we observe the motion of the earth "spin" relative to the north pole the direction is what we call counter-clockwise as explained and certainly not clockwise spin
think of night. the room is dark and we stand facing a candle i can turn my right arm away from the candle so it is dark=that is what we call clockwise or we can move my right arm nearer to the candle called counterclockwise and continue the same motion until it is dark on the other side.
as we move my right arm nearer to the candle the arm sees the candle moving "rightward" and as i continue to spin in the same movement now the same right arm is moving away from the candle in the same movement called counterclockwise. so eventualy my right arm is dark facing away from the candle... and obviously my eyes see the candle moving rightward when my arm moves as described. at that time when the arm reaches the point where it is dark a point west of the arm is still lit by the shine of the candle and that defines the spin of our planet relative to the north pole as counterclockwise
i could have spun the earth in the opposite direction but we observe the spin is as described above whcih leads to two questions
i predict that the motion of the moon is the same motion as the spin described that means that at one point in the month we see the side of the moon which is lit and we know that the relative position is the earth is between the moon and sun so at night when we face away from the candle source called sun we see the moon side which faces the sun while later what we call a half month later we face at night away from the sun and not see the moon because the moon is not there it is in the position relative to the sun between the sun and this planert we call earth our planet so the questionis does the mooon orbit the earth frm those points to points in the same deined spin as the earths spin? i predict the samemotion called counterclockwise and we can test this by observing which side is light later if the motion is the same as the earths observed spin as above then as we face the side of the moon that is less olight we will see the left side of the mooon light before the right side light... if the order would be reversed we would know the motion is the opposite motion relative to the north pole called clockwise.
similarly we should ask regarding our planets orbit... at a point in th eyear we cann choose the point when at night we face away from the candle and we certain dertain stars perhaps three 3 stars in a short straight line called orions belt and then later what we call half year later at night we face away from the sun and face different stars... the ones opposite from the row of 3... is the motion to that point the same as the earhs spin as above countyerclockwise and if so all 3 motions are the same or is the motion the other way around the orbit...
we observe the moons motion is "right sid e light lite after we face the dark side so we know the relative motion of th emooon si counterclockwiseorbit around the earth and not clockwise and similarly i predict that the motion rlative to the borth pole of our planet orbit around the sun is the same motion counterclockwise and not clockwise.
finally w can define the difference in relative speed of the moon motion...
the moon alone moves in orbit around our planet as above counterclockwise moving the distance of the orbit length at a steady rate of o length in time we call around 29.5 days each divided into 24 hours so around 720 hours each orbit length while relative to the sun... the speed rate changes as the earth moves in orbit counterclockwise around the sun and the moon is moving counterclockwiese around the earth the mooon appears faster passing our planet relative to the sun and then later swings around our planet between our planet and the earth which we observe we face the dark side of the mooon and then the lit right side of th emoon whihc is observed as counter clockwise the speed around the sun is less as it moves in the opposite direction of our planets orbit yet the relative motion of the moon around the sun is much greater... yet less than the relative motion around the sun earlier in th emonth... when the moon moved around the earth faster than our planets relative motion around thesun while the second part of th emonth as the lit right sid of th emoon is observable the relative speed of th emmoon is less as it moves around the sun while moving at the same rate o/720 as above in th edirection opposite oif the motion of our planet orbitting the sun.
]and this has been revealed to me at night while we face away from the sun by an alien life who observed from above the northppole and observed for a month as the relative speed of th emoon around the earyth was stead y and therefpre th espped of the moons orbit around the sun was SLOWER half the month and FASTER the other half of the month. while moving at obviously the same rate.
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