Thursday, October 29, 2020

my summary of gone with wind top film

Not only was the "old" film "gone with the wind" 1939, top ranking, over any other film in its era, but we can estimate that it sold most tickets ever indicating it  was the most popular film ever. no film ever sold that many tickets even after it although "star wars" 1977 ranked second. the 1939 film was an adaptation of  Margaret Mitchell's 1936 novel Gone With the Wind 

note considering  strong dollar currency cheap tickets the profit indicates we can estimate "over 200 million tickets" also consider in u.s. at the time there were barely a hundred million adults [total 130 million] indicating many in u.s. many bought tickets twice or more.

  Summary:  in Georgia, U.S.,  in 1861, Scarlett O'Hara livd with her family  on a plantation, named Tara. Two young men (twins) visit and talk about the possible war between Southern and Northern States. Scarlett stops them and insted talks about a barbecue at the home of her secret love, Ashley.  They tell her that there he will announce his engagement to wed Melanie Hamilton,  his cousin.  

The next day, after a slave helped her dress, she want to the  plantation named Twelve Oaks. there,  Scarlett flirts and then argues with Ashley who insists he will wed Melanie. a guest, Rhett Butler heard and talks with her. Suddenly,  somebody announces that war has started.  The men, including A'  rush to enlist. 

Scarlett pretends she adores Charles, Melanie's younger brother, and hurriedly wed him,  before he leaves for war. 

Charles died in battle, but sc' never really loved him. She wears black but does not even pretend to be sad. Scarlett went to Atlanta. She met R' there, who earns money by sneaking through the blockade to supply  the southern confederacy.  she waltzd with Rhett at a charity bazaar, despite wering black mourning clothing.  he gave her a gift.

 in July 1863,  the Confederacy's defeat at Gettysburg. The following Christmas , the soldiers returned to their families.Ashley talks with melanie.

 in July 1864, the northern troops of the Union, attack Atlanta so sc' helps the wounded troops. Melanie gives birth with Scarlett's aid.  Rhett helps them flee the city.  The battle destroyed atlanta so Scarlett returns to Tara.  Scarlett sees the slaves are free  so only her family is at home:  her father with her 2 sisters but her mother recently died of typhoid fever. only  two former slaves: Mammy and Pork stayed.  

 part 2




Wednesday, October 28, 2020

my summary of gita [1+2]

   intro to gita: gita  fills almost 50 pages with 18 chapters. it is located inside book six of mahabharata. it is important kuz it contains the message from the hindu god vishnu in a human body named krishna, ergo until he talks only briefly:

  intro to message until 2,11 brif summary til words of god: first chapter tells that kuru and pandu were each gathered to battle.  king dhrit' asked what happened at the battlefield. his sage said that people talked and blew conch shells. told that  arjuna had a dialog with [a hindu god in a body named] krishna. arjuna asked how can he kill his family? [end chapter one with question which is corrected and wrong so better not to quote the wrong question except to show krishna corrected the error about hell.]   brifly til message ch,2,1-10, Summary Arjuna spoke from mercy, but Krishna replied his deeds are same as the weak. Arj' said reasons not to kill his relatives saying i cant enjoy kingdom by killing family and teachers so will not fight them.sanjaya told the reply of kr',  [end brif summary til words of god].

  Summary of message:  

2,12-26:  kr. explained the life moves to a second body [2,13] and "death only ends the body" 2,18 the idea summarized is: battle will not kill your family kuz spirit survives and cannot be harmed.  before your relatives were born they always existed. no time when they did not exist infinitely and same in future they exist infinitely unable to harm nor destroy. when body die usually life to another body source gita 2,13 in book 6 mahabarta section 26.

souls does not and cannot die. same as a person changes clothing the soul moves out of dead corpse to new body. the four elements besides space cannot change the soul.

2,26-32 even at death "birth is certain" only unseen but continue living the life cannot be harmed nor slain it is imperishablle.  you as a warrior family must do duty[2,31] to fight in battle. if not do your purpose you will not reach celestial realm [instead other body birth as 2,27].


kr' explains either way benefit. if die "on the battlefield then  attain the heavenly planets," for doing purpose as warrior and if not, "you will conquer and enjoy the earthly kingdom." notably he warns "scorn"  if not battle, correcting arj' wrong question in chapter one, not of pain after death, but of "scorn" the act of the weak people will "consider you a coward." also "devotional service" differs and surpasses the veda, by working your purpos [war for warrior] for the purpose "not for the fruit" that is wiser.

