Monday, July 24, 2017

what men need to know about clitoris usage

women know, now men should know
CLARIFICATION: this article does not justify the crime of the muslim custom even when defining a benefit of that crime. the point of the article is to discuss the consequences of the usage of the clitoris to serve as a warning for men who barely hear about the use of the female clitoris.
women know that there are two different pleasures in the lady-parts. they will not speak of them separately so men must be aware that they are separate.
one pleasure is the clitoris pleasure. the part called clitoris is not located in the "deep part of the tube" where the man-part reaches while women with tricky words say "it  IS in the same place" and that is just tricky. a second separate pleasure is from the part of the tube where the man part reaches, which is less pleasure than the clitoris pleasure.
the easiest way to define the difference is:
when a woman is self-satisfied and does not feel a desire for her man because she is satisfied already. when we consider the usage of the clitoris we should ask "why NOT get divorced if i can self-satisfy. who needs men? there is no real need"
i do specify that the specific act of removing a girls clitoris is in my opinion a crime the same as male circumcision equality must be important regardless of gender and ethnicity, but that does not mean that in the big picture there is a clear benefit.
this benefit can be defined: if a woman cherishes the IDEA of marriage and realizes that the clitoris can be used to encourage divorce and when we see the frequent divorces in "western" countries, we see that the main usage of the clitoris is to encourage divorce,  rip-p-ping apart families. if a woman would cherish the idea of marriage as important and that divorce ruins family, she would offer to fix the error of the creator with adult circumcision why? before you freak out... think!
because with a clitoris she can self-satisfy and push away her man both during marriage and during divorce.she feels "I am satisfied already."
***my MAIN POINT is to warn western men about the dangers of "making commitments" to a woman with a clitoris. this is necessary because men have a different body and do not discuss the usage of the female clitoris and we see the dire results of ripped families.
2 without justifying the crime of the muslim custom i do recognize the benefit, now we identify the benefit of the muslim custom because there are two different pleasures and after the muslim custom the woman pleasure is from the man. the MAN is the cause of her pleasure. in contrast to western women who prefer divorce because they have a clitoris with a usage the main usage to self-satisfy.
islam has the clear benefit. this would justify an ADULT woman if she cherished the idea of marriage, removing her own healthy part the way removed [until now] sons in male infant circumcision common in the USA, why circumcise a clitoris? for the sake of the importance of marriage, because the usage of the clitoris is to rip families apart.
the clear benefit of the unjustifiable muslim custom is MAN-pleasure, from her man instead of feeling "i lose nothing in a divorce because i can self-satisfy with a clitoris."
3 what if a wise creator existed? then things would be different because he would be wise and know what men do not talk about. he could create a woman without a clitoris or position it specifically where the man is the cause of her pleasure, deep in the tube where the man part reaches.
analyzing this "flaw with disastrous results" adds more proof to the randomness and absence of creator,
we can imagine god planning the engineering of the lady parts. what is smart? to position the clitoris deep in the tube. why? so the women wants "penetration" and wants to repeat the feeling of insertion.
place it in position where the pleasure is from the man then she will desire the man to put his part there. in contrast to the creators error now women self-satisfy and push away the husband.
it would CRITICALLY serve the purpose of reproduction to plan the clitoris be in the depth of the tube so she wants the man to put his male part deep inside, instead of the place we find the clitoris.
4  if there would not be such dire consequences we would hardly notice that western women can self-satisfy and prefer divorce. why not? the clitoris pleasure is greater and more satisfying anyway. the MAIN usage is self-satisfying NOT FOR THE MAN TO "COMPLETE" the experience when he finishes before she does. whatever that means.
a creator could position the clitoris deep in the tube where the male part reaches. then the female has husband pleasure but instead the clitoris is in a different spot. the error of the creator which mmuslims fix. and proving the randomness of growth and the MAIN use of the clitoris is self-satisfy which results push away man.
now we can comprehend the benefit of the result of the muslim crime.
5 teaching the women that for the sake of marriage which means to prevent divorce, "make yourself" wanting a man is not simply a meaningless removal of the clitoris but a cherishing of the idea of not ripping apart a family. i mean, consider, a women who wants divorce, what will she do without a man? no loss she uses the clitoris which is greater pleasure anyway. so in simple words removing the adult clitoris sounds bad unless we see the big picture and how the usage of the clitoris results in western divorce. now christianity tells the women "masturbation is bad" but that does not work so the muslim [i cannot justify the crime while pointing out the benefit] fix the error of the creator described above, by removing the clitoris of young girls and in the short term this is a crime to the girl and cannot be supported. also in the big picture when we see western divorce relying on the self-satisfaction of the clitoris without a man- we identify the benefit of the muslim custom and the victory over western divorce.
if a woman cherished the idea of marriage enough not to break marriage with divorce could do this "change" which is adult circumcision if marriage is important to preserve, instead of divorce, then a woman would want to fix the creators error of separate clitoris pleasure. adult circumcision would be a benefit in the big picture.
