Friday, August 19, 2022

hobbit from human and dwarf

intro: we "tall folk" call hobbits halflings as described in book hobbit, TOO late, what is a hobbit? HALF our tallness, so we humans called them halflings kuz they are "half" human height.

also wrote "nearer to us" but creation was mystery in that world. in silmirilian he added that dwarves were created but bilbo unmysteried used magic: a human wed a dwarf. their child halfling in type wed a human not siblings. this birthed first hobbit 3/4 human, so "nearer" human than dwarf. 

the link could be called halfling and nearer us than dwarf... but that is not the first hobbit but grandchildren who married cousins as bilbo discovered by magic 17 years before he went on the dwarf adventure. bilbo wrote, (intro the book hobbit does not introduce the character which any good book must do at its start.

it only vaguely describes a hobbit a few pages later...  and in the following book revealed that he was age 51 instead of in the description and worse hid "the mystery" of the hobbit. i reveal that mystery. ----fan fiction:)

bilbo wrote:

+++"the mystery":

on a windy day, Bilbo baggins sat on his porch. he was age 34 years old. he felt annoyed by the wind and felt troubled by the mystery how hobbits originated. he knew the order: first immortal elves awoke to their "first" dawn. later, a semigod made dwarves and after that men and hobbits started writing history but how?

he escaped the wind by walking toward his big round green door... radagast the brown appeared by magic, blocking his path. radagast said "i have an urgent mission for you". bilbo wanted his calm life in his small cave home along the side of a hill. he said "no way i have not even reached the coming of age". 

radagast said, "you think you can deceive me but you dont know i am a wizard." bilbo now understood how the guy appeared. still he argued "i dont even know your name". he replied "call me dugg, short for rad-ug-ast." 

"if you are a wizard then you could prove it. dugg asked "what can i do that would convince you?" bilbo said "nothing can convince me." dugg said that he knew he was lying and already convinced by the appearence by his door. bilbo argued that regardless i dont want any mission.

dugg claimed the mission would lead him in due haste to much delicious food and was not even dangerous. bilbo argued that he did not know his roots and ancestry. dugg understood that he referred to the origins and claimed he could use magic to help reveal the truth behind the mystery.... if on a condition:

"you help with the things important to me then i will help the things important to you. that sounded good so bilbo invited the wizard in for his second breakfast. dugg sat and waited as bilbo the host served fresh baked bread and cheese chunks. they drank fruit juice. dugg explained that many animals that he loved very much were injured. 

he found them moaning and dragging themselves with broken bones! he needed help caring for them and defeating whatever harmed them. bilbo argued "aha so you are NOT a wizard or else you could heal them all easily". dugg explained that he found a few at a time but had too many and also needed time to find n stop the cause.

bilbo strained brain for an excuse to stay home... and suggested "use magic to conjure all the wounded animals nearby to your hospital, that would save time following the moans." dugg agreed that was part of the plan. he would teach magic to bilbo, can i call you bil? bil nodded

"you will gather them and locate the broken limb fix the injury and repeat while i find the source and the cause. bil agreed to study magic and repeated he wanted to know his "mysterious origin of hobbits". then i wont need this said dugg as he spilld a potion on the wood floor in the hole in the hill.

the reason you prefer living in a hill is because your origin is human who dwelled in caves. uh oh! the potion was reacting to the wood planks on the floor over the dirt. a loud hissing louder than a big group of snakes was rising from the wood with a spiraling smoke until the potion ate the wood and soaked into the mud. 

"my floor shouted bil, forgetting the potion. i will fix it. dugg waved his wand at the damaged wood. the wood began to change color and grow.the plank was changing to a bright white like grew over the hole and attached with the plank beside it spreading even under their feet as the wood fossilized to white stone. 

above the new layer of stone he conjured tiles and rugs which flew in by the closed window... it was a windy day as you remembered, floated through the glass like it was water. while the rugs floated, tile piles lined in rows on the floor. in each room from the center row by row until the walls. 

dugg widened the floor area so  a full tile would fit on each of both sides stretching the supports for the roof. this repeated in each of the three rooms with windows on the side of the hill and the kitchen and dining rooom and bed room that lacked windows on the inner side of the corridor. 

finally rugs landed in the bedroom. dugg said if you help me i will enlarge your hole and arrange the rugs as you like but we must help the poor animals. bil was too astonished to say anything but nodded. dugg put his wand in the narrow pocket inside his beryl cloak. his pointy hat did not match due to its cobalt blue color. 

suddenly he grabbed bilbos hand said a hex and they were outside! by the round green door. bil gasped. next dugg said a different powerful charm and the windy day intensified! it lifted bil and dugg a few feet up and blew them southwest between trees that gracefully swung their low branches aside for their passage.

dugg commented "brooms are for broads".  soon they arrived at the small simple hut that radagast had built without magic. dugg explained that he wanted to invite bilbo as soon as he realized how vast the problems were but he needed to wait until the elves sent him a more powerful wand. 

note: this world does not have the same wand rules as potter world so i wont steal her marvelously great ideas.