 46-3,1 ideas:     abandon all attachment to success or failure.  51  do devotional service this  frees from the "cycle of birth and death".    mind 53  trance of self-realization, cease 55 actions for your happiness, desires goal 56 indifference to misery, not bother,detach from joy and fear and emotions. goal 57 not rejoice when he obtains good, nor lament when he obtains evil  real indifference for "steady". my response "steadiness is a dumb goal" not feel misery is the happy state but not feel elation.    restrict and cease pleasures " fixes his consciousness upon Me"  61, attachment is bad [cant release from body but if not happen anyway attachment is harmless and even fun] lust? 64 goal free attachment" 

desires 70 not disturb to reach internal peace, dont try to satisfy desires.  s

  my conclusion although some is true and we should not have intense emotions we should also have emotions and "not suppress our nature" therefore a "creator" of emotions would not demand the "indifference" described  and this book is wrong direction if we were created with emotions. also need but lack coroberation. this "infamy" cororberates "cut life" but its contents not corroberated but problematic.

end ch. 2 

Saturday, October 24, 2020

debate "skills" vs' solving arguments

 one of the few DECENT ideas in the jewish talmud is the idea of quoting sources.

but what can we extrapolate from any source? any addition is based on the source but not in the source... so what about "debate techniques"?

the idea of debate school is HARMFUL because people can use CLAIMS and debate methods to promote both falsehoods and harmful ideas

imagine the absurd scenario: i am in an airport and a man approaches me explaining he is from canada. while we wait for our FLIGHT the canadian wants to talk about the MOST important issue, health. granted. we cant function when we are sick and dying.

the canadian then lists many flaws about american healthcare... each example never happened to me but that is "the exception"... as if the canadian investigated? he went and made "a study at EACH clinic" to know my experience was the exception?? he is in canada i am the one experiencing the cancellation of "cease" insurance and COERCED into changing insurance provider no choice and other experiences, other flaws but not the ones the canadian lists... but he uses DEBATE METHODS to claim he knows without investigating more than the locals because "your experience" is "no proof" kuz you are the exception... that is debate methods. claims are empty i can "claim" solomon had historical ownership of china... if i use debate methods on the denier, i can "win" the debate... about a falsehood or worse a harmful idea. 

case in point: as d.a. kammila harris was "skilled' at debating and convincing the  the jury to vote guilty.... until cops CAUGHT the one who did it. and she is the one biden incompetently chose as vice president.... anyway being skilled in debate can lead to harm by using claims.

what about facts? two newspapers can report different numbers for unemployemnt in the city... then when trump quotes EITHER source the "fact-checkers" say "he lied again see other source",

that is not fact checking.

the key to solving arguments is QUALIFIED source not debate techniques which can be used to harm falsely accused as in case of harris and other harms and falsehoods.

Friday, October 23, 2020

my summary sound of music 1965

the story in the video "sound of music" originated in the  book "The Story of the Trapp Family Singers" by Maria von Trapp. The book was published in 1949. Next, the Broadway musical, "The Sound of Music", based on the book,  premiered on Broadway in 1959. later in 1965 it was adapted as a video.  The film sold around 142 million tickets (estimate) ranking third most popular of films between 1937 until 2019, (only outranked by "Gone with the Wind, 1939" and "Star Wars, 1977".)

    The film tells the story about a young woman who leaves an Austrian convent to watch seven children of a widower kuz ma died. The children show lack of proper discipline. However, through activities related to music she inspires the children to cooperate and to behave properly. The setting is the Historical background of the Nazi influence.

popular or succesful films


popular films and financialy successful films

ever since the year 1965, when the dollar was ten times stronger than now, the dollar continued to weaken. 

considering the strong dollar, we discover that nothing after the year 2000 could compete with old videos before 2000 kuz dollar weaker. we can only compare estimated tikit sales

the ten most successful videos, all ten were before the year 2000 in a different financial era and only one in the 1990's in top ten as i  will quote for purpose of tikt sales. so i begin with  financial era roughly 2000-2020

the most successful from 2000-2020 was star wars 7 force awakens, no new one has passed it but it passed every other since 2000 despite the fact that in 2015 the dollar was weaker than the dollar in 2000 when stronger dollar in year 2000 selling tickets. for example in 1999 before dollar weakened further, 85 million tickets earned less than 108 million ticjets in 2015 despite the dollar weaker in 2015. so star wars 7, 20i5 wins star wars 1999 both in financial success and in tickets.

top 1, s,w,f,a, 2015.  108mt it would rank ninth [films from 1937 til 2020]  based on tikt sales, and less than star wars 1977 143mt and others. second most tickets:

second 2,  a,e 2019 98.8mt endgame more tikts than avatar and this major success was far less tickets than sw1977 143mt

third 3,  96mt avatar 2009, 

fourth 4, on the edge of 2000 based on year number, star wars phantom menace 1999 ,85mt kuz the only in top 20 in that year. considering more tikts than both jw2015 and avengers 2012.

