after kev's pa warned that he would not be manipulated and said "stop manipulating me or else he would divorce", we continue the drama.
kev asked "does jew religion talk aout divorce? you know like discuss inserting the male finger in the rear exit?-- yes it forbids inserting the tube in the "manhole" but divorce is a commandment so everyone must do as many commandments as possible and this is one.-- what if you like her?-- well at first they feel love but love is like milk even in a frij it will not last, and without effort it will rot even sooner. oh, if men do insert, then the faith is that they deserve to die"
at his point kev blurted out in shock and horror " jesus christ " and then continued "that is not justice.-- i agree that cannot be from god. also man's nature is to take a younger woman after years of marriage so it is natural to divorce and marry younger woman." pa said "jesus died so the sinner will not die.--it is not justice because the sinner does not deserve any harsh punishment and certainly not death-- hmm time to stop going to church" replied pa in a frustrated grumble.
kevin announced time for homework. ev and ed came to kev for supervision and i asked pa to assist me with crazy math. pa was surprised that i did not know it. i had passed ninth grade so i explained that in 9 grade we only learned about shapes and geometry and the 2 dimension plane area and infinite plane and a bit of three dimension volume and graphs but we never learned about equations.
pa explained the idea of a graph like a soldier on a battlefield. the enemy is in a certain place relative to the city a certain distance to the side and forward so if the city is 0,0 that means no distance from the point then we can describe the place of the enemy for example 2 kilometer north and zero kilometers to the sides like this and pa pointed to the graph. we can mark the troops movements. similarly when we have equations we can mark the location on a graph.
i was finally understanding this stuff and asked about airplane height. pa explained that the graph has only two directions for two dimensins so in order to mark our reality we need a second graph with time and height so we can mark the height is 45 meters after one minute and diving down to 20 meters at the second minute by using a pair of graphs showing which part of the city it is over, with the north and east graph. then pa wrote 1,45,2,0 and said these are the four dimensions of reality. then i asked what if i add a third pair of coordinates?-- then it would be true in math but not any point in our reality and to claim it described our space would be a lie. -- a lie?-- yes like you could say a point is at 1,2,3,4,5,6 point in the dimensions of time and 5 space but we do not have those. also we can say that after a minute it changed position only in the fifth dimension e=e+2 and say the true equation 1,2,3,4,e,6 and 2,2,3,4,7,6 and this would be true in math but still not be a true point in space and to claim we had four dimensions plus time or more, is a lie because there is no space.-- i agree especially if the three dimensions are infinitely long like a line-- you understand infinte length?-- yes if there is an infinitely long line and i cut it in half then the two halves are the same size as the original-- wow i guess so-- in fact any point even a point two kilometers from the first point chosen is the center because both sides are equally infinite-- i guess so but lets return to the assignment.
when kev finished helping ed and ev we all took a break for absorbant time.
pa left the room and soon returned wearing a large puffy absorbant jock. pa announced, now we all follow my example to keep the sheets dry. kevin said i assure you it is fine just play along. ev and ed removed all their clothes first. then each pulled up an absorbant jock. adolf announced he would pea before bed anyway. now it was kev's turn and kev asked me to help him close the diaper style absorber. he removed all his clothes and raised the back flaps to his lower back and i lifted the front flap up and over his male finger. kev snapped "no! not facing down! dont you know that seed comes out facing up?" well i had known but also i honestly had not considered that. i was surprised that having me look at him did not cause his to extend so i gently raised his male finger into the upward position and then pressed the front of the panel aginst it. then i attached the stickey sides. now it was my turn. i was convinced there were a hundred reasons this was wrong but everybody else including pa was wearing absorbants. so i slipped off the black jocks and feeling everyone stare at me, mine expanded erect again. kevin handed me the absorbant and i held it over my lower back. then kevin pulled the front panel against the erect finger and pressed firmly and i sighed suddenly in pleasure. he quickly fastened the side stickeys and said "only use it for urine okay?" ed announced yea i never need to schit in it for the past four years. kevin corrected him "actually you are clean at night since you are three. "
the younger ones went to bed immediately and were allowed to read in bed until nine pm. after the break kev finished his homework and watched tv while i struggled with the unfamiliar math with pa's guidance. i felt so ignorant and said in the religious school it was the schools decision which subjects we learn. pa did not reply to this justification and continued asking me what was the next step and guiding me with an example and then watching me do the formula. finally it was time for bed.
pa asked "do you know? a piece was cut off your bean-iss.-- i answered with a distinct feeling of horror "yes i was circumcised," i answered in a shy voice hearing for the first time exactly what circumcision was, without tricky jewish word games. pa continued "if only you knew what precious part you lost, you would not do it to your sons" pa shook his head sadly. for the first time in my life, i felt like i was missing something special. i felt like a winged fairy that had its wings chopped off. if i was informed and asked then i would never consent to take away something precious i would never have agreed, but they did not give me a chance to choose nor say no. they cut off healthy good stuff from MY body and i had never agreed. i was filled with anger to my tradition and to my cruel parents. soon i had no strength for anger but felt great betrayal.
to distract myself it was time to hear what benefit there was to wear absorbant considering that i had not urinated in sleep for so many years and that would be in the next chapter.
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