is that what women do? they prefer divorce relying on self-satisfaction. this leads to the selfishness and divorce.  islams custom in which muslims do not consider it a crime, while i cannot encourage this crime but I do condemn the cutting of both genders,  results in a benefit of "man" pleasure and wanting to repeat the MAN pleasure instead of auto-erotic pleasure which destroys western families.
6 if god would create a clitoris in the smart place or no clitoris, then woman want to stay with the man because she will not self-satisfy and therefore a woman who truly wants to cherish the idea of marriage will choose to fix the mistake of the creator who put the clitoris pleasure separate from the part of the "tube male receptor," she will want adult circumcision of her clitoris why? because marriage is important not to rip families apart as we see in the western countries. a noticable benefit of the muslim custom and a victory over the west.
why do we use the word circumcision which is acceptable in western countries? because "foreskin cut" sounds horrible.
7 the usage of the clitoris demonstrates that women want to self-pleaure. westerners consider islam a crime so we must ask americans also cut off healthy bits of male genitals so islam is the same plus a benefit to protect idea of marriage so in the big picture we see the western failure of marriage and rippping families which hinges on the women self-satisfying with the clitoris. something rarely spoken but which man must be aware.
so is my opinion to cut girls? no i condem the crime of cutting healthy boys and girls while encouraging adult circumcision if marriage is cherished. men should be warned before saying any commitment to a woman with a clitoris. now we understand why women are only shocked by the idea of circumcising girls while circumcising boys is accceptable because they prefer self-satisfying and pushing away husbands.
and when these women hear about the muslim custom they prefer self-satisfy over the idea of "marriage" preservation. why preserve a marriage? no reason because the greater pleasure is the clitoris pleasure.
when we see the results of western families ripped relying on the clitoris self satisfying then we see the benefit of the islamic custom
8 now after stating facts i reveal my opinion: i say marriage is not important, then i can also say do not cut healthy parts off of either gender boy nor girl, and consistently do not commit for marriage to a girl who will self-satisfy and push you away.
only if the idea of marriage is important to a woman then preserve it! by doing adult-clitoral circumcision.
a "good" woman should WANT to be less selfish. and would cherish preserving the marriage but we see the preference of western women. something islam avoids.
the clitoris  and specifically the usage of the clitoris does contribute to western families being ripped apart by relying  on the clitoris self-satisfaction and no point in sharing the husbands bank account in marriage because "i can get his money after the divore" and self-satisfy so these justify riipping families and men need to be aware that women can self satisfy and will feel no loss in a divorce "why not? what do i lose? i self satisfy and get money more than before the divorce."
9 when we consider the families of westerners ripped apart by divorce we see the victory of islam by removing the clitoris with a clear benefit-  I cannot encourage this crime yet do notice the difference and the benefit of the muslim custom considering the results.
so what can men do? we can realize we must avoid commitments to any women with a clitoris.
while not justifying the crime of clitoris removal, the benefit exists and if westerners can accept male circumcision which westerners are comfortable with then they should see the benefit of the muslim custom "doing what is best for their daughter" in a country liike egypt where it is not a crime.
the muslim custom causes the women will cherish the MAN-PLEASURE and so the union with a man instead of self-satisfy leads to push away man and divorce.
10 again i must emphasize while not encouraging the crime i can encourage adult women who cherish the idea of marriage, to acheive the benefit of islam and we should all recognize the benefit. MORE IMPORTANTLY the point of all this is to warn men to comprehend the problem and risk of commitment or marriage to any women who had not removed her clitoris we will certainly lose so much.
in conclusion i may not justify the muslim custom, but i do recognize a clear benefit on an important isue of families ripped apart because of selfish clitoral usage- benefit which can be applied to an adult woman if cherished the idea of marriage not to break marriage with divorce and not push away her man, they would want to fix the error of the creator who separated the clitoris as described and remove the temptation which has led to ruining marriages and ripping apart families by self satisfying as if divorce "no loss" for the woman because the clitoris is self-satisfy and more pleasure anyway. if so the only thing a man is good for is an addditional source of money and in a divorce the woman gets that too !
if a woman would cherish the idea of marriage she would WANT to fix the error of the creator because she sees the families RIPPED APART however we see the preference of western woman and can now define a benefit of the muslim culture in which the man-pleasure is the pleasure something western women do push away.
the fact is westerners not only divorce frequently but have no reason to stay married because the clitoris is more fun than the man.
what could be different? a wise creator would position the clitoris deep in the tube part where the man part enters and then the pleasure is not separate from the man. the fact is women do use shaped  "dildo"-type products and even in the better place, would prefer the dildo as they do now...
that is the preference of women so a wise god would know this and not make a greater pleasure proving there is no god and no wise creator.
women do self-satisfy. so the western women's idea of divorce is "i get money and do not lose pleasure"
the only true reason [which needs to be disguised] for a female to marry is: to make enough kids that the child support will be bigger...
and to acheive this,  women "play the game" of love, to disguise the only benefit of marriage, and this means that men must be warned based on past experience.
in contrast the resullt of the crime in the muslim culture has a clear benefit: the women cherish the man pleasure- in which westerners clearly lose.

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