when we see the big picture and the scale there is a big problem. fifth largest area to fourth named baffin and mada. can be same "scale" because the increase in area is around 16% 1.16 and even 4<3 despite the large "jump" in area is still less than 16*2 at 27% more area and we must also consider it has a similar area island [the shared islands named until now borneo and new guinea which i recommend "updating" the name of the "island" based on a major local river because different government share each] whereas the "largest" is so far out of the scale 840 thousand square miles =2131 thousand square kilometers is almost triple area that is a different scale... and altho some do say australia is too big to be an island that same issue applies to greenland it is so much larger area to be a different scale yet too small to be among the scale of continents and the same issue australia too with around 7 million square kilometers area is so much less than the smallest continents named antarctica and south america [with amazon river] aus. is a different scale than continents hence drawing the "line" between categories separating aus. from gr. is the same problem of separating between aus. from ant. so no justification to have many continents. unless to serve the boasting of ancient U.K "we control a continent."... t
yet in truth aus. is so much smaller than the other continents even significantly smaller area than the 2 smallest ones barely half of the small ones. so aus. should be a different scale from continents and gre. a different scale than islands as above. so what would be better? admit not black and white and allow gray... i recommend based on the "big picture" of relative-areas to define based on relative area the following: 1 "contin-uous" continent "ural continent" for both sides of the ural mountains [named until now europe and asia] then narrowing land connecting 2 "nile continent" until now named africa which has major river nile. 3 mississippi continent where major river mis. is 4 amazon continent where amazon river is and fifth same scale antarctica. in contrast to australia significantly smaller so not same "scale" of continents and so it and greenland are "grey" exceptions like "super-islands" significantly bigger than the 3 largest islands by far as above yet significantly smaller than the 2 smallest continents. we should innovate our education to accurately describe the world as observable and by relative area. and also update names of shared islands and continents by physical features such as major rivers or mountains as demonstrated above for both continents and shared islands. s
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