Friday, June 17, 2022

ABE'S adventures and the poisonous striped saber teeth tiger

the poisonous striped saber teeth tiger
1 around 950 years, before i wrote this, was an era, when brave notable knights boldly battled beasts. abe ayboe had always wanted to save his home from the dangerous beasts. he lived on the peninsula called balkan by black sea.
abe was slow in growth for a human. when he was in third grade he was the size of second graders and even when he grew in fourth grade he was the shortest in his class... he comforted himself that he had grown the same as the third graders.
his human life had hardships. others in his village ate two meals each day, simple bread in the morning and cooked vejtibils in eve but his family was so poor that it could not even buy bread. when he was seven his father was suffering from hunger and illness struck him. he soon died. after his next birthday when abe was et his ma suffered so much she climbed the greek orthodox church tower and jumped... to her death [must i specify this is a novel my imagination?]. 
on a cloudy morning, the teacher at church found her body and went to the ayboe home to tell her husband but found only young abe at home. as he reported the death... a striped tiger attacked. it was like a gryphon except the neck and face were not an eagle... but a snake with long sharp fangs dripping poison! it bit the teacher to stun him and then swallowed him alive along the snake neck into the striped snake body. abe fled to the oven to grab the knife... but the satisfied striped snake left. abe decided he would train and chase the striped snake from his village.
a childless neighbor named freeda whose husband died of old age around age forty... started to alternate day by day to be the parents of abe. sundays she would take him to church... the same painful place abe's ma had died.  mondays she stuck wool on her face like a male old beard and led her to her shop where she sold rags. abe feared the stranger who he did not know and who acted odd with the fake wool beard.
between costumers he helped her organize the shop and listened to her stories of magical creatures such as tall trolls. she explained "the last trolls were defeated when i was fifteen years old. "my pa had watched them at night roasting woodland wolves they had literally "lifted" then after they ate they went to a cave to hide from the sun. with the information of the cave pa arranged an ambush! he and some troops from rumania went at night when the trolls were out and hunting wolves... near dawn they blocked the entrance to the cave! the trolls desperately tried to fight their way in and away from sunlight... but the troops swung long swords at the trolls and threw pointy spears until the sun rose and turned them to stone! now no trolls remain."
tuesday, of that week, the striped snake returned to eat a human. in the panic, a group of nine tall army deserters kidnapped young abe. they took him from the home and pushed him into a carriage! but... it had food! he feasted on the cooked chicken ignoring the locked door. he was with men who would care for him and train him to join their troop.
four escort the carriage while five follwed the snake-tiger. it walked slowly out from the town until a hill and entered a dark cave. they drew a map of the location to plan the attack.
abe was amazed to see the precious treasure that the nine had captured from the neighboring prince.
raggin told abe, who he named abram, the story: "when you were a baby prince caithik led his soldiers to search their town for anything valuable. we had deserted the army but were trained in battle. our archer carroth shaped an arrow like a knife and shot the prince. half his men around 20 fled to freedom from the cruel carroth. the remaining twenty howled with rage and charged but our group of thirteen were prepared we battled boldly and killed all twenty only suffering wounds. none died that day until some wounds worsened and 4 died.
now that their army was crushed we did to THEM as they had planned. we raided the dead prince's castle. we locked the princes 2 sons and daughter in his own dungeon so they could not claim the throne. then they found and loaded the treasure into a carriage they stole and brought much money back to gikton. anybody who worked the grain fields got added money from the raid. 
abram was amazed at the gorgeous gems of varied colors and the size of the pile of shiny glittering gold and shiny silver coins. candin returned to the home with the location of the cave. we will try to kill that beast before it will kill again. abram wanted to join but they said he will help in future battles after training.
the next dawn noise awoke abram. some of the troop rode to fight the striped snake. the others fed boiled rice to abram. after he drank milk fresh from their cow he started training.
during the training... a few returned reporting that the beast had bit one noble knight and despite our group attack it had used its speed and tiger claws to kill a second. we only wounded it.
abram comforted them if it has two bodies to eat it will not be hungry to attack the town. yeasr passed... they did not try again until abram was older and trained finally the day arrived! abram rode with the troop to attack the striped snake. he recalled its orinj fur with many black stripes and long sharp pointy fangs that bit the teacher. they rode toward the cave. carroth complained "the rain started we should have taked the carriage with a roof." abram argued "we will face a dangerous beast so wet rain is harmless."
