jewish" he was quoting from a different good book not the jewish bad ones with errors.
similarly "love your god with FOUR all... not from jewish old testament  but a different good one which the rabbis failed to preserve and only jesus preserved the best bits... because the jewish books of old testament have mistakes... real mistakes  i do not mean "if we assume atheist is true than a book about god is a lie" but real mistakes and errors and cannot be from god.
not 36 but instead only five of old testament books are from god...
1 ruth, 2jeremia 3 isaia and two more... which ones do you think are the two?
if i could put this on the door of the protestant church as luther "put on the door" i would...

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