Tuesday, July 11, 2017

adolf hitler died. when and how?

the attitude of "we cannot totally reject" an idea, is not reasonable. some of the research stuff on history channel is annoying. consider we cannot totally ignore the possibility that dragons exist- huh?
but before criticsm: some background.
sometimes, among the possibilities, i watch history channel and imagine i am adding to my schoolyears and wisdom. that channel has told some interesting stories about rome and other ancient wars. i consider that history. however, the subjects, which apparently other humans like, often annoy me.
a few of the subjects annoy me. one such subject is on several channels.i guess the average human enjoys seeing people looking for second hand stuff in storage, for buying old stuff. i doubt that stuff could ever be resold. are they buying something to resell? and if it cannot be resold does it have any true value? its use ended long ago and now it is second hand and older. now people want to buy it? now that the stuff is even older. is there true value? and if so more than one dollar?
i feel like this category is the type of thing i would be tricked: spending much more than the "fair" value for second hand stuff which is old. if i realy need something then not used, unless it would be half the price of a new and it is not half! even new is it realy worth ten or 5? yet they show these bargain buying on so many channels. for what? to keep stuff out of the trash?i guess people have so much money it is like blowing air from their mouth, which annoys me immensely. also so small sense of value and that annoys me to see people buying old stuff and deciding value when it is realy UNSELL-ABLE for resale and if so barely one dollar value for anything yet people want it and enjoy watching that?
episodes about buying the second hand stuff in lost luggage and inside warehouses in britian or canada and i fear i would be fooled to pay an unfair price for something used and old and not truly worth one dollar.
if i would buy an old sign, nobody would rebuy it, so that defines the value.
the idea that people want smaller land-fill volume and use tv to manipulate us as if trash has value adds a third level which annoys me.
similar to keeping trash in our hands is: so many episodes about restoring old cars which are old.
i guess rich people have so much money that it is like blowing the air out of mouth, when they hire people to rebuild old cars. they are old. get a new one if you are rich. consider the effort and resources because it is hard to get the matching repair items and it is just for old. so they say renewal is like recycling but instead they couldrecycle the material. i would like to see the metal recycled into new yet they recycle it by renewing the old. i guess the average human likes that kind of recycling but to me it seems like such a waste of resources which could be used to melt and make new. wasted time and money which could be used more efficiently.
now we return to research episodes.
well i am curious about "aliens" and if there is evidence i want to keep an open mind. did they come thousands of years ago? are abduction stories true? yet the attitude of "we cannot totally reject" an idea, is not reasonable
we cannot totally ignore the possibility that dragons exist- huh?
so what about the kennedy assasination that succeeded?
history is that "a man named oswald succeeded in killing the unique president and was killed"
it truly was a unique event. without knowing the details i can imagine somebody with hunting experience who wanted kennedy dead. we need not speculate motive because there could be a million reasons posible perhaps he wanted the other candidate to win. i often read now the hateful words of hilary voters who hate trump
and hilary clinton supporters now hate trump. that must be how oswald felt towards kennedy he wanted his choice to be president and not kennedy and hated kennedy.
how one guy felt.
the question was how to get a gun. it was totally legal to buy a hunting rifle.
totally legal. why believe the people who say gunshots came from a building of books or a hill? no reason to accept that. a rifle can shoot from far.
also consider the getaway. if gunshots came from a hill as some peole say they heard, then the people nearer to the hill would hear even more clearly and see somebody with a rifle trying to get away, but we all know getting direction of noise is not acuurate and a loud noise like gunshot can echo against buildings.

somebody with a rifle shot kennedy from far and was successful, a unique tragedy but if he wanted to keep it a secret and not be prevented, then the shooter would not associate with others because then he would be followed and prevented. unless he wanted to get paid for the job so he would offer his service to an enemy and say i want to kill him pay me but that would risk discovery, because enemies are monitered which would lead to prevent him from killing the hated kennedy who defeated his favored president.
did oswald do it? maybe. history said yes. we "cannot entirely rule out" that he acted alone. but can we totally ignore the possibility somebody else did it or he acted alone for the reasons above to avoid detection and prevention.
with which weapon? do we know? or was it a hunting rifle from a distance and because far easily escaped with the hunting rifle after killing kennedy. we need to monitor hilary supporters.
what about the research about hitlers escape.
well it is reasonable to imagine that hitler had a bunker. even plausible that it had several escape routes however proving a tunnel connected the bunker to the subway or the airport does not show he actualy went through the tunnel. in fact if we consider that berlin was severely bombed, throughoout 1945 and that allied planes were over germany, it is likely that hitler would not risk flying, when so  many allied planes were in the sky constantly.
but then we have the attitude "we cannot totally ignore the possibility' why not? be reasonable. suggest plausible. base on fact and what you know. so they say "hitler escaped by plane" is that even plausible? consider the allied air activity with fighter planes all over. an airport would be useless during the seige of berlin and if hitler appeared in berlin in april then air would not be a way out.
chill out! for a channel that claims "aliens visited in the past and abductions today are real" deserves some space to speculate. we can connect the dots hitlers body was not found because aleins abducted him.
what for? to take hitler to the unique justice which humans would not do properly. if "we cannot totaly ignore' possibilities then it is just as possible as "he escaped by air" despite allied warplanes active all over.
also submarine is not plausible because sonar knew what was under the water since 1940 or earlier. the only way out would be alien technology. or...
the russians did get hitler and punished hitler in a way that westerners would cringe at. they claim that russians sent a womans bone to america. does that mean they did not have his body or that they tortured hitler as they felt he deserved for betraying russia after the fake treaty and for the bloody war. they could send a woman bone to tease the americans.
so from the possibilities what is my opinion?
i do not know and do not doubt the version of history. kennedy was killed by oswald who was killed too. that is history. hitler died in the bunker. that is history that could be the documentary but research of other possibilities? that is not history.
if history is wrong then i have only one suggestion for each.
i have blind faith that the killer of kennedy acted alone and received no money. based on what? on the need for secrecy. motive is not important. however after seeing the hatred towards trump that is what oswald or whoever felt
hilary voters do hate trump now. i dubt that the weapon was recovered because a hunting rifle is successful from a distance. maybe not even oswald, because from far the shooter would have escaped.
if history is wrong then i also believe with blind faith that the russians did capture hitler alive and punished him with severe torture which russians felt was justice because they are not lame westerners.i believe that there was no way hitler could get out of the bunker by air because of the numerous alied planes controlling the area- except by alien abduction and that "cannot be totally rejected" either.
for what? they knew humans would not give hitler the punishment he deserved and could have punished the one responsible for the use of atomic bomb too- unless they believed its use was necessary twice until the emperor surrendered.
so hitlers alien abduction for justice cannot be "totally rejected" either.

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