Wednesday, November 28, 2018

parts for next

modern hebrew
teaching vovel marks despite not printing dots for adults beginners can learn and learn words to prepare
from simple in groups group single dots together in first two:
1 one dot above letter vowel "go" +group with "dot over line |" same "plus with colon +:" same sound in modern hebrew=go however rabbi say read bible=ancient hebrew same yet wrong as josepus preservd omicron like vowel in "soft=raw" noe=naw+eh and other 2 sounds i heard also wrong
2 one dot under vowel "bee" in modern h. but ancient not preserved so same.
3 a pair under has 2 shapes if horizontal .. then vowel "bay" in MH. but ancient h. as josepus preserved "bed" sadly he only preserved one name as he specified.
if vertical like colon : marks no vowel like zero vowel so only letter. matches ancient that did not mark this shape
4 only in MH group of "3 in triangle form"=vowel "bed" but ancient h. sounded "ah" for the letters with this mark. instead the sound was with ".." as preserved and as above.  if : added then faster shorter sound but israelis say fast even without : end.
5 group of 3 in diagonal vowel "boot=grew" same group line with dot near middle |
6 MH plus + or - or - with : colon all same "ah" vowel "pop=father" also ancient hebrew preserved this sound for plus however even +: which today is changed.
endnote: the line was once pronounced like vowel "bee=be=he" as preserved in hebrew genesis which as a book should not be preserved except this quote here preserves with warning bad book only this detail worth preserving pnee-el sound with line | or without.
for november 21 anchored unmoving one month before the longest night an event in nature
note if miss then makeup the evening of the longest night in nature called December 21
BAKED because oil fattening so health to bake on oil instead of fry in oil. anyway oil not important  in ancient jewish nor should it be now except to cause obesity which is bad.
need oven and grater and "baking paper" also ricotta soft cheese eggs vej-s oil
choose spices you enjoy cinamon or salt and black pepper or kamon or korkum?
per person 1 small potato 150 gram (or larger potato more portions)GRATED
sweet potato half around 300 gram
one carrot 100 gram
one small onion 100g
one fresh egg
1/2 cup (0.5) ricotta cheese around 50 gram
GRATE all vej-s and squeeze between absorbant paper towels
PREPARE OVEN  200 degrees centigrade pre-heat while:
MIX with other items and shape 5 centimeter or 2 inch diameter
oil the baking-paper "parchment" place the flat disks on it then on tray in oven
BAKE 12-15 minutes enuf
note: this improves modern hanuka by shifting to firm time in nature and removing fried potato
it improves ancient hanuka which did not have oily food neither 500 years ago nor earlier while fixing the date by linking to nature one month before shortest night instead of silly calendar.
song inspired by end song in chinese video about depressed people and suicide hotline who themselves in the end suicide self. if find melody, these adjusted lyrics words match melody or simply rhyme
1 very slow
"is life only a series of struggles
is courage only - for our worried souls?
+slow pace "all walking this path of no-return
as our fates occur-
faced-with endless, troubles and doubts-
we struggle more and more
2 high part [from chinese] "in a life- of dark and light
who knows my worries?
in a life- of fast and SLOW,
who hears my cry?
[again high] "in a life- of ups and downs-
who knows my worries?
in a life, of stop and GO
who? [rising tone] understands... to help me.
note: the melody alone makes me cry and the words so powerful.

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