Sunday, August 16, 2020

the Divine-Deal D.D.

 at the end of the gita, the dialog between the holy one, meaning god vishnu in body krishna also called kaseva... krishna offers an amazing deal to e,phasize the importance of studying the gita, meaning bhagavad gita inside the mahabarat.

although the four books called veda are the roots of hindu. the first called rig has hymns praising many gods with various names not the famous vishnu. it has the hymn that speaks about killing a goat as a sacrifice offering in rig veda. in contrast, the gita offers a deal. krishna is the divine named vishnu in human form and offers two deals to humanity.

one with actions is "preferable" so some will choose that path ... yet also suffices two other ideas of faith.

page 97 of gita teaches the importance of reading the dialog... with a promise from god vishnu himself in krishna, "if a person studies this holy conversation" dialog and holy kuz from krishna, between krishna with arjuna, that is the "sacrafice of knowledge" which mentioned earlier in the book is more powerful than any other offering, either study or hear is "freed" and same place of "pious acts". vishnu himself offered the deal. now the goa of freed is defined in parantheses and by context "you arjuna were born before" people repeat when they die in new body of caste or animal where they suffer but hearing or studying this also frees from the repitition of rebirth... so although you do pious acts kuz better path the other method hear or study reaches "the same blessed place as pious acts" that is a great deal. in case krishna is god i accept the bargain and study it.

earlier he talks about ideas and now defines it as this hearing or studying... dont you want this deal? 

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