fifth of top five "jurasic world 2015" ranking 25 by adjusting for inflation 79mt less than s,w,p,m

part 2

when we see that the top five in this financial era all less than 100 tickets... besides swfa, they were less popular than e.t. 1982

in order of tickets

gone with the wind, 1, 1939 200 million tikits est. most tkts "gone with the wind"202 million

star wars ,2, 1977. 143m t star wars in era of stronger dollar 

sound of music, 3,1965 less tikits than sw, 142 mt

ten commandments 4, 1956  131mt

tied for fifth: jaws 1975,  titanic 1997 each  128mt, when dollar twice as strong as 2020, each more tikits than e.t.

tied for sixth: e.t.,6,1982 dollar 3 times stronger than now 124mt, same as dr zhivago 1965 when dollar ten times stronger than 2020 124mt 

exorcist, 7, 1973 , 103mt 

snow white tenth ranking 8, 1937 77mt

how many of top ten after 1990? only one but 9 nine were a different era.

even 1997 dollar twice as strong as now so different era before 1999

by decades:

1930-9 two successes

1940-9 none more profitable than 1956 despite adjusting inflation only one that era 1939-1965

1965 two, 1970 three , 1980 one, 1990 one  in top ten when adjusting

 inflation for financial success

Friday, October 16, 2020

mahabarata summary books 8-18

 next 8 kar-na when karna led in place of drona its 69 sections tell defeating tripura, swan symbol story, aswat slayd pandya, yud' dueld karna, bhima slayd dus' , arj' dueld and killed karna the current leader. salya led kuru insted.

book 9 salya its 59 sections tell: car battles, yud' killed salya, saha' kild sakuni, dur' lay in lake til insults drew him out to battle or surrender. bhima club-dueld dur' til b' broke dur' thighs. 

  book ten sauptika ,its 18 sections tell troops avenge dur' and drona with a sinful shameful night raid unbefitting kshatri killed foe in sleep by distracting gard and entering camp and stealthily cowardly murdering undefendded sleepers. rudra is a three eyed giant rak' worshipd in veda  but not a supreme if s'iva supreme.

the raiders murderd arj' sons n all drap' sons n more, in sleep defenseless no valor but cowardly, kuz awake could not. [this is a sin for ksatria who only kill with valor as described elsewhere] killed many panchalas too only arj' n his four bros in a different place survived. kr' warnd to sleep separet.  ma mournd her sons n relatives. great pain.  bhima took mace weapon [sword with many points around end or spiky ball at end] . aswat' s. of drona fired celestial weppin, arj'  used a celestial wp' to stop the blast.  took as' gem, gave to comfort drap' 

next 11  its 27 sections tell that king dhrit' broke iron statue , n went to fild saw dead, wail [violating gita], burnt corpses 


now internal flaw author violates gita too.

santi 12 its 339 sections tell mourn. bhishma taut many deeds for finak release. 

annus' 13 its 146 sections tell rules and deeds, about charity to whom, ceremonies, then bh' went to spirit place, next 14 

 aswam' 14 its 103 sections tell about gold treasure wealth of a dead king. kr' revived a burnt man, arj' more battles, led by the horse, kill horse [also veda] mongoose brout message.  

p. 30 book 15 asram' the 42 sections tell: king dhrit' left throne to forest with group including ma of arjuna named kunti and pritha. dhrit' saw the spirits of his slain sons. note: this reward for kuru warriors mentioned here refering to book 18, coulda been convincining arjuna to fyt, not spare kin family kuz will go to joy. still yud' response to seeing harmful dur' in plenty indicates would also be humanly diffiult to cause that joy,  so either way not kill, so kr' wisely said "change body" for not truly killing so apt for ksatriya warrior. while  other 3 and even warrior only in battle but not "harm any creature" rejecting root of hindu in veda cook horse and ramayana gods approve animal killing.

dhrit' enjoyed "highest fruit" of actions, maybe karma=result. vidura had "success" called "most meritorious state" as described in book 18. in contrast budha stopd rebirth as human and also stopd existing by joining light, join not seperate, so that goal is the "punishment of wicked to stop" in rambam. which is judgement? god judge does that to evil to end, ergo not for worthy and not a goal to do budha ideas to reach. anyway budha himself taught a time limit from 6th century bc or fifth 500 years so if obey teacher then "ended" already so obey and find next system, jesus era, and if say "budha wrong" then this guatama b. not good source.

sanjaya, the narrator to king dhrit', went to blessd state. nar' told yudh' the yadu=vrishnis died. next book 16 named maushala. 

its 8 sections tell: a wise wizard cursed yadu heroes who drank til "inebriated" blocking reasoning killd each other while drunk. they saw krishna threw eraka grass that killed so they threw it too, killing each other kuz it killed the victims.

kr' died, his body containing god vishnu stopd living so v' returned to celestial realm. arjuna went to the yadu city felt sad for their death kuz not in city [violating first teaching from krishna in gita]. funeral burning corpses including krishna's corpse.

after warrior men died, arjuna left that city with women and young and old, and warrior age cripples of this race called yadu. men took the ladys and arjuna was too weak to protect them. his hands were weak. even celestial weapons including bow from  agni faild. drama as arj' felt sad he could not save. he separated to be alone. next 17 book. the great  "pras' " meaning  journey.

