hobbit: 2 stories before chapter one of hobbit book
pre-chapter 1
In the era of bearded dwarves [like plural of leaf is leaves, so dwarf is dwarves] in a hill, lived a hobbit. now that we do not see hobbits, they need a description [move page 2 to first paragraph]. hobbits are little people: shorter and smaller than dwarves. adult hobbits are around three feet tall [1 metre].
all hobbits do not need shoes because the bottom of their feet is naturally leathery and the top of their feet from toes to ankles are very hairy. they can move very silently. this hobbit was named bilbo baggins and was around age 50. his hill-hole [poetic pair], was a comftorble home with chairs and tables.
the flat floor was rows of broad colored clay tiles. a few colorful rugs lay on the floor too. the rounded walls and roof were, like a giant tube, covered in curved wood panel boards with paintings in curved frames. from the entry chamber, a LONG hall almost straight [not winded!] led to many rooms.
the rooms on the left side had windows along the side of the hill. they were deep set windows covered by the hill. on a sunny morning, a good morning because it was sunny, a wizard named gandalf visited the hobbit. this wizard was a magical person not a man who learned magic.
after saying the customary good morning, to wish each other to have a good morning, the wizard arranged to visit the following day for tea. bilbo agreed. bilbo then finished smoking his pipe. he walked to the book shop and met the book seller, named boort bowman.
boort said, "I sold ten more copies of your book," and gave bilbo some money. bilbo told him, "I am almost finished writing another story." boort enthusiasticly said that he would print and sell the wonderful stories. on bilbo's walk home, he purchased several cakes and cheeses for the tea party with gandalf the wizard.
he returned to the round green door with a large yellow decorative knob in its center. he unlocked it using his key. the rest of the day bilbo sat by his table by the window in his writing room, where he added to his story until the sky started to darken.
he loved to eat many meals each day but this time he was so focused on his book that he had not noticed the time and had not felt hungry. he cooked himself some dinner and went to sleep in his big bedroom under the hill. the next morning he ate a small breakfast and brought some cake with him to his writing room.
he wrote a few more pages of story and stopped to eat the cake for second breakfast. this time he did not want to miss lunch. when he finished each page he checked the time on his wall clock. at precisely twelve he went to eat lunch. he had some cheese with bread and beer. while he ate he planned more of his story.
when he was finished lunch he returned to his writing room before he realized that he forgot to eat any vegetables! in his cool storage room on the right side under the hill he had some bell peppers. he cut one up and ate all of it. then he returned to the writing room and wrote until... ding aling lang!
bilbo wondered who could be disturbing him? he saw it was tea time and remembered that gandalf planned to visit him for tea. bilbo ran to open the door for the wizard. he turned the long lever at the edge of the round green door. before he could say "welcome gandalf" he saw a dwarf!
this dwarf squeezed inside as the door opened, as if invited. the dwarf had a long BLUE beard and wore on his head a hood colored dark GREEN. dwarves speak different than us. we say Gandalf like the "a" in the words "and" and "apple", but in dwarf names the letter "a" sounds like the vowel in the words "got" and "hot".
dwa-lin the dwa-rf said, "dwalin at your service." bilbo replied, "bilbo at your service," replied bilbo. dwalin obeyed this invitation and went to the table where he sat on a chair. bilbo ran and put water on the fire for tea. he returned to the table with 3 small plates and 3 flat saucers.
then, back to the cupboard, to bring 3 clay cups which he placed on each saucer. before the water boiled, the bell rang again. before he could welcome gandalf, this dwarf also entered as the door swung open. this dwarf had a white beard like an old man. his hood was scarlet so he hung the red hood on a hook.
his name was balin, brother of dwalin dwar-bs, and he went to sit by his brother. bilbo ran to get 2 more chairs for himself and gandalf. balin asked about his job filing scrolls. fili spelled feelee came next. as soon as bilbo brought two more chairs, the bell rang. dwalin and balin went to add more chairs.
