luckily for westerners nazis made some mistakes. not just mistakes but costly mistakes. my guess is that the actions of the nazi show that their hatred of jews in poland was SO strong that it caused them to make these errors.
if i was sent back in time to fulfill the nazis goals i would do the same mission in a different order.
if i was sent back to fulfill the british mission i would have germany do the british rebel penalty when hitler had his pouche in the 1920's the british hung rebels in those decades and had the germans huing hitler for the rebelion then he would not have organized the nazi takeover in the 1930's
back to what i would have done. annex austria nothing to fix after all austria speaks german.
annex zczechoslavakia with britians approval- a nazi success. now comes the mistake.
choice: take the land from poland which was german in the previous war?
or: delay that?
consider that britian and france are allied with poland and that in the past experience germany fought on both sides east and west- this is a reason to delay attacking poland. however many jews are in poland if i want to be master race i want kill them so which wins? the nazi hatred of jews blinded them to attack tyhe one with french allies and repeat the problem of world war one.
instead hitler could have attacked russia through czechoslavakia to "then hungary" into ukraine to weaken russia resources. quickly taking the oil of the caucasus cutting resources off and then taking moscow from the south. all of the many aircraft [which in our history attacked britian] could focus on moscow including vast carpet bombings which would flatten the industrial part of the city instead of getting distracted with "leningrad" now renamed petersburg as before stalin.
possible that france would be an ally of russia? perhaps but that is a defensive war which might not happen because russia does not need france. also negotiate with poland to keep the eastern half and return the part which was once german could avouid war with poland and benefit a buffer zone between russia and germany shortening the "war front".
also i would use italian forces to take more of africa to limit british resources.
we can imagine africa as a continent the size of 4 australias.
do you know the map of the game "risk"? africa has only five parts while australia has 2.
an area the size of australia could be one unit of which africa truly has only five! but if so australia could be one!
anyway the troops from italy could spread through the undefended africa in zones the size of australia lik eon the map of risk and draft the african men do defend the lines of south africa border and egypt borders while taking the vast resources of africa especially west african coast and ethiopia already controlled by italy spread along east coast.
at that point in 1939 draft the men of africa to defend the borders by egypt and state south-africa while doing the racist goal in africa first.
the nazi belief in masterr race could have been fulfilled if they had focussed first on africa.
we value human life and so rejoice that the nazis did not use the vehicles like trucks to load specifically young girls [more small bodies per truck] into trucks wuith the exhaust pipe tubed into the truck the way they did to jews in poland- on a larger scale throughout africa and the bodies lined up either in a boat and feed the fish on the east and west coast which would supply fish for hunman eating later and those bodies from north africa could be lined in the desert to dry.
what about floating bodies?
to accomplish the nazi goal the bodies would need to have long cuts in the stiomach so the see water would get in and sink them.if so there would be much fewer marriages when those boys aged to marriage age and all the young girls were dead and the master race would have a victory over the other races simply by delaying the attack on poland and changing the order.
the happy ending is that hitler hated jews so much that it blinded him so he attacked poland with british ally and fought on both sides and not kill the billion non-aryans.
so the happy ending the nazi government was defeated and the german citizens freed from hitlers fist and started a new government.
a similar change for japan change the order.
simply delaying the attack of navy to us- delay while focussing the numerous aircraft [those which attacked america in our history] to assist attack on china first. while bbuilding to invade russia by sea with battleship escort. phase one build to invade east russia and meanwhile use all aircraft in china they would succeed quickly and then the naval attack would drive russian back who would bnot want war on both sides and finally use all aircraft against west china of if british in india did not buil factories in australia attack australi the defense of russia and chinea would be 3 and 3 miss ned two and quick victory then wiyth more resources atatck america but the japanese citizens were freed from emperor happy aending.
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