its 3 sections tell: king arjuna with brothers left throne, 31

agni met by sea, so arj' returned to agni his celestial bow. yud traveled with brothers "linked to god" over mountains until they died except yud'. yud left corpses continuing journey.  next last book 18 named svarga about celestal realm.

a celestial car came. yud wanted dog to escort him up. after arguing, the dog uncovered it was "god dharma" [of justice also named yama god of pain of dead, same one.]

the car flew yud, body alive, up to celestial realm. yud saw the harmful dur' enjoy and felt pain that evil had plenty joy. he asked to see arjuna.  a guide led him to the place of pain from heat and thorns and bee venom, he heard arjuna there and agreed to stay so others would suffer less from god yama of dead and judge. then gods uncoverd the deception not truly arjuna, just place of sinners and pain. [arjuna feard this in gita, if not reborn go here. other faiths teach the truth that god knows and taut: no place of pain, the punishment is "prevenr enjoy" stop exist" one true detail in bad source rambam kuz god judge knows and MADE EFFORT sent me to reveal not to accept this nor similar wrong idea in book luke and revelation.  nor to accept reborn second birth in another body but insted "after one death judged" one true detail in bad source book hebrews, not only after arjuna era but never were sent to other body birth nor place pain kuz god  MADE EFFORT to send me to identify which details are true.

yud now washed away his human physical body in celestial river, went to place of plenty joy earned by battling as a warrior [as defined by his birth to pandu the king in warrior caste. as described in gita which, although logical not truly occur to mortals.]

their in celestial realm he lived in "joy" this ENDS  the 18 etinth book same number as days of the pandava battle. so we summarized 4 books here until last etinth book that describe th idea after death if not reborn by earning "liberation" free from rebirth in contrast to budha claiming change to light and stop existing as a separate life hindu claims live separate with no physical body and this detail is true kuz judge made effort to send me to to tell you yes joy if and only if CAUSE JOY for other people. joy for joy. but those who inflict pain and ignore the baby pain in infant circumcision both the pain of cut same as any knife cut and the DAYS OF HEALING pain... such cruelty will not enjoy the joy for joy as the judge sent me to warn you. certainly lose joy.

endnote:  flaw krishna claims to be highest and destroyer in gita yet he is vishnu as sent into krishna... and if same one then isana??    have some tea.

when comment claims supreme not  translation kuz not  based on bagvan "god" but based on ch, 7

term vasu deva is "causer" of all causes but not maha yet also claims highest. so maybe shiavas reject gita?

divine is deva and the causer god is vasu. 

hint all city virtue?? 1, 64 p. 124 hint then rebirth but as evil grew die once n judged 

there hindu virtue is described. 124p. 

Thursday, October 15, 2020

mabarta 8,9

karna 8 when  karna led in place of drona its 69 sections tell defeating tripura , 27p,  swan symbol story, aswat slayd pandya, yud' dueld karna, bhima slayd dus' , arj' dueld and killed karna the current leader. salya led kuru insted.

salya 9 its 59 sections tell: car battles, yud' killed salya, saha' kild sakuni, dur' lay in lake til insults drew him out to battle or surrender. bhima club-dueld dur' til b' broke dur' thighs. 

sauptika ten ,its ?

sections tell troops avenge dur' and drona with a sinful shameful night raid unbefitting kshatri killed foe in sleep by distracting gard and entering and stealthily cowardly murdering undefendded sleepers.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

6,7 mabarata

 these two books almost 300 sections what is inside?? e 

book 6  bhishma has  117 sections that tell the battle for ten days under leader b' util b's death etc. this contains much talking about faith [kr' talkd gita about faith]. 

note vasudeva not maha deva! vasu means cause one of the devas this caused but who maha? that is argued.

kr' ran with wip to cause bhishmas death by arj' who pierced b' with maany arrows, that toppled b down  from his car.  b' talkd n died.

next 7 drona 170 sections tell: drona led.  arj' retreated, then he  defeated strong bhag',  abhim' died, arj' in battle killed the soldiers of seven divisions each more than 100 thousand troops with many battle-beasts.  pandava heroes break into kuru troops. pan' destroy sans', killing in battle many. one fired a weapon  [causing?] a blaze.  next 8 karna its 69 sections tell defeating tripura 

Sunday, October 11, 2020

summary book 4&5 of mahabharata


   fourth  virata has 67 sections that tell: pandava brothers put weppons on tree, hid in dominion of  king virata. bhima killd a man trying to take their shared wife.  dur' sent spies to find pan' but faild. trig' stole cows, causing war but trig' captured king  virata til bhimasena rescued him n kine cows. kurus stole cows so arj' defeated them n retrevd kine. vir' gave his dauter to arj for arj son.

b5 udyoga of b!

its 186 sections tell that both dur' n arj' askd krishna for aid. kr' offered soldiers or advice. dur' chose troops. arj'  said advisor ergo kr' was his counselor in war. a king came to ally pandava. dur' trikd n gave him gifts then askd a boon. king agreed so dur' askd troops. story of indra. indra defeated vritra [hence name]. talking.

king dhrit' worry, more talking til kr' went to dur' who wants war.