bilbo opened the door as two dwarves squeezed in. feelee filinng and his brother keelee. these two young warriors had blond beards and hung their blue hoods on hooks. next came 3 dwarves with brown beards: dori dorf and his 2 brothers hung hoods on hooks. nori had a purple hood like dori.
ori had a gray hood. next came 2 dwarves with red beards. oin koin and his brother gloin. oin hung his brown hood by gloin's white hood. next came 3 dwarves with black beards. bofur entered before befur fernn, his brother. this pair wore yellow hoods. bombur babin was fat and hung his pale green hood on a hook.
prince thorin thain son of thrain thain came. his beard was blue, like dwalin's but his hood was sky blue. they ate with bilbo and invited him on an adventure.
chart, for fan fiction
names beards hoods
balin white beard, red hood see gloin
bifur black, yellow
bofur black, yellow
bombur black, pale green
dori brown, purple hood
dwalin blue beard, dark green
feelee blond, blue
gloin red, white
keelee blond, blue
nori brown, purple hood
oin red, brown hood
ori brown, gray hood
thorin blue, sky blue
endnote: this will prepare you for chapter 1. the cause of this fan fiction is the story at end.
2nd story before chapter one
in the year 1982, in u.s. a book was published called hobbit. my parents gave me the book and told me to read it, when i was six years old. the cover CONFUSED me: a large bird rounder than birds i knew. in a nest with little people seemed like fairies the size of a flower like tinkerbell?
the title hobbit was a word that i had never heard used despite native english for 3 years from 3-6. now, as an adult, i look at ho-bbit and see ra-bbit but a child won't break a word like that. still it was just a title so i was satisfied that the book was about tiny fairy world.
tiny like tinkerbell, i had not yet read that fairies are the size of flowers in peter pan book world. i opened the book and read the first sentence. it too confused me. "in a hole in a hill [ground] lived a hobbit." if a hobbit lives in a hole in the ground i guess it was a burrowing animal?
i imagined a "hole in the ground" as ground below me, but he would be trapped with no room to move and not be able to climb out, so i thought. i kept reading and the words again were BAD ENGLISH "nasty" described behavior not a hole that can't act nasty and other strange ideas.
now as adult i would emphasize the word "not", meaning it is not those, so skip whatever it is not! but i was only six! i did not want to admit i did not understand. i couldn't say my conclusion "the author wrote poor quality" they would also mock me as age six. so i kept reading... then i saw it was a CAVE in a HILL. the jerk shoulda wrote that!
in the first line not a hole in the ground because ground is below me where i stand. and needs to describe a hobbit because ANY book must describe its characters. my parents asked me how was the book... i had barely read ten lines after struggling through the first 5 vague ones.
i said i just started but i do not know what a hobbit is. ma said if you don't know a word look in the dictionary. bad advice for the word hobbit. i said "that is not fun i wont read any books til i know more words".
then she argued that it is a children book "why don't you understand a kid book?" i said if you know what a hobbit is tell me. she did not know and said get a dictionary. i asked where is a dictionary the monster ma said look in the book case!
well we did not have a dictionary and the monster had teased me. i said when you buy a dictionary i will read books. ma urged "no! keep reading if you *finnish the whole book you will earn a prize". so i skipped the first pages... i had missed the vague description on page 2 what is a hobbit!
i saw trolls, but i could not imagine how trolls look. i skipped more until spiders, that i know! so i read about spiders in a forest: big scary spiders. gross. i asked for a place holder and each day held the book a few minutes and moved the place holder ten pages. without reading the scary spider and mysterious hobbit.
if the book cover would have the picture of BAGGIN HALL then i would understand that a hobbit is a humanoid smaller than a dwarf that lived in a rounded cave with a normal flat floor... but not a hole nor a tube! that is hard to walk on with a curved floor.
so i rewrote the first page of hobbit with my ADDED fan fiction before chapter one of book hobbit to prepare the reader for a bumpy start leading to a wonderful book.