Wednesday, November 14, 2018

mexico border

dem's want the immigrants to enter- and grant pathway to citizenship period why is that bad? because at the expense of those other IMMIGRANTS doing and waiting for the process
but rep's say only same process for all immigrants come with process only for all.
what do border states say? because new york does not care what happens if a million mexicans illegally enter texas what does it do with me? so far away... well once inside they can take a bus or plane to new york....
anyway the stupid non borders close their eyes to evidence hence what about on the border
from the east texas is the first border state
border states federal senators
texas since 1970 texas had one d and one r until 1993
from 1993 2r
the people liked r for OVER 24 years
now that r wants to cclose the border texans keep r.
East not border to the west called new mexico=border
i predict close border? wrong!
50 years ago new mexico 2d then briefly 2r but 1983 d+r
in 2009 one r was swapped for 2d and even now they want d this is a threat on texas people who cannot enter the border crossing at texas will enter nm and then go to neighbor texas. similarly the next west border- arizona border
1970 rdrr
so since 1995 rr both r keep out but between is a gap between a and t is n wanting let them in this annoys t and a but they are not majority of norder
california is also border and they say dem so 2 against 2 and the resy are not on the border so ignore the texans...  except that on other issues most are republican in senate and possiblu will try to build that wall. i want that wall... eventhough i am not in texas. why? it diesnot affect me?
because i know to lock the door fo my home and the same for my country trust is not granted to anybody until earned and worse for a mixed group.

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