Mat' searjjd for husband for his dauter, a student learnd discipline, kr' shows powers 

and took karna in car for talking. jr' returnd to arj'.  pand' prepared for war.

kuru forces marched to field. next 6

bhishma has sections 117 sections that tell the battle for ten days under leader b' util b's death etc. this contains [kr' talkd gita about faith]. 

history 600bc til 600ad


this article summarizes historical important events, with embellishments to define the issues, during the millenia from 600bc to 600ad

the same numbers 600-600 seem poetic that is the reason i chose 

m605 in mesopotamia nebukadnezer 2, from chaldea conquerd babylon now also king of babylonia. in his 19th year [2 kings 25,8] burnt temple in jerusalem 605-19=586bc.

i,p550  cyrus king of persia ruled mesopotamia and region of jordan river. sent jew back to jerusalem [2 chronicles 36,17] fulfilling the seventy year prophecy early. a painful prophecy can be cancelled in jewish tradition, if repent for example story of jonah same for these 70 years shortened exile. cyrus died 529, 586-529=50 so less than 70 and even less than fifty kuz during kingdom.

[note: in contrast testing a prophet in book dueteronomy is a pledge of good, if jona true prophet then what test is in deuteronomy? good remains, which "will not be cancelled and therefore is a test" of the prophet. if i say names  of prophet saying prophecy for benefit  that hornets will chase foes for you or you will defeat every city of mesha, i will be called a heretic but you can find them yourself kuz it truly happened. if also good would be cancelled, and cannot test, then dueteronomy false kuz said CAN test either way moses bad oops i said a name i am doomed but i dont care somebody has to tell the ugly truth]

i,m550 persia ruled mesopotamia and also region of jordan river as above

p500 darius king persia [zakarya 1,1] from darius rabbis rejected books. no jewish books between darius era extending 150 years persian control, nor maccabee nor macedon forcing josephus to write very breifly between darius and alexander and to rely on book maccabees that the later rabbis rejected.

e500 persia ruled egypt along nile river for a century

e405 egyptian natives expel persians ending persian rule there.

c400 china empire continues to shrink, many separate states battle each other and attack emperor territory

a,i330bc Alexendar from macedonia conquerd jerusalem in addition to his capital region the Aegaen peninsula. the temple had been standing there for 30 years of persian rule until this conquest. this ended two centuries of persian control so temple 30 years at the end of persian rule. also conquerd mesopotamia before death 323bc

e300 macedonia empire rules egypt ending last egypt dynasty. king ptolmy rules this section of macedon empire.

c221bc in china near yellow river north and south banks a new emperor huang di. as above huang means yellow this is the ancient yellow emperor. small land conquering several cities under his control along the famous and long huang river.

a168bc rome extends rule from italy. greek cities ask for help to fight macedonia... greek is not macedonia as i was taut wrongly, only same language but now i know they were foes battling in aegaen peninsula. 

a168bc pydna battle, the army of rome republic defeated macedonia and rules aegaen peninsula. same time, judea rebels against macedonian king. maccabbess gather many soldiers and win many battles. jew self rule by aron-ites of macabee family.

c100bc han dynasty conquers far, much land north-east ruling korea peninsula and south east along coast and west to the eastward bend of huang river.

i,r 50bc rome conquerd jerusalem

m50bc rome conquerd mesopotamia

e 50bc rome conquerd egypt

r37 roman senate in city rome in italy peninsula appointed king herod king of judea

r30 rome republic ends. senate appoints octavius as "augustus" the first emperor rules forty years see luke 2,2.

sky6bc a very bright shooting star [as calculated recently] near  herod death in 4 bc. knowing jesus born before herod died means born before 4 bc probably 6 bc. the number counting ad is now known, not numbers from his birth as intended kuz herod died in year called 4bc which was not "before christ" but the name is bc.

