Saturday, January 6, 2018

"star wars" confusion

my first confusion about star-wars was
1 "why is the story both long ago and also far away"
when i was a young nerd this question troubled me.
i mean think about it: we have fiction that could happen "now" most series on tv, and if we have a desire to separate either "far" away or "long ago" separates, so why attach them "both long ago and far away"?
what do you think?
1a i will not discuss but complain that the hebrew name for star wars is ruined "war of stars" with war singular wrong and star plural... just stupid and wrong translation, nothing to discuss...
only this year i thought of a solution... for first and i will write it at the bottom, what do you think?
were there 2 darth mal?
we all know how darth mal died... obi wan [OB1] as a student/padwan killed darth maul... it is famous in the star wars videos yet...
another version in series "rebels" has darth mal living until OB1 is old like white hair old... and at that different time and a different place killed d.m? does that mean 2 dart mal? or you heard or thought of a different solution?
if the videos are true "canon" then ob1 killed d.m when "future vader was a child" and killed d.m on the planet of amadela [actress portman i think?]  in the castle of amedela?
yet according to the series ob1 killed darth maul on the planet of luke skywalker when luke was young... then vader an adult... so could there be two darth mauls? or a different explanation...
my suggestion for long ago and far away...
if the wars [plural duh] of the empire would be "near" and "only distant time" then the absence of evidence in our solar system would refute the story...
similarly if the empire would be "only far away" and now then the light from that distant galaxy would still be moving from there... we could not see those stars yet and would not know now until the light moved those many parsecs or light-year lengths... the only way "we now know" the story is because the the empire happened long ago... more= long long ago and the light moved from far far away so we could now see what happened there= the way we observe stars now the way they "were" many years ago...
scientists believe galaxies are hundreds of parsecs away from us, and even fast light would take long long time so we can only know what happened far far away "now' if it happened long long ago... so both factors.

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