Monday, June 20, 2022

sorcery scool

Who was the first wizard? EVERY WIZARD MUST HAVE LEARNED FROM A TEACHER who had learned from a teacher... so who was first?
imagine a book that begins "chapter one": "the next day they went hunting." i cant start like that but oo was a lazy hunter. he went with his pa to hunt but was too lazy to throw rocks and spears. while the group faced dangerous large beasts such as mammoths, he would gather different various leaves. some had pleasant smell and some strong gross odor but he would mix and cook them... and blend the flavors in soups.
pa would carry home their portion of meat and in addition to meat they had soup. each day oo tried different various combinations and amounts until one fateful day... a new combination made him feel very strong! this was a special soup. he would not share with his family.
his physical strength was only a bit improved but he could direct energy.
on a windy afternoon while he was hunting he zapped the beast so the hunters could trap and kill their food easier. this was the first use of magic. 
later, he also directed power at grass to change it into grain.
on a sunny morning, while cooking the grain he saw a vision of the future; people were grinding the grain and mixing the crushed white powder into water... that seemed like much work, however now that the hunters were catching the beasts much sooner due to his magic... they needed something to fill the time. his magic revealed the future [divination] so he directed and taught them to build the first grinder and to put the grain that he had magicly made from simple grass... and as he had seen the vision of the future. they mixed the powdered grain in water and baked it. they enjoyed it and it was good for their stomachs and moving waste out of the sewage exit of their bodies, but mostly theu enjoyed the soft bread ts texture and smell but it lacked taste. 
oo told them that was a benefit because they could put ANY flafor fruit on it.
from then whenever people ate baked bread they would say the wizards name "oo"!
after much practice directing the powers using magic and helped by visions of the future that he magicly saw, he made stronger potions and spoke sounds that directed the magic.
soon he was able to direct the power to change stones into magical creatures. then he would take part of the magical being for example a feather from a grifin lion-eagle or other magical creature [harry potter has some examples] and that would allow more powerful hexes.
he combined words with the feathers but the feathers needed a shell for protection so he told his group in exchange for bread they would cut woood and scrape out some of the inside and attach the curved together around the feather. in a protective wooden shell called a wand.
he tried many sounds and based on the results calculated new combinations of sounds and hexes.
once he had so much information he announced the "sorcery scool" all resulting from herb soup and mixtrues that he was lucky enuf to make the first potion which caused him to connect to the power of magic.
after practice directing the power he made new potions and words for spells. his magic helped him see the future and his group baked the first bread.
s a resu;t of the potions he could change rocks into magical beasts and then use parts of the beings to make wands in a shell as above which drected the magic.
soon he was teaching potions and words for hexes to students who did not need to spend time hunting.
some used magic for getting food. some saw the future to warn about a nebbir group that will attack so they could prepare for battle. 
the magic haelped them see the time after the attack in the future so they prepared for that attack and changed the future so the sorcery scool survived.
at first oo was careful to teach only use it for benefit... but some students who were skilled felt that they should use the power selfishly.
they would attack nebbirs and defeat them quickly using magic... but then they started to fight among themselves too!

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