Sunday, October 7, 2018

the name of the 'rock"

OTHER HUMANS ALREADY know and preserved the data which i only "saw" this week. the names of cities: "aukland" in new zealand and oakland in california are covert preservations of the name of the "rock" from which humans on this planet "Earth" came.
recently i was the receiver of a group of several signals and using dice as prescribed in the signal-message i corroborated the few clearer signals for the name of the source of life on this planet.
the first signal was clearest and grabbed my attention.... the first sound in the name is similar to english "a" corroborated with a dice role as instructed and when i rolled the dice the truth was it was showing one dot.... and that made me take the signal seriously so i continued... despite the results DIFFERING from my personal prejudice as below, still i did not waver.
following dice-shows, as prescribed in the signals, were foreign to the english pattern and described a six-letter name whose letter had few vowels...."a-w-w-x-l-_" i was hoping for more vowels even expecting like english as below yet my expectations did not match the results and i refused to tamper with the dice shows despite the probable that the second letter after a vowel is often a vowel... like the words: "human preserve name" and common proper names "flOrIdA vIrgInIa etc." but i did not tamper because i wanted to know the message-
so after 4 letters in a row with no vowel, the signal showed an image the last letter is "e" and the dice showed 2=the second vowel corroborating that the rock has a name parallel to the english sound "awwxle" which brought to mind "aukland" and more importantly in the style of "italian" for a person born in italy we are  "awwxle-an" ancestry and auxle-an is even closer in sound to the covert names aukland and oakland as above which were covertly adjusted to "go under the radar" until more humans were "ready" to be informed.. the timing decide by those who sent me the signals that it is now the time to inform people and what data to publish.
pronunciation note: i must add that we should not be "influenced by english style" to make the "e" sound like the word "axle" which we sound "aksil" but instead: in the order of the signal--! awwx+le as transmitted and received- meaning no vowel between the x and l but instead the l is moved by the vowel and as preserved in the name aukland and oakland.
the story in the message includes a watery moon [in conflict with my personal claim that life in space is possible without water- not "organic carbon based" and that we should not assume it is the same as what we observe- yet my bias did not show up in the message]- near a larger gassy-planer like a gas-giant which moves around a pale star...
++note added october tenth the star is the one named "alnilam" around 1360 light-years from earth. on the long trip from awwx-le they passed alnitak [after traveling for generations 500 light years; my interpretation] which appears beside it in orions belt and after alnilam appears around 8 minutes later alnitak appears over the horizon at a distance of over ten light years from the point in space where lnlam appears if it were the same "plane" and same radius as alnitak 826 light-years fom our planet]
which moves around a pale star [this moon showed a denser atmosphere than our planet earth] the people from there made MODIFICATIONS with genetic engineering to ape-like animals on our planet named earth they are identified as pithicus and those children of pithicus were different from their parents. that ios the source of humans on earth.
the awwxle-ans experimented with various modifications which lead to various results the "homo-erectus" etc. species. eventually when they had a satisfactory result TOOK sperm samples from the modified males and attached it to awwxle-an female eggs which were re-inserted for growth in the awwxle-an female and that gave birth to hybrids blended from awwxle-an and human [=early homo-sapien and homo erectus etc.] who are hvbrid these hybrids live among the "pure" homo-sapiens and intermarried resulting in a mingling some children more "human" and some more awwxle-an allowing the desired result for the continuity of the auxle-ans.
we know the name- that is great! the name is "awwxle" as above and as i received yesterday and as i checked to corroborate and matches the name chosen for cities by those who already knew...
we also know the place supporting the version in egyption mythology that "orion" is the source  as opposed to other legends about gods from sirius [which follows orion rising] or pleides other star clusters etc.
so are you "ready" to hear this data or or are you different from the other humans and hybrids who are ready... and which one are YOU? a hybrid? or a human?
altho a "god' like a spirit may have made the ancestors of awwxle-ans, still we know the source for the humans on our planet named earth, were produced by the people called as above awwxle-an and as preserved in names and in paralllel stories from mythology in several parallel version from different parts of the world which corroborate each other... if only corroborating those details which are parallel.

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