the abraham club, details
1 until the jew leaders cancels the section, quoted by child hitters to "obligate them" to hit physical pain to children, same as whipping a horse in training, the cruel jew and christian too will "obey god" and do cruel evil pain on children no matter what the year number is.
2 similarly the non painful but immoral abraham club. also based on the so called "holy" bible.
if you feel horrified by the story below things these brats did, touching genitals when minors, then how can you not be more horrified at the physical pain that strong big adults hit so inflict on smaller weaker children in hit and cutting genital circumcision cut and blood adding to the same bad act of touching this genital in circumcision yet worse cut and blood. all these must be edited and fixed.
these cruel people must be deterred, by punished harsh enuf to deter.
3 back to the diary: when i was in first grade at the jew institute the rabbi told us bible stories. around two months into the skuul year the stories were about abraham kuz the jew reads these stories in hebrew in the jew church. by then the rabbi had already been using the recess break to hit me. each day many repeated hits together as I howled in physical pain. helpless. he had been hitting me often already during those months I did not know that "sadists want to hit more when the victim protests" yet the victim must protest especially if they have pain or the hitter can lie "how do I know it hurt?".
one fateful week during class teaching time, the "holy" rabbi told us the pen, is, story. abraham sent his slave- yes a slave. god never commanded "all slave owners shalt free all their slaves." religion and bible is not a lesson for ethics. anyway the slave said a vow to bring a wife to the son of abraham from family of abraham.
the rabbi included that in the story, the bible wrote that the slave "placed his hand under abrahams leg" why would he touch his leg? the rabbi explained: the holy place of the holy circumcision that abraham chose as an adult to cut himself.
i add differs from baby or child that is compelled and forced and does not agree nor "consent with understanding" the issues and harm from circumcision.
this story caused the "abraham" club.
everybody knows in western society we must not touch other people in the "bathing suit" place kuz the same reason the clothing for swim must cover that place, same nobody else touch it. an adult that touches a child there does deserve punishment and yes cut and blood is worse crime added to touch with measurable harm and yes also touches the place too. if 3 years in prison for touching then touching with cutting should be three plus double six years total 9 in prison fed only water. until thin, and low range of body mass per hiet then also dry bread once per day.
4 back to the story: an older boy not named jakob was starting fifth grade. apparently nobody in fifth grade agreed to join his club so he asked 3 younger kids. i heard about the club from a young boy in my class year, not named isac. we will see that isac had been in the club for a year, since pre-first and served in the club as "gaurd" meaning the lookout.
in first grade the rabbi told us to read and chant the hebrew words of praise to "god" meaning jehova of the jew. then rabbi left the room and no adult watched. the kids obeyed and chanted the hebrew prayers. until isac who sat at the desk near the door looked around the room and chose me. isac left his desk and book. he came and invited me to the abraham club.
we went to the secret clubhouse in the skool and another young boy, this one not named josef stood in the doorway making sure nobody saw the things we would do. isac and i passed the gaurd josef who was one year younger than isac so age 5 years kuz isac was 6. josef had a big brother not named jakob he was starting fifth grade and was already in the clubhouse with his younger brother josef the gaurd. isac explained that the club represents the respect for gods commands and this abraham vow bible story that we had heard that month, of the oath kuz otherwise they would not allow touch.
for honor the circumcision i was easily swayed, based on the story of the slave of Abraham in the "holy" bible, the same as the older boy had convinced the other young boys.
5 the oldest in the club not named jakob had already uncoverd his circumcision. i could see his stomach and some fuzz at the place where the soft tube hangs from the stomach. jakob announced in hebrew words the section that the slave put his hand under abrahams leg.
jakob did that action to isac age 6 in my class year when isac pulled his soft tube through his zipper. josef the gaurd was watching us so jakob hissed "look to warn if anybody is coming." josef obeyed. after the hebrew words, jakob said "this is for respect of the holy commandment" kissed the holy place of circumcision same as the vow or oath of the story.
next i uncovered same as jakob had rolled his pants down from his waist. jakob put his hand on the back of my thigh. the soft tube for waste liquid called urine responded with inflating longer. jakob kissed his soft lips on the place of the holy commandment. the soft tube was no longer soft.
jakob rose and announced "hail king arthur. you isac have found king arthur. he is the only one not soft so he is the king of the club." jakob rolled his sweat-pants back up to his waist covering his body. i felt relief that i would not placing my mouth on the place where the waste liquid called urine streams out.
however isac complained "i did not kiss yours yet". jakob explained that now we found a king so all members only kiss the king. isac whined "you kissed mine so i should kiss yours." jakob was silent. isac continued whining "i waited all last year to advance from gaurd to active service and now you kissed me and i dont kiss yours. that not fair". jakob comforted him that he would kiss the king. so isac kissed my holy place.
6 next josef the gaurd wanted a turn. isac said that last year when he was gaurd he could not do service. but jakob told his brother that if he showed that he was a jew, same as josef in the bible showed his brothers, then he could do service. again isac whined "that is not fair". jakob sent isac to be lookout and josef uncovered his circumcision show he was a jew. then jakob approved so josef covered himself and did the service kissing the holy place of the king. after this third kiss i covered myself.
jakob pointed at the bulge in my pants and said "nobody can know about the meeting. they will notice the bulge in your pants." so jakob taught me to do the exercise of leaning against the wall and sliding down to a sitting position so the weight stretched the muscles near my knees. within seconds the distraction caused the tube to return soft.
jakob hissed angrily that we must only read the "standing prayer" so nobody would notice that we were not in class during prayers.
isac and i returned to first grade classroom. jakob led his brother to preskuul and probably returned to his fifth grade classroom.
i obeyed jakob that day and only read the standing prayer. when the other brats stood from the chairs and read the standing prayer i started at the same time knowing that i had skipped, not read many pages that day in contrast to the previous months. those months I chanted the Hebrew prayers with the other students and did not know the excuse for punishment hits from the sadist rabbi those months.
the other brats read the hebrew faster than myself and finished the silent standing prayer blessings first.
the following day was the same as future days. the club did not meet kuz only once per month on inconsistent days for the secret. i started reading the prayers chanting loud at same speed but the silent part, everybody else read the hebrew faster and probably skipped words. this would all change in second grade when i tried to learn the meaning of the hebrew words. story in next diary.
to be continued.
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