Saturday, September 5, 2020

summarizing hobbit 2013 video, [part 2 of book]

 the first chapter of my summary for hobbit, part 2 smaug 2013.

the summary at fandom is very bad, kuz it does not tell the setting time and place clearly. it says that a human is "more prone to reason than a bear"... this should be obvious, as a human in fiction... but the people i know are not prone to reason any more than a bear ! when will i meet one?

the order is dreadful and many sentences drag on and on so i fix.  horses cannot protect "safety".

STORY:  in a pub named Prancing Pony, two men met, BEFORE the dwarves met bilbo. one was the exiled king, named Thorin Oakenshield. the second was a wizard named Gandalf. outside, the night was auspiciously rainy. g warnd o, "somebody wants to kill you," and advised to get the Arkenstone from the Mountain, which the great dragon Smaug conquerd. This would persuade the scatterd Dwarves of Erebor to follow him. He will need a stealthy burglar to steal his jewel back. FLAW: since this led to going to bilbo, and shown afterward it must be a "memory" that thorin was remembering, during the journey that was already shown.

Continuing from part one 2012, the Pale ork Azog led his force across the plain. Elsewhere, Bilbo is up a cliff scouting. he saw a bear and went to warn the dwarvs. they go toward a house that belongs to Beorn. The bear chased them so they ran until closing the door blocking it. it turns to gaurd the home from the arriving orcs. blocked by the bear, Azog and his force campd nearby.

a messenger came. Azog went to the Necromancer as instructed. the Necromancer appointed him to lead an army. Bolg, Azog's son went to hunt the dwarves.

At dawn, the bear transformed into Beorn. they talk about the quest. Beorn warnd the dwarvs about orcs. he told the story that Azog and orcs hunted his species almost to extinction. He lends his horses to the dwarvs. Beorn switches to his bear form to gaurd them from any Orcs.

the dwarf company rode until reaching a forest. on a ruind building Gandalf saw words.  Galadriel begd his mind to go to Rhudaur. He instructed them to follow the Elven path to the mountain, without him and wait there for him. so they follow the path in the forest. the trees blocked light from the sun. the path ends by a cliff, blocking them. Bilbo climbd a tree to see where to go.

from the top he saw the edge of the forest and a lake. he was climbing down to tell them which direction to continue... when branches shook. He continued down but tripd on some web. he fell into a web. the Great Spiders attackd. one wrapd bilbo to bind him. 

to be continued at


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