60AD jew rebel against rome for several years as rome wins battles the jews used religious temple walls as a fortress so justifiably rome destroyed it burnt in 70ad. no jewish bias on this one coulda separated war from service and spared it as rome general offered.  same for any religion using a religious structure for war. ever noticed the tall towers on mosques.... and storing bombs in mosques.

rebels retreat to massada platuea  fortress, as told by josephus. 

note: a church book preserved that the jews were angry at the "brthers who followed jesus for not joining the rebellion" this matches jesus command to evacuate.  based on this the jews who followed jesus were not part of the akiba rebellion either.

roman empire very famous no need for me to detailing it. bad decision not to teach world history from mesopotamia 3000 as the one good article in encyclopedia. history in school prefers start with rome kus it had a senate for political idea in contrast to egypt kings and mesopotamia kings rome had a senate ... that appointed octavius as augustus like emperor. three ruled but augustus took both other  parts.

julius was the firt "ceasar" but augustus was the first "emperor" source history dot com.

c100AD china already huge now added conquer more land even until the corner of edge in south-east of land. and west "sinkiang" to takla desert , huge china almost as large as modern china. forced afghanistan to submit.

a,e,i,m100 under roman empire

i135 jew rebel led by general king but rome quickly defeated jews in two years. after knowing about the rebelion i can recognize hints of this story that are in jewish books written vaguely to hide it was a rebellion. then ruled roman emperor named antoninus  supporting safrai "outrageous unacceptable error" that rabbi book named mishna was written by juda THEN in "first half of second century" truly matching time of antoninus. i was expelled from jewish university for defending safrai with my harsh words about blind faith in religion without checking safrai nor roman emperor list.

book mishna is a rabbi book it gathered opinions of the students of rabbi akiba about religious ceremonies. akiba  supported the rebbelion and his students "died" probably in this war wth rome. their ideas would be forgotten unless in a book. almost all these ceremonies were already NOT practiced and could be in a shorter book to preserve the customs... in fact jewish tradition instructs EDUCATIONAL method "always teach briefly" and since this is possible the leaders who respect jewish tradition SHOULD edit the mishna to shorten it obeying that aidea but rabbis dont care about tradition they only use tradition as a way to claim a salary for easy work of saying their own opinion pretending it is tradition... but i know it is not the contents of tradition. that is enuf about rabbi book mishna the only one included by rabbis between darius and the talmud books. now back to history

c220 han dynasty ends. 3 kings parting the land.until 589ad.

m200-400 many wars in mesopotamia between romans and persians. obviously both sides  conscripted soldiers and war ruined the cities and families.

r300 constantine established eastern empire and capital city named for himself constantinople.

r400-410 northern tribes conquer the land in west rome. despite pulling troops from british isles rome lost and lost  until mountains named pyrenees. then tribes conquer rome city ending western roman empire. only eastern empire remains.

m400 rome ruled mesopotamia warring with persia.  

b440 saxons on north coast cross to invade briton. call it england kuz they were anglo-saxons.

m440 in meso-america first city

b458 saxons conquer more land in british isle celtics flee west across isle

r490 romans ruled aegaen peninsula and sent troops to fight in alps recapturing italian peninsula and rome city too.

m500 in meso-america maya flourish cities and roads and human sacrifice.

f507 franks by sein river attack southward the western goths called visgoths who had defeated rome. franks win battles and goths flee southward.

f530 franks conquer eastward including geneva. 

m600 famous muhamed gives charity and the poor appoint him leader. he teaches islam and led battles. war by mecca and medina in region east from the east branch of red sea.

after muhamed the age of muslim conquest. the split between shia and sunni who inherits from muhamed. muslim occupation submitting the land alond the north coast of continent with long river called nile [africa].

they obey the later books from muhamed to use force and threat to scare people to join. many join from fear not sincere nor convinced by reasoning.

end of part 2 from 600bc to 600ad why 600 to 600? kuz poetic same number

Saturday, October 10, 2020

first millenia bc til roman empire


i 840bc mesha battled israel 2k3,26 helps calculate

c 771 zhou lost capital  by west bank of huang river and kingdom shrinking lost west half by river bend eastward

m 690 senhrb assyria war israel 2cron 32

m 605 nbk' 2 from chaldea=kassites in s.m.  conquerd babylon so king of BOTH chl+b

605-19=586bc 2kings 25,8

i+m586 nebk' 2  in 19 year burnt temple "on date ten of ab" tenth is " same date as first" in book jeremia the number god chose in prophecy is the one rabbis reject with replacement. never said starve either day.

i+p550 cyrus king persia ruled j.r. sent jews 2cron 36,17 ruled 2 centuries, gift end 30 years exile

p500 darius king persia zkr. 1.1  rabbis rejected books after darius.

e500 egypt, persians ruled egypt 

e405 egyptians expelled persians but p, still rule j.r.

a+i330bc alx macd [aegaen peninsula] captured jerusalem around 30 years after the temple built [talmud but not total persia, 30 of 200] mcd ruled 150 years til pydna battle

c221bc huang di huang means yellow. yellow emperor. 200bc HAN dynasty.

a168bc pydna in aegae peninsula n.e  greece, rome army of republic fout macdon and won conquerd aegaen peninsula. note: macedonia was conquering greek cities enemies. alx was macedon, 

same time maccabees revolt and jew self rule in jerusalem.

c100 bc china empire conquers far west huge, til desert takla also south but not sw.

i+r50bc rome republic captured jerusalem 

r37 rome senate appointed herod to rule judea. king til death in 4 bc. jesus born before 4 bc. mt. 2,1

r30bc end  rome republic augustus "first emperor" history dot com, for 40 years, see luke 2,2 

6 bc shooting star probably the one in mat 2,1-2

next roman empire many battles spreading north and to british isle

too famous to need me. except one detail: 138 ad emperor antoninus  til 161 death i argued with professor in haifa u about this so they expeld me when i said, "you did not check stop filthying academics with your personal relijin." the end... of my career as a researcher.