what is a wand? asked bil. dugg explained a part of a magical creature for example the hair of an ELF kuz they have an endless supply.... is encased in a branch that was hollowed. the variety of elf descendants defined which type of tree they would use. this was from a branch from an oak that was split.

he hollowed and reattached around the long brown elf hair. dugg gave bil the more powerful wand and explained that he already prepared the books with the hexes and charms. bil walked timidly to the table in the center of the hut under the roof window. beside it was a miniature bed its length the size of a chair so bil sat on the bed. 

he lifted the smoot oak branch. he felt the energy of the magical creature the elf hair encompass his arm. he started to feel love toward this wand... until dugg awoke him and said that the books are already open to the relevant pages with heavy polished rock as paper weights to keep the page from closing or turning. 

bil read the hexes and the meaning and the instructions until he saw the summon spell. as he started to speak the spell which was a rhyme, "gusts of wind..." dugg yelled STOP you are still indoors and did not learn enuf nor practice. oops. bil memorized one spell from each book then walked outside. 

dugg watched from the window by the "piece of hut" that he had brought from his childhood home.
bil raised the elven wand and slowly and dramatically chanted, "gusts of wind, broken bones, bring them in, by this home." dugg moaned "you said it wrong, you will need to practice without a wand..." but dugg was interrupted!
a whizzing from all sides! the powerful wand had sucked all the broken bones with their host rabbits and other small animals, creatures that the valar created in that world, they landed in row after row by the wand. bil tried to recall the other rhyme and spoke a spell. "broken bones, straighten straight! you regrow, when i wait."

dugg bit his tong not to protest, and hoped it would suffice. the sound of crackling snapping bones that he expected never came, instead the bones GREW to the correct shape. the happy hoppers were free to roam again and scattered between  the trees. dugg was satisfied and went to search for the orcs who were harming his  beloved neighbor creatures. 

bil imagined a great battle as many orcs swung dangerous weapons at the wizard but felt certain magic would win. bil simply repeated the spell pulling various types of creatures and growing the broken bones together until finally the largest deer came on the wings of wind. about twenty pairs of spells repeated. 

the last charm failed and a yellow golden flash popd from the wand instead of bringing injured creatures. so he knew all were healed. dugg returned and explained that a few big orcs and trolls were having a game how many creatures they could step on. so he flew around and turned each one to a stone statue. 

bil challenged his claim, trolls cant be out in the sun so dugg explained under the trees they are safe from the sun in the dense part of the forest. all the harmful trolls and orcs were now harmless stone statues. then dugg prepared him to use magic to know his past the intermarriage of a human with a dwarf.

bilbo was satisfied with his words but dugg encouraged him to see the whole mysterious story and record it. bil studied the method bla bla and finally held the new magic mirror to watch the story of the mysterious past. three of the valar semi gods, were arguing. one wore a robe colored chestnut red.

a second robe was coral red and the third crimson. bil knew their names were tok bok and prok,  respectively. bok said i want to generate dwarves. they will be magical creatures. tok said "dont make them immortal just in case they will be greedy". bok and prok nodded.

prok added we should add non magical humans too. the other 2 protested humans made enough trouble on upper earth we dont want THEM in middle earth. prok shrugged outvoted. the three assembled their powers and joined them to produce four hairy dwarves. each about one yard tall. 

all four had beards but two had a pair of bumps on their hairy chests for feeding infants. the trio explained that their name as a group was (the one in the handbook about dwarves) prok told them go make babies. how?  he explained exactly what the dwarves should do and they tried it and liked it. 

we should do this more often said one dwarf. a male replied "thats what she said". the dwarves started to make weapons for the elves to buy. they were so pretty that the elves bought them despite no enemy yet. the dwarves also used magic to generate the first pair of humans in middle earth, because they needed more people to buy weapons.

they started making toys for their own kids and sold them to the families of elf and human. eventually one of the rare humans felt attracted to one of the female dwarves or so he said after ladies rejected him due to his 5 foot 3 height. they wed and their children were the first hobbits? wrong!

equally half not nearer us than dwarves. the kids seemed like dwarves. the grandchildren were different because the beard of the ma went to the feet of her daughter while the human smooth face went to her face displacing the hair to the feet. the thinner skeleton of pa caused the hobbits to be smaller, while the dwarf height limited height. 

the human tallness was lost even relative to dwarves. later this girl with hairy feet behind its toes above and below wed her cousins. her birth from a non hobbit halfling who had wed a human male so hobbits are "closer even than dwarves" not just due to dwarf ability for magic, but also 3/4 geneticaly closer.

still the human traits were overruled by the dwarf nature. bilbo saaw this he wrote it in a letter to the librarian in hobbiton. the librarian prefferd the "myatery should remain  a mystery" until i read the letter and compared the handwriting to the book named there and back again so i knew it was by bil. 

that uncovered the  mystery. bil stopped smoking for around ten years until peeer pressure swayed him to smoke a pipe socially. years passed and when he was 51 years old a wizard invited him on an adventure. when bil refused many dwarves came and the story continued in the book hobbit."

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