Sunday, October 14, 2018

sea or ocean

we use the wrd sea for smaller places than oceans yet the correct use of sea is for "total water' so "the sea" includes all the oceans which are parts of the one sea. so med is not really "sea" because sea includes atlantic and apacific ocean it is truly a gulf with narrow opening so nile gulf!
not sea.
and east of egypt is bay surrounded by 3 sides land so not sea for 2 reasons but bay or gulf and exyends until tigris ocean no "gulf" with any country name nor in that region becausenot "land 3 sides" so black not 'sea bkuz sea is big but black is gulf with bnarrow inlet
the sea includes one sea and many coeans.
in correct usage and smaller should be assigned only if separate such as black gulf and red gulf and ganges bay 3 sides and nile guldf beciase almostcompletely suirrounded wiyth only narrow stari like tigris gulf which reaches until tigris ocean no country name and no gulf because not surrounded on 3 sides all this fix! why nobody fix?? could and shoudl fix.

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