Friday, November 23, 2018

dear diary age 21

dear diary
in the spring of year 1996, i traveld when my parents had generously bought me a plane ticket. i flew to israel and shared a van to jerusalem. i studied at a rabbinic school in jerusalem. the dorm was very stingy with 8 beds meaning four bunk-beds which each with two levels in each narrow room. i made the effort to discover also secular colleges in jerusalem used bunk beds for college age students which is disgusting to make a man or woman age 18 climb up and also stingy. is that how bachelor students are housed in your country? in any bachelor degree? or associate degree?
anyway my first night there was saved by a yung man who showed me how to get in from the correct entrance. see that wouldv been a disaster standing at the wrong locked door all night and probably getting robbed same as every country.
so he directed me to the correct entrance and warned me that the mountain of jerusalem is VERY cold in the morning so that was helpful. sadly he was correct and despite having a blanket in the morning i was soon sick with a harsh cough but luckily no fever.
before i was sick, the lunches were much better quality than those served in the stingy college in america. however the problem was we sat at tables with 4 chairs yet the plate was served with FIVE pieces of chicken that is very un-american and stupid- what idiot decided to serve 4 people the wrong number of chicken fillets- and imagine the fighting this could cause. my desire to meet the locals caused me to sit at the table with israelis... and as is common from the stories we see in videos and television, the students lied that the seat was reserved. i lied too- that i would just sit until the usual guy came... and as i expected nobody came.
i jamd my fork into the plate "snaring" one piece of chicken fillet. the students protested so i bit and garbled in broken hebrew that now that i bit it is too late. so they cussed at americans angrily with mean faces. i watched to see which jerk would take 2... meaning the fifth piece.  when he did i attacked in broken hebrew words "you cant take 2- is more than the other people" but the others said he should get it because- his father was a rabbi- gasp! they consented so i was equal to 2 of them.
i only sipped a bit of the drink [water with syrup flavor] because i had been warned the water in jerusalem often makes americans sick with diaria because it is very different and i guess the cause is the dissolved rocky minerals which is not common in american water. probably not dirty virusses which cause illnesses in "developing" countries which means dirty and not yet developed.
after the meal i went to the principal to complain that tables with four should be served exactly four servings because it would cause fights.
the principal said "just take turns each day who gets the extra piece" and he was surprised a complaint about too much!  so i told him that is not what happens instead people think the rabbis son should get the extra piece... but he was stubborn and i felt "as long as nobody bleeds, i am still equal to most kids."
yet the next day, i sat at the same table and again they protested. i said "i sat yesterday and yesterday nobody came" then i SPEARED two fillets of chicken and they hollered in protest...  haha i said in broken hebrew:
"now it is my turn. yesterday he got two and today i got 2"
quickly i licked them both with my tongue so they woudnot take them from me... they were so furious they left the table without taking food and went to complain to the principal that the "unfair american took 2" obviously i knew he was aware that one of them had taken 2 already.
with nobody sitting at the table i greedily took a third from the serving plate!! 2 remained but my stomach should only eat 3 chicken fillets not more.
day 3 they were prepared 4 sat at that table even before class ended so i could not sit with them althoe that day i planned only take one because after i had MY TURN to get two.
by the third day i was adjusting to the time zone and jet lag but that was when my cough arrived and i felt horrible laying in bed coughing for 2 weeks. one of my study partners brought me meals.
finally the spring warmed and a new problem came.
after eating the chicken lunch i felt HUNGRY- that was crazy considering i had eaten a meal with chicken, at first i bought cookies as a snack but by the third day of eating cookies after lunch, i realized something was wrong with my body.
sadly only years later i would learn that my body SENT The WRONG SIGNAL hunger feeling when truly thirsty for water. digestion needs water so good to drink and rabbi maimonides that said not to drink water at the enmd of a meal is bad but the truth is we need extra water to digest= silly rabbi. but that year i didnt know.
so i would eat the chicken and an hour later feel hungry in my stomach so i walked the neighborhood in search of a snack shop and found the pizza shop. but they did not allow paying with dollars so i returned to the dorm and just ate cookies again. then i learnt that a nebbor changed dollars so  instead of going to the bank [probably black market illegal so no name.] i returned to the pizza shop after i felt hungry, despite the chicken lunch, and bought two slices of pizza and i "saw that it was good" despite breaking the religious law of waiting between chicken and cheese i was just so hungry i succumbed to temptation and sinned against the rabbis rules.
i would not buy yogurt because that was this same sin but i did buy and eat pizza.. whatever.
well since i was consistenty walking there at lunch time within one week soon the "the daughters of jerusalem" noticed my walking there every day and one young lady approached to ask why i do not eat in the school.
i said that i did eat chicken but i felt hungry anyway. she was delighted and said "you are just the rule-breaker i am looking for because i am very []" censored for what we call horny... she said forget the pizza come to my apartment and i will give you vejtibil soup in exchange for you satisfying my desire.
i was scared her parents would be mad like the parents in america whose daughter i had impregnated secretly [but they discovered when she swelled with pregnancy] this girl named sara [fake name] assured me her dad was at the school for the college degree studies and her mom was at work earning money. based on past experience i knew to shave betwen my legs so asked if she had the machine electric razor. she was scared to use it so that day we simply ate soup and i used my pointing finger and after a minute switched to thumb to rub inside her lady-hole. i was surprised the process took almost ten minutes becase i knew i reach orgasm barely 2 minutes. when she reached orgasm she said "now it is your turn." yay a fair deal.
she used the electric haircut machine on my stomak and between legs and i almost "sprayed" just from that. then she spread a towel over my exposed male-finger to cover it and absorb the male-milk as expected. she climbed on the towel while wearing her dress then she moved in a circle with her weight on the male fnger and that was great i was "milked" in barely 30 seconds. then she announced we are even but you better come tomoro... so that was the beginning of my lunch break fun around 3 times per week. she also invited her 2 struggling friends. it seemed their whole class was "frigid" while these felt the urge of ALL 30. they taught me that condoms were better than pills for pregnancy and each supplied the condom on the day they wanted which was only once a week! once "sara" was satisfied she was not in the mood for a week so vered had a day and same pattern week so daniella next it seemed nature built a man to bde with more than one wife together between saras days were days for rthe other two. so very different were these horny girls miles away from my frigid wife just 2 years later. i must admit when i needed this "therapy" treatment  the most- meaning those years i had it... in contrast around age 24 my urges were much less frequent barely once a week. then it was still too  much for the frigid witch i was stuck with in marriage i mean she even refused to drink wine to relax... therefore like the holy jacob of the holy bible i continued to visit sara when my wife pushed me away as below. she liked me mostly because they knew i did not "stick" to the religious rule of "cheese apart from meat" and that i would not confess that i did sins and we would have a secret.
when my wife was frigid i would travel the next morning and lie to sara that i was still single while justifying in my mind that the "holy righteous jacob" had 4 wives so i could sleep with 4 too... especialy since i did not sleep with the witch whom i was married to so less than 4.
this friendship lasted until around year 2003 when i decided to divorce and neede to avoid suspicion.
to be continued.

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