abram was wrong! as the crossed a river that was swollen by rain... the river toppled a horse and another knight drowned in the swollen river. on the other side of the river burly bulgarian knights in heavy armor charged at them! archer shot arrows killing two before they came near. he had killed the largest ones. but the third huge muscular bulgarian swung his club knocking one of the troop of his horse before the others could unite to hack his huge body to pieces. they looked under the helmets to find huge tall muscular knights.
they got ambushed! as they searched the horses for supplies two more knights rode out... one grabbed abram captive! the other died quickly by archers arrow.
as they pass the tiger cave it came out to chase them away. its paws and claws kill the horse and fatally injur its rider allowing abram to escape. abram fled hoping the tiger will not chase... indeed it was busy eating the abductor.
the team arrived. archer shot arrows at the beast who howled in pain and turned toward them in self defense.  abram charged his horse at the tiger! as he neared it pounced... his long spear pierced pouncer! it plunged deep into its body! abram fell back from his horse. the dying beast swung its snake head and tried to inject poison in... but carroth came in time and chopped the neck... its snake head fell harmlessly beside abram. carroth caikin and others chopped it to pieces and tied them to a horse to show the people the danger was defeated! some of it they could eat and feed to poor in their town... but more danger came!
TWO ___2 , on the way back to the village serbian knights attacked! these were a much larger group so the team surrendered. serbians tied them and led the team behind their horses... until... one of the serbs surprised his captain! he killed the captain and declared himself leader. another argued if captain died then only i should be a leader. most were free from their cruel captain.some fled home... others fledd to start a new life. four friends came and untied abram's team. these serbs surrendered. carroth caikin and abram thanked the surrendering serbs and while the two "leaders dueled each other" brutally smashing each other with weapons the serbs threw away their weapons and joined the team.
the serbs tell abram's fellowship about the secret serb stash. they had been raiding many travelers on the road between towns. they had captured many animals and even stole from tax collectors! this would help abram's town.
after resting on the horses as the horses walked toward home... they turned and the serbs led them to... an ambush... nope! to the stash. the leaders were busy dueling so they took as much food and chickens as they could and tied cows and bulls to the horses to lead to the town for food.
they are so happy to help their poor village they started singing traditional tunes without words.  they reach the same river where their pal drowned in the rain... and hum a sad song.
after they give the animals to the council to decide how to divide, they travel along a valley to the neighboring town on the border of macedonia. its leader of council named david davis greeted them. these mac's stunk from rotting garlic they wore so they smelled them from afar. some of david's men were big macs. [not the burger with the copyrighted name].
david offered them to rest but carroth insisted "we rode so we are not tired."
suddenly, some macs interrupted and shouted "theives!" they accused abram's team of stealing from travelers who blame the serbs. dave apologized for the accusation and ordered special fruit pie baked. they only slept one night. 
in the morning carroth asked dave about a map. abram did not know what they discussed until later. in addition to the fruit pie dave gave them each new swords before they left on a new dangerous adventure up the balkan mountains!
3 they rode the horses up a mountain.... higher.... and higher. they pause so the horses can rest and eat. soon the continue "up, up, up".
that night the wind blew harshly so they traveled after dark until they found a cave. abram's fellowship slept in the cave until... greeks! who had slept in the same cave but deeper came to raid them! abram abandoned his team and fearfully tried to run down the mountain. the rest awake to the torch light flames and surrender to the greeks who tie them and lead them into the cave to their low leader tiny ty a dwarf human. a huge fire lit the cave. tiny ty said "dont tell me any story i will not believe your lies anyway." his advisors say various outragous accusations. "they came as spies to help their enemy" they came to kill us and steal our wives.
when caikin argued "we did not know you are here" a soldier yelled "stop talking". another snapped a long whip at caikin who collapsed to the floor in agony... as everybody watched the whipper and caikin... an arrow whizzed along the cave! abram had overcome his fear and taken archer's weapon. he had aimed at tiny ty target and despite his dwarf size hit the thin neck which burst into a horrible red rain. all the greeks fled deeper into the mountain.
abram gave the bow to archer who shot a few at the retreating greeks who had accused them and wanted to slay them. his arrows pirced many greeks before they turned the cavern curve.

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