Wednesday, September 2, 2020

my summary for "phineas and ferb episode 206a"

 perry lays an egg- fixing ten big flaws and a few minor flaws too.

1, my summary of the episode in phineas and ferb. why?

fandom has BAD summaries of videos and episodes, that often dont match the story, when any summary should SUMMARIZE the story. they have blatant flaws that make those parts hard to read for example in this episode "whales did not steal" a lady. that does not match the story. even vague parts must be fixed to match the story: starting a story "in the backyard" is vague, were P&F under the tree as usual? nope. so bad start, kuz they "came down" a tree. 

such flaws make the story hard to read and this episode-summary has around ten blatant flaws besides minor sentence structure but i counted the big flaws.

needs fixing ergo i fix the ten FLAWS not minor grammar but the ones that are hard to read. 

2, i fix here, but not on fandom kuz administrators "blocked me" from editing with the reason "unacceptable username" despite any username valid they are pro-cut baby and cant bear to see the opinion "to save baby from knife of circumcision" they showed that they felt so guilty seeing they might be wrong that they disccussed demoting me from my burocrat status at fandom... shows what cutting infants lead to, they know they are wrong... cant bear to see the alternative yet brazenly keep wounding infants with no medical urgency to hurry and cut baby before able to consent.

if i fix, i wanna let others enjoy reading the improved version but not on fandom as above so i publish here. why not let people see? kuz fandom staff as above. now the summary fix.

3, first note the need, the sentence structure is bad "Phineas and Ferb find an egg and believe it's Perry's, and+ they take care of it until+ Candace decides+ to teach them how to properly take care of an egg."

in addition to minor flaws in sentence structure dragging on, with different actions, which i marked and are minor, worse she does not just decide, but acts. also it does not say that the bros made a device. more important than thse miinor flaws is the blatant major flaw in the next part of the bad fandom summary "Meanwhile, Heinz Doofenshmirtz plans+ to get revenge on whales for stealing+ his old girlfriend." in addition to minor flaw vague, what did he DO? did he make  a device? it does not match the story kuz "whales did not steal" her this is a blatant flaw.

4, breef: P&F made a good gadget to warm the egg. doc went to insult whales. a-p went to stop him, til he saw this evil insult is harmless, so flew away. the egg hatches !

details: P&F were up in their tree. When they climbed down, the branches shook 

causing an egg to roll down from a nest until reaching their pet platypus. they see the egg near perry and say that "perry lays an egg." perry left. bros hurry to make a gadget shaped like a platypus, hurrying to warm the egg. For that purpose enuf to make "part of platypus"  for warming the egg.

note the blatant flaw in the next part "She is eating popcorn and+ in the show, it says that even if the turtle cannot+ even+ walk five feet, it still has a chance of danger." this is hard to read and poorly connected.

so i fix.

5, Candace watched a show about sea turtles hatching. sometimes the moment they hatch they already face danger. candace shows she cares about animals. then she checks on her bros and sees the egg. she ran and grabd it from them to protect it. she wears a costume of a platypus [that pa had worn in a different episode].

a-p flew to doc at sea. doc tells him the story: "my date loved whales, so i made a device to talk with whales. the whale invited her to be his frend so she dumped doc". note she preferd the whale kuz she loved whales not " She follows the whale's orders" nor the "whale stole". she preferd whales kuz she loved whales.

6, Doc will insult the whales. although this is evil and bad to insult, a-p flew away kuz harmless plan. doc chases a-p trying to convince him to try and stop himself. perry ignores him... not... "just seems to be scaring Perry away." but a-p is flying home.

in yard bros made a support so candace can personaly warm the egg. a bord hatched from the egg and starts hitting candace wearing the platypus costume kuz it is the type of bird that is the enemy of the platypus. ma sees the pile of clothes for warming the egg and asks why they made a mess. phineas explains about warmming the egg with a gadget but candace wanted to provide personal care. ma said candace must clean up her idea.

7, candace complaind that: note blatant flaw "complaining about after missing all the boys' projects " that is vague and should be clear "ma never saw bros gadgets so why see hers? and punish her?"

jeremy came and complimented her for her costume.

at sea, a whale hears his insult and bangs docs boat "not blasts off" doc fell into the air hole of that whale. it is the one that his date now lives inside.

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