israel's neighbors' History
prolog: during the 1950's, a book was published to teach israelis about ISRAELS NEIGHBORS that was the topic of the book content. also considering many americans are interested in israel both due to politics and the christian faith therefore i want to summarize some of the ideas from that book which has a very bad name practically erasing israel. so to replace the bad book which has bad title with a cleaner replacement i selected some good content to re-organize and preserve and to replace these bad book and bad title. based on the content the TITLE could have been ISRAELS NEIGHBORS.
Worse- THE TITLE CHOSEN is not a name spoken by british who colonized, EXCEPT BY THOSE WHO WISH THEY COULD ERASE israel. so i will not preserve the bad name and instead replace with a summary of the book content.
i will fix by replacing the title with a new one "ISRAEL'S NEBBORS", spelled as above despite STUPID TO NEED AN "H" LETTER only to show the "g" is not same as usual.
+chapter one
althoe now israels nebbors speak arabic, this is a relatively recent culture when we look at the regional history.
ever since "the beginning of the era of writing" we find only one ancient civilization around the year 3500bc- it is a civilization to the east of israel called "mesopotamia." it is the earliest civilization around 400 years before the egyption dynasty and around 1500 years before chinese civilization. the writing of that earliest culture is "cuneiform" so althoe now the nebbor to the east speaks arabic that was not the ancient civilization of mesopotamia. that civilization had kings and writing - not arabic but their own language and SUMERIAN culture. they lived and ruled near the rivers now named euphrates and tigris. these rivers pour into a "bay" with a narrow opening well not really narrow like "straits" so perhaps it should be named BAY and since tigris river pours water into the bay we should refer to it tigris bay bkuz tigris is a long major river so the bay should be named a bay as its real shape and based on the long river which pours into it tigris bay and same effect for ocean and all shared water certainly not based on any government or language bkuz "shared water" should not be claimed by "people of persian culture" nor any other.
along these long rivers was a sumerian civilization. it was the only civilization near the jordan-river-region so althoe today the the culture to the east of the jordan river has arabic language that was only the recent part of history but in ancient times there was NO civilization to the east of the jordan river including no arabic writing nor any other except the sumerian civilization.
from the beginning of the "era of writing" around 7000 years ago called 5000 bc a civilization with agriculture began. instead of wandering around hunting and chasing the moving animals, somehow the people decided to grow grains like wheat and grind it to flour and bake dough=doe [words can have more than one meaning], we see evidence of ancient agriculture and "even" ovens from around 5000 bc. as well as looms for weaving threads to make fabric and textile and cloth all around 7000 years ago.
we begin objectively with the east nebbor which see the sun appear first. the book about israel nebbors teaches that "from fourth millenia bc" the mesopotamian civilization "established a kingdom." that civilization was SUMERIAN with writing called "cuneiform." this was around 3500BC. however "the land between egyptian kingdom and it" including the land east of the jordan river, left no writing of any civilization.
in this era from 3500bc until 1400bc the two earliest civilizations egypt and mes. SPREAD into that region. this spreading continued throughout the third and second millnia bc meaning from the establishment of sumer kingdom in 3500 through the 2000's bc and also nearer our time called 1000's-bc spreading "continued" which was truly one era of spreading.
the sumerian culture developed.
in the second era around 1400bc the ASSYRIA kingdom was established.around the year 1400bc [source britannica] during the second millenia [not million as it sounds- stubid brits- this is thousands while "m" in science represents million a thousand kilogram or a thousand kilometer- it is difficult because millimeter is not millionths but thousandth part of one] around 1400bc the people in the north part of the region between the two major long rivers named tig. and euph. established its own kingdom which spread its control. until then the people were under the sumerian kings.
ISRAEL around 1000bc (perhaps david and his son) solomon "established" a kingdom in israel of the israelite families. later this nation included two kingdoms one named israel including most of the israelite tribes and a second of the same divided family the tribe called juda. the dynasty ruled throughout the "first millenia". the book with the bad title not worth preserving also briefly mentions other famous kingdoms besides egypt and assyria: phoenicia [which influenced the hebrew language in both words and spelling] sometimes israel kings battled the assyrian kings. for example their is a mesa stell of king mesa and the stories of the book "kings and isaia and jeremia and chronicles" are loosely based on that historical background like historical fiction.
***i emphasize we know with certainty that the year numbers on those books is certainly false and hence the contents are not reliable and the span of years between mesa and nebucadnezer is known so we should not TRUST the jewish rabbis who preserved and decided those books were good when truly the contents of those books is not reliable and only loosely based on the historical background. also"arab" is mentioned in the biblical book of nehemia so see below.
assyria strength ebbed and strengthened throughout these centuries until around 320bc --so we may summarize 3 eras:
1 first 3500bc-1400bc--the development of the sumerian kingdom which should be named sumeria until assyria ruled around 1400bc ruling that region which is between the two rivers euph. and tigris (so "between rivers" is the idea of the word "meso-potamia" meso like mid and potam like
++river also "potomac river.' near capital of america.) that kingdom spread as above beyond the rivers until asyrian kingdom ruled. this includes from the beginning of the era of writing parts of the fourth and second millenia-bc.
