sorcery scool continued
the super sorcereror named oo set up two groups of students one to gard the scool if the selfish wizards would attack. another for "offense against the cruel" which had special training. oo personally led the police. first they tried to find the wizards who had done harm ergo were most famous and feared. the ones who enslaved were also targeted but priority went to to those who used magic for harm and causing fear.
oo-police traveled along a road when two groups of united enslavers attacked from both sides of the road. they were intent on stopping the police so they could enslave neighbors. the forest animals, deer and rabbits and foxes and more noisily fled from the battle. oo led the group from the path northward between trees. this caused the two groups "advancing" from both sides to accidently zap each other as they zapped at the oos. the enslavers were trying to KILL the police so their deadly blasts of magic power killed their allies. on that day 15/20 of each of the two groups burnt in magical flames of pain until their bodies were piles of ash that the wind scattered. the same hex that they had cast toward police had hit them from the facing group.
however despite the significant loss and only few remained the danger continued as the survivors chased the police. as the police ran they dropped their food bags so they could run easier.
oos were blocked by a narrow stream. oo made a "waverly place" bridge [credit disney but only needed one boulder kuz narrow] causing one boulder to hover over the water while other boulders rose up floating in the air to block the deadly zaps of the pursuers, which hit and killed the dead rocks. the police jumped on the hover-rock and over the water. oo bravely turned and zapped back a similar fatal hex at the attackers despite the danger and risk to himself and the future of his scool and legacy... just so his police could regroup. he saw the angle of the incoming zaps and aimed well using magic to help his aim [credit star wars 1977] killing 4 of the ten and changing them from human to dead water vapor, but painlessly since water does not feel.
oos form a line on the far side of the stream and zap at the few surviving pursuers so oo can escape... but as oo stepped up on the boulder an enslaver zapped the rock! changing it to a leaf. luckily the leaf also hovered! and supported his weight as he went across.
the enslavers were desperate to stop the police and charged at the stream in a row. oos zapd using the same hex so four more of the six died painfully in the way they had tried to kill oos. only two remain... one jumped on the leaf but lost his balance... the enslaver splashed into the water. the other enslaver simply jumped into the water to crawl across and discovered that while in water he cannot use magic! [credit warner brothers cartoons in contrast to harry potter world] his wand is powerless.
with the end of danger oo stepd out from behing a thick tree and zapd the water changing the water to a type of poison that can soak into skin. the one who fell off the leaf accidently swallowed water and cried in agony. an oo named jellith zapd the poison and changed it to hot lava to quickly kill the attackers... who howled in pain as the boiling melted rock quickly cooked their bodies, before they could climb out of the poison. jellith criticised oo that poison will not kill them swiftly enuf, so they would climb out of the narrow stream and continue the danger! oo agreed that although lava was painful that was necesary.
they find that the dangerous enslavers had succeeded at getting two zaps between the floating [same as alex caused boulders to float in waverly place video] boulders one was now dying painfully... which meant he had not yet died. beein zapped a charm to heal him and reversed the death hex [in contrast to harry potter world no counter spell for avada kdabra this world has counter curses for death hex and especially now despite delay it was a painful death spell so had more time before death] the other had turned into a... leaf and he was begging "help me stand up" oo reversed the spell but he could not completely undo the powerful hex so that oo remained very thin from his waist up like a green leaf including his green face and eyes. so they changed his name to leafin. with the battle ended chifip went back to the stream to drink. as he dipd his hands into the poison oo shouted a warning but too late! the poison stared soaking into his skin! oo had accidently caused the death of his own team by not undoing the poison! as they watched the poison kill him too horrified to think, leafin repeated and echod the same charm that had saved him and reversed the poison so it would not poison chifip. however oos hex was so powerful even the charm could not reverse it only limit the poison affect so chifip was paralyzed almost like dead even his heart could not beat and only the magic charm with air moving freely into paralyzed lungs, kept him alive until the poison wore off.
suddenly the cops SMELL food. the delicious aroma of boiled beef in cabbage and onion! each followed the scent... but in different directions. the enslavers had lost all three of their leaders and two more of their most powerful power-director wizards but a weak wizard who had failed several attempts and had been excluded from the raid and only followed to watch, finally succeeded at a deception smell and he had scattered the police. he was frustrated that he could not direct enuf magic to kill the cops. each cop followed the smell which was a real scent caused by magic but not the aroma of the stew! when the scent hex used its energy and the smell ended... the cops were scattered in the forest not knowing how to return to the stream nor forest path from their wandering after the aroma. the shade of the leaves caused darkness and the weak wizard added clouds brought from over the sea to further darken the sky.
each was "lost and all alone" [credit song, im lost without your love] luckily four of the wizard students thought of clever ideas! using their limited knowledge of spells they generated a similar charm! two independently generated the direction charm! their wands pointed toward the stream! they went back from their wandering and met each other at the stream which they turned back to water and found many dead fish. another two generated the group charm and aiming the wand at themselves moved themselves to the group so all regrouped at the stream with the two and they exchanged their new knowledge. most had not even tried to fin the others and simply sat in horor that they had foloowed the scent and lost hope.
