Monday, April 22, 2024

new summary hobbit book, chapters 1 to 5

book summary hobbit, 1937, by tolkien, part 1, chapters 1 to 5 with fan fiction

intro: the title is hobbit which is a short person half as tall as us. before chapter one are two stories! see links for first story:

and second story:



c1, in the era of a flying DRAGON, a person walked out from his cave. this adult was half as tall as humans n had hair on each foot behind toes. his name was bilbo baggins. a Wizard-being named gandalf invited bil to a Dangerous adventure to get Treasure. bil lived in a hill-hole cave, shaped like a circle except the floor.

a DWARF came to bil's home, followed by more, all wearing variously colored hoods. Their names rhymed in pairs for example  "fili and kili"  the letter i sounds like the vowel in feet, [see note below]. 13 bearded dwarves [like pattern leaf leaves dwarf dwarves]  ate and sang.

NOTES to c1: a hobbit despite short is not a "type of dwarf" but is "nearer to human than dwarves" [book ring]. this might mean: hobbit nearer to human than dwarf to human: hobbit--human---dwarf, or nearer to human than to dwarves means: human--hobbit---dwarf. a hobbit is a type of human "homo hobbitus".

the hobbit species's characteristic was hole dwellers. ho+bbit matches ho+le. some changed to live in houses. see fan fiction about the "mysterious" origin of hobbits, link in intro. 

SOUNDS of dwarf names: the sound of letter a in dwarf names sounded like the letter o in the word cob same as letter a in words pa and father. for example "balin" despite one consonant letter not sound like bale. similarly fili not sound like hiring but like vowel in word feet.

c2, the dwarf group, with bil, started traveling. rain fell n wet them. at night they saw a fire so sent b' to "silently spy". he saw DANGEROUS tall TROLLS. b' chose to steal from a troll's pocket. "not a good guy". the purse was enchanted to announce, when it gets stolen. surprise! the trolls captured the burglar bil. 

when he did not return, som dwarves investigated but got surprised! trolls captured them too, more and more. the trolls argued how to prepare them as food. a voice added arguments that lasted until dawn. that caused their defeat due to sunlight that permanently turned them into "the mountain they were made from".

g' had saved the team. they found the troll cave [where trolls usualy hid from sunlight]. inside it was food that they took. they saw the dead trolls' GOLD so they buried some. they also took some swords.

NOTE: two ugly parts were replaced in the video. in book, bil stole like a burglar, which bil misunderstood, gandalf meant "quiet" matching hobbit nature to "move unseen and silently," as added in book rings. instead of stealing, they were victims of stealing. the trolls stole two ponies from the dwarves. also in book the argument caused them to turn to stone. instead, gandalf wiz broke a rock, with action, causing sun to petrify them for saving the dwarf group. act to rescue! a flaw in the story is the trolls wrestling. that allowed bil to escape yet he did not go to warn the dwarves, despite thinking that option before stealing. so i censored his freedom as if still captured.

THREE: the team came to an ELF town. the elves recognized the swords [from troll cave]. an elf taught them "the light at sunset" will help them find the secret entrance. +fan fiction: the dwarves were EAGER to go to treasure so after one night packed food and left after a literal "short rest".

FOUR: on a mountain trail, the team saw GIANTS throwing big boulders to each other and catching them. [game but video battle]. Later, a hail storm with lightning flashes and powerful thunder, and howling wind hit the adventurers. they slept in an empty cave.

GOBLINS from deep in the cave stole their ponies. a scary nightmare woke b', who like hobbits have sensitive hearing! b' saw goblins so yelld. wiz escaped, in a bright flash. goblins abducted the team. The Great Goblin accused, "Murderers!" 

Gandalf reappeared, in a surprise rescue mission. he stepped out from smoke and sparks, that flew all over and burnt and confused goblins [but never used magic to kill only to hurt]. g' stabd the Great Goblin using an enchanted sword which killed it. the dwarves grabd back swords n battled to escape. 

g' led them n was swinging his sword that glowed that indicated goblins due to the goblin dark magic. they cut *thrue [pattern like due] many goblins, killing all around. dwarves alternately carried Bilbo on their backs. they ran far until g' slowed so dwarves passed. 

g' guarded rear. vengeful goblins came, so he and thorin killd them. the pair rejoined the team. a silent goblin grabbed the dwarf that carried b.b. who fell and banged his head. the dwarves escaped without b'.

NOTE: film added an amazing chase and swinging bridges and mass loss of murderous goblins.

FIVE: b' "regained consciousness" in the dark. his magic sword glowed so he saw the magic ring. +fan fiction it only glowed for goblin not for magic ring so he crawled and felt his way until he found a ring... a MAGICAL ring that wanted to be found.

by a lake, a "slimy, large-eyed, pale-skinned" skinny thing challenged b to riddles. they competed to understand vague rhyming clues. if b' lost he must drop dagger and let gollum eat him. if b won then g' must lead him out from the mountain. g' asked him: "what makes iron rust,

and grinds rock to dust?" 

b did not know... scared he will die he begged "time". g showed anger that "time" was the answer. [clever!] b asked what is in his own pocket. g did not know so he agreed to lead b out... but then he went to get something... and found that his ring was missing! he returned angry at b for taking his ring. 

b slid it on his finger as he fled... g overtook him... and passed! the magic ring hid b. g rushed to the entrance to block b taking out the ring... so b followed and by the entrance "jumped over him" and out of the cave.

+fan fiction: when g blocked exit, b used his ring to sneak to gollum, who held a stone to kill b, so b used dagger to stab him to death. after we saw, in earlier film, that gollum bit frodo finger as obstacle of destroying the ring [film 3 shown before this earlier story] this obstacle will not have occurred. 

also g' will not have led... frodo to the giant spider. insted f will wander into the spider cave and get bit. sam will instantly stab spider and save him.

SIX: b reunited with team. wolves surrounded them!


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