Friday, October 9, 2020

summarizing mahabharata, books 2 and 3

a month after my september tenth post summarizing parts of hindu mahbarata i now add some more storys .

the mb has 18 chapters. first i summarize books two and three. why? kuz book ones existing summary is very good but i want to improve the existing summary of books two and three contained in section 2 inside book one of mahabharata.

how dare i claim to improve the "internal" religious summary? kuz i am not hindu and i see room for improvement.

2 my summary of mhbrta

books 2,3 from 18 and shorter ones 15-18

book 2 fills 157 pages and book 3 of mb fills 614 pages together almost 800 pages. who has time to read so much? so i provide a summary so people can KNOW the contents without reading every page and even find a story that sounds good by name to search and read the story.

note although the veda is the most ancient in hindu and the root of the religion still considering it is hymns of praise to the provide gods ergo not first summary kuz not a story. later if i live long i will summarise the provide god named and if they are described.

famous stories named mahabharata, ramayana, the former contains gita which is significant kuz ideas from a hindu god.

i start by summarizing m'.

note the number 18, based on the "18 days" battle with 18 groups of war-beasts
similarly the gita is 18 chapters and the book mhb 18 books, same number.


the second book of mahabharta is named sabha. its 78 sections tell the story at the assembaly. the title "sabha" meaning assembly [they assembled in the story and at the gathering dur' felt envy.] arjuna established a grand hall. the preparation for a scarifice. jaras' destroyed, the rescue of the trapd princes, the sons of pandu conquer much land in every direction. sisup' destroyed, bhimasena ridiculed duryo' who could laugh it off but was angry and jealous of the wealth and success of the pandava brothers [sons of pandu]. dur' prepare a dice gamble to get the kingdom. a son of pandu named yud' gambles and lost his throne. king dhrit, pa of dur' comforted his dauter in law. yud' and his brothers exiled for 13 years. this summarises the main events in the 78 sections in sabha parva. next third book,
third book aran' meaning forest, has 269 sections [my translation has has 313 sections] that tell: pandavas, meaning sons of pandu, went to forest exiled from kingdom, as above lost throne gambling, a lesson not to gamble kuz might lose throne, this bad action is a sin must clean sin by reading mahabharata. not lose joy if warrior fyts battles or scholar study and teach or craftman makes products of industry etc. for doing purpose and obeying gita not to feel pain in distressing time liberated from physical body and go to joy if did his purpose known based on parents of birth. a benefit in this system is family teacher but see below.
  the citizens escorted them from city. yud' earned power to produce food for scolarly wizards, granted by the "sun god god of day".
   king dhrit' expelled vidura who joined pandava. dh' sent that vid' should return so vid' returned. dur' plans with karna to kil pandavas in forest. the author vyasa named krishna of isle, convinced dur' not to go to woods. mait' came n cursed dur'. bhima slew kir' in battle. the panchala came with yadu, to yud' then drama of emotions. sauva fell. kr' led a lady n her son to dwaraka. pandava enter the dwaita forest. the author visited them til they went to another forest.
  arj' battled hunter, and celestials gave arj' weapons. drama emotions. yud' learnd the secret of dice. lomasa visited pandava from hevn who informed them arjuna was above searjjing for weapons. pandava went to sacred places earning merit. nar' went to a certain shrine. indra took karna's ear-rings a sage ate vatapi, one asura [a powerful human hosting a celestial see below]. a wedding.
  rama son of jam' saw death of kart' . pandavas met yadus. chy' [born from puloma, book 1] gave divine aswins the soma juice [fermented from a plant]. 23, they granted chy' youth. somaka killed "his only son"?
  then sired many sons. a sacrifice, vandi's defeat. a wizard freed a man from the sea depths. pandavas traveled til staying in place narayana. bhim' went met hanuman [ape form]. the flowers destroyed when bhima bathed. he fout demon, and destroyed jata. pandava hid in another place. bhim' went up hill n fout demons, arj' returned with celestial weapons from the provider demi-gods. arj' defeated foes in battle. arj' started to show the weppins til narada stopd this. pandava move. a serpent grabd bhima til yud' answerd query.
  pandu went to a forest n met vasudeva, krishna. marka' came and told many storys. pandava went to dwaita forest, before watched calvs . arj' saved foe dur'. yud' dreamt about a deer.
  pandava went to kamyaka forest. jayad' abducts draupadi, so bhima chased, and took his crown.
  rama battled ravan [parallel tale to book ramayana] and slew ravan. the ear... um repeating? indra took karna's ear-rings exchanged weapon. pandavas got a boon and went west. next 4
   book four virata
other project : 14 aswam 103 s. is other gruup

