my summary WITH introduction to star-trek-3, 1984.
note: all the ideas are from the videos not mine. see below for brief summaries of the other star trek videos.
INTRO st3: those, who chose the name for the title and knew the story of this video, should have known that this title called "search for spock" does not match the story, so it is a bad choice naming this story with that title. both those who know the previous video, i mean 2, before this third and those who know this story would know that spock did not "need finding." so an intro must warn that the name is bad because "nobody searched" instead the opposite everybody knows as in part 2 where spock is. in part 2 spock died and everybody knows the place where his body lay. nobody in this story "searches for spock". kirk knows the place of spocks body. spocks dad thinks he knows that spocks "essence" is in kirk until reading kirk mind. then he knows spocks essence which "relied depended" on a body is "lost" same as a flame when no wax remains for feul, ends. so dad does not search either.
so only if you do not know part 2 you can be misled by the bad title that spock "needs finding" which is wrong.
to introduce the story we continue from the point that spock DIED. how? we will not be lengthy about part 2 simply "Spock died." the location of spocks body is known.
the story continues in this video REPEATING some of the final moments of spocks life. some very vague and only for the purpose marketing to cause people to buy part 2 since the sequence was selected in a way that you will not understand unless you buy part 2. this video repeats that they sent the coffin holding spocks body onto a planet. that introduces the story of part 3.
SUMMARY S.T.3 trees grew around the coffin that contains spock corpse. the sv named 1701 moves through space on a background of stars, returning to planet earth. kirk recorded that his son is exploring a planet and repeats that spock died. people talk. a science vessel studies the planet "newborn" by the technology mentioned in part 2. as will be repeated soon. doc mccoy is in spocks bed. david, son of admiral kirk, studies the new planet. he sees plants and is surprised to find animal life.
spocks dad tells kirk that spocks essence lives in kirk. but he finds he is mistaken and that spock stopped existing.
admiral kirk asks permission to get spocks corpse. when the top ranks forbid, he steals the sv with a small crew. they open the doors and fly out to spock. yes, they "know" where spock is.
david finds young spock outside the coffin. spock is growing at a faster than natural rate because of the proto-matter used in the process changing chemical matter into living plants. yes soon he will look the "same" as before he died. spock is at the phase of age 8 then a teen then an adult. klingons come to the new planet. they want the power and call it a weapon. they take david and spock captive. wen kirk arrives the klingons demand the technology or kill the captives. they almost stab one scientist but david, kirks son interfered until the klingon killed david. kirk is furious. they set the transporter device to bring klingons after they leave the ship.
kirk destroys the enterprise when only the klingons are inside. they are stranded on the planet with spock. the klingon general comes to the surface of the planet and sends the captives to his sv.
kirk wrestles with him until kicking the klingon over a cliff. he speaks klingon and is "beamed" up to the klingon sv. the humans control the sv and fly to planet vulcan. the vulcan lady "melds" joining the minds of mccoy with new-spock. happy ending until part 4 when the leaders will punish kirk for stealing the space vehicle. end.
other brief summaries:
my summary of STAR TREK ONE, 1979
after many short episodes, now kirk leads a crew on a new adventure.
a powerful force destroyed a space vehicle and is moving toward planet earth. klingons shoot at it but it will not stop its mission and destroys the klingons. kirk flew to it and does not shoot. he enters it and spock communicates with it. what is it? what does it want? spock finds out. as mccoy says "it will be disappointed". and a surprise ending.
my summary of STAR TREK TWO, 1982
scientists go to a planet and find the prisoner named khan. khan outsmarts them and escapes. he wants revenge and tries to kill kirk. even more than desiring the new technology to change chemicals into living plants, he is obssessed with killing kirk so how will kirk beat khan?
st3 as above they return to bring spocks body to Vulcan but Klingon interfere. they hope that spock has a soul that lives separate from his dead body. next st4 see future post.
st5 a vulcan uses hostages to take control of sv named enterprise. kirk is locked. how will he escape? where is the sv going to?
st6 the klingons lose their source of energy and become weak. they ask to negotiate a peace treaty with federation. who shot the klingon representative? how will kirk escape prison and stop the war-mongers on both sides? end of series of stories.
comment: these six respond to issues argued by religions: issues related to a "creator maker" 1 and the "source of prophetic messages" 5. the power of creating a planet 2, but calm down if you believe in god because in part 3 the planet is unstable. the issue of a soul, the essence of the conscious thinking 3. making sea life exstinct is bad even far worse than you would think 4. war mongers are bad and the good guys will stop them, 6. except for the situations when war-mongers are correct.
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