oo cast a charm to unpoison the fish. leafin started a fire and its crackiling sparks burnt a few holes in his leaf chest! they cooked the fish and rejoiced that they were reunited. the weak enslaver put his wand in his mouth and walked hands waving. oo accepted his surrender if he would commit never to ensalve nor inflict pain on people. the weak wizard named bot'thin lied that he would commit and asked for fish. however his words appeared in blue smoke since they were lies! oo said he must honestly commit so they ade a magical pact that he would not do those evils or else magic itself would hurt him with pain. then they shared the roasted fish.
suddenly they hear a loud THUMP! the oos turned toward the sound and saw a large black adult hand on beein's blond hair! it was the size of a human hand with et thick black legs a giant spider! many time slarger than common spiders with one inch legs. its body was unusually large like the back of an adults hand and just as hairy! oo tied to calm them and taught them that these have weak poison but suddenly... hundreds of hand spiders dropd down from the trees... each drop of weak poison injected from the fangs, combined with hundreds of drops from the hundreds of poisonous spiders who succeeded in injecting the poison... and the cops were soon feeling paralyzed... only magic can save them! but they know magic!
some were so scared they triedd to use common methods to knock them off their shoulders and necks and arms and then stomp their shoes crushing them but the spiders have vast numbers. most are already paralyzed by the venom! but before the spiders can "drag them to their webs to feed the baby spiders" [credit indiana jones amazon ant] oo waved his wand with a powerful charm changing the venom to water so all the venm already injected changed to water nd the following bites simply injected water. leafin was least affected by the poison because his neck and back were not flesh! so he blasted a round wave all around him that changed the spiders into black sparrows which flew away harmlessly to search for worms to eat. beein sent another wave to change the sparrows into spider eaters so they would eat and minimize the number of pain inflicting spiders in the forest. despite the distance that the sparrows had already flown his wave of energy from his wand reached almost all so they returned and started hunting the spiders nearby.
leafin fainted. why? his flesh is not affected by poison and the poison was changed to water? but his nature was to "tremble like a leaf" and the fear of the spiders had caused hi to faint the moment the danger passed.
they continue through the forest using the direction spell to find north and move northward toward the treasure despite the trees that force them to change direction they are guided back to north until they find! many wizards with a strange tattoo!
oo protested "people must not mark tattoos". beein argued "respectfully master, it is their own body so they can ,mark it how they want, it is not like aborting a fetus that is a different human body inside the mother" oo explained that tattoos are like poison they harm the essence of a person and in magic drown the person in evil... well that is what these wizards had intended they were murderous warrior wizards who used their magic to raid villages. when the defenders tried to fight for defending their homes and families these wizards used magic to kill the adults men and ladies so they could rob the village for supplies. they were not as bad as the pain inflictor group who simply hurt people to show their power for no temptation and those suffering begged for death to end the pain... these were evil but less evil granting the death and only to teal supplies not for greed of gold.
their tattood arms extended from fluffy white bundles. the spiders had stunned many of these wizard bandits and wrapped them in fluffy webbing so they could not crawl away while stunned.
others were simply stuck on the webs, spread between tree trunks, webs which had surprisingly sticky glue even a human wizard could not free himself especialy when stunned by the venom of many spiders. oo examined the tat and saw it was the form of a certain flower.again they transform the spiders into black birds this time ravens but only the nearby ones so the sparrows can eat. suddenly a dragon attacked!
the flying beast blasted through the branches and grabbed a tat wizard from the web the glue is so sticky that even the huge dragon wings strained until it pulled the tat free.
chifip zapd the dragon changing it to a harmless butter colored butterfly... but a tat wizard cast a hex despite being stunned and no wand! it chnged the butterfly into a poisonous snake like a cobra with pointy poisonous fangs! it charged at appith! in a swift jump to strike annd bite and inject fatal venom! appith swiftly performed an invisibility spell and stepped aside so the snake could not manouver toward him. leafin swung his leafy arm with a long sword and severed its head it fell to the ground and continued hissing... but unable to slither to bite anyone. leafin lifted his muscular leg and stomped with his boot with a loud crunch of brittle snake skull. this flattend the snake head driving its pointy poisonous fangs into th eground and pressing the brain thin as a leaf. the snake body can be food.
the group argue about freeing the wizards? they all have tat of the same flower and oo interpreted that as being a team of evil wizards who will misuse magic for harm and stealing and killing. others argued respectfully that they will die of hunger so they must not allow people to die.
oo warnd "toward who is your comapassion? where is your comapssion to the victims of these bandits if they are free". so they stopped cutting the webs and decided not to free them. leafin added no spiders will eat them because they changed the nearby spiders into ravens and any other spiders would be eaten by the new breed od sparrow spider eaters. so they agreednot to free the evil wizards and without action woul dcontribute to the death of evil.
during the discussion and eebate they were distracted! another dark wizard came and zapped beein and took him captive... his name was kinthig and he took beein captive and then flew away on a dragon! they will need a rescue mission but how will they fly after the dragon? they know much magic but what magic can make anybody fly?
to be continued.