2 1400bc-300bc assyria ruled from the northern part of mesopotamia spreading its rule and battling the israelite kings as preserved in stell mesa and other written sources. the assyrian kingdom had periods of weakness between periods of strength. other kingdoms of that region also existed: babylon battled and defeated the israelite kings several times. this era include sMOST of the first millenia-bc and even MOST of the 4th fourth century-bc.
3 300bc-600ad this era is the greek and roman era. around 300 BC alexander came from teh region macedonia and controlled this region extending east to the tigris river. altho now the region to the east of thee jordan rives is an arabic culture and language we see that this is only relatively recent but in ancient times other cultures and civilizations existed and spread and developed. alexander divided the greek kingdom into parts and the successors battled each other for example ptolmey and seleucs. they were replaced by roman rule. we wil discuss the ptolmy regio nseparately becase israel nebbors can be identifiedd as eastern nebbors and western nebbors and until now i am summarizing the eastern nebbor. so only briefly ptolmy ruled along the nile river to the sea badly named mediteranean sea- because those ancient people were too primitive to distinguish "gulf and bay" but trul.y that water called med. is a GULF shape and should be named for the long river which pours into it the nile river so nile gulf all around the coast of the nile-gulf was controolled by ptolmaic dynasty which battled seleucs. to the east of the jordan river which we focus now on the eastern nebbor--- the romans defeated greek and ruled instead of the greek, including roman control of jerusalem. the roman era extends until roughly 500 ad as detailed in next post.
during the same periods thus i have fixed the flawed periods in the book with the battle title based on the events recorded in the book. it much to brief about the egypt sio i will fix by adding a bit.--part 2 west --the west cosast of israel is water and the nebbor to the south had the ancient egyptian culture . it is younger than sumeria because the egyptian kingdom began around 3150bc. the western nebbbor of isreal developed the egyptian civilizatin with the picture language- which lasted almost continuosly from the end 4th millenia bc 3150bc until the greeks came. this book is bad barely mentioning egypt so i must fix.--details the egyptian kingdom begins later than the sumerian kingdom which as above around 3500 bc but in that era the peoples of egypt were separate each city had ONLY ONE GOD which differed from city to city. in 3150 bc a powerful king took control of much land along the nile river even the upper higher south part and forced eevrybody to follow his gods. first era 3150bc-2000bc egyptian dynasties of regyptian culture along nile river surrounded by empty desert no people liver and no plants grew in the dry areas to the east and west of teh river.
around 1800bc hyksos came they were 'semitic" from the region of the jordan river [britanica calls them palestininians for bad political-misleading or bkuz they fear muslim violence we know this is false considering the name poalistine was not used by any of these cultures until the late-roman era changed the name] 1 era 3150bc-1800bc egyptian kingdom and dynasty with egyptian culture and picture language called hyroglyph. until " shortly after 1800 B.C.E." around then hyksos came and ruled replacing the local rulers. then hyksos ruled around three hundred years until expelled aroud 1525bc and locals of nile region restored the egyptian dynasties until the greek took control around 330bc. so 3150bc begins egyptian dynasty younger than sumeria. 1 era 3150-1800bc. then hykso era 1800-1400bc and third egyptiamn dynasty 1400-330bc. for more details about hyksos i recommend this source :
ptolmaic dynasty ruled along the nile river with greek culture and language and greek gods which include at least one god that died according to greek mythology- surprizingly we consider zeus a powerful god yet he is the one that the greek mythology said died. this is preserved in the culture of crete.
pair of riddles which language do jews speak? now and for thousands of years jews spoke and wriote hebrew
2 which language do the so-called-palestiniens speak? palestinian? wrong they speak arabic and are part of the arabs there is only arabs no palestinians zero.
hyksos came at end of 12 dynasty shortly AFTER amenemhat 4. ruled for 15 dynasty
some say 14 dynasty is 1640 but that is bad bkuz hyksos were 15 and much before 1640 bc as above near 1800bc. so "met" bad.
slightly better is record of expell!
Ahmose I, king of ancient Egypt (reigned c. 1539–1514bc) and founder of the 18th dynasty who completed the expulsion of the Hyksos (Asiatic rulers of Egypt)" so hyksos ruled parallel to from end of 12 until begining of 18 dynasty parallel to 13,14,15,16,17 until ahmose around 1525
some websites claim hyksos ruled around 1600 bc others claim 1700 or 1730 bc others say 1800 bc this is supported by the gap both at met website and at new world between the end of the 12 dynasty in 1807bc to "think rapper emenem" king amenemhat4" to sihathor 1685 this is when hyksos entered 1807 ruling until expelled as above around 1525bc by ahmose