p. 30 book 15 asram' the 42 sections tell: king dhrit' left throne to forest with group including ma of arjuna named kunti and pritha. dhrit' saw the spirits of his slain sons. note: this reward for kuru warriors mentioned here refering to book 18, coulda been convincining arjuna to fyt, not spare kin family kuz will go to joy. still yud' response to seeing harmful dur' in plenty indicates would also be humanly diffiult to cause that joy, so either way not kill, so kr' wisely said "change body" for not truly killing so apt for ksatriya warrior. while other 3 and even warrior only in battle but not "harm any creature" rejecting root of hindu in veda cook horse and ramayana gods approve animal killing.

dhrit' enjoyed "highest fruit" of actions, maybe karma=result. vidura had "success" called "most meritorious state" as described in book 18. in contrast budha stopd rebirth as human and also stopd existing by joining light, join not seperate, so that goal is the "punishment of wicked to stop" in rambam. which is judgement? god judge does that to evil to end, ergo not for worthy and not a goal to do budha ideas to reach. anyway budha himself taught a time limit from 6th century bc or fifth 500 years so if obey teacher then "ended" already so obey and find next system, jesus era, and if say "budha wrong" then this guatama b. not good source.

sanjaya, the narrator to king dhrit', went to blessd state. nar' told yudh' the yadu=vrishnis died. next book 16 named maushala.

its 8 sections tell: a wise wizard cursed yadu heroes who drank til "inebriated" blocking reasoning killd each other while drunk. they saw krishna threw eraka grass that killed so they threw it too, killing each other kuz it killed the victims.

kr' died, his body containing god vishnu stopd living so v' returned to celestial realm. arjuna went to the yadu city felt sad for their death kuz not in city [violating first teaching from krishna in gita]. funeral burning corpses including krishna's corpse.

after warrior men died, arjuna left that city with women and young and old, and warrior age cripples of this race called yadu. men took the ladys and arjuna was too weak to protect them. his hands were weak. even celestial weapons including bow from agni faild. drama as arj' felt sad he could not save. he separated to be alone. next 17 book. the great "pras' " meaning journey.

its 3 sections tell: king arjuna with brothers left throne, 31

agni met by sea, so arj' returned to agni his celestial bow. yud traveled with brothers "linked to god" over mountains until they died except yud'. yud left corpses continuing journey. next last book 18 named svarga about celestal realm.

a celestial car came. yud wanted dog to escort him up. after arguing, the dog uncovered it was "god dharma" [of justice also named yama god of pain of dead, same one.]

the car flew yud, body alive, up to celestial realm. yud saw the harmful dur' enjoy and felt pain that evil had plenty joy. he asked to see arjuna. a guide led him to the place of pain from heat and thorns and bee venom, he heard arjuna there and agreed to stay so others would suffer less from god yama of dead and judge. then gods uncoverd the deception not truly arjuna, just place of sinners and pain. [arjuna feard this in gita, if not reborn go here. other faiths teach the truth that god knows and taut: no place of pain, the punishment is "prevenr enjoy" stop exist" one true detail in bad source rambam kuz god judge knows and MADE EFFORT sent me to reveal not to accept this nor similar wrong idea in book luke and revelation. nor to accept reborn second birth in another body but insted "after one death judged" one true detail in bad source book hebrews, not only after arjuna era but never were sent to other body birth nor place pain kuz god MADE EFFORT to send me to identify which details are true.

yud now washed away his human physical body in celestial river, went to place of plenty joy earned by battling as a warrior [as defined by his birth to pandu the king in warrior caste. as described in gita which, although logical not truly occur to mortals.]

there in celestial realm he lived in "joy" this ends the 18 etinth book.
ENDNOTE: 18 books  same number as days of the pandava battle. so we summarized 4 books here until last etinth book that describe th idea after death if not reborn by earning "liberation" free from rebirth in contrast to budha claiming change to light and stop existing as a separate life hindu claims live separate with no physical body and this detail is true kuz judge made effort to send me to to tell you yes joy if and only if CAUSE JOY for other people. joy for joy. but those who inflict pain and ignore the baby pain in infant circumcision both the pain of cut same as any knife cut and the DAYS OF HEALING pain... such cruelty will not enjoy the joy for joy as the judge sent me to warn you. certainly lose joy.

my summary of ramayana

my summary of ramayana, the book fills almost five hundred ten pages. who has time to read so much? so i provide a summary of the key events BEFORE rama born and BETWEEN ravan abducting sita until the rescue mission that frees sita ending the 508 pages.
   the book is important kuz it relates to the hindu god vishnu. he came in human form in ttthe second era before the bronze age called third era. then vishnu was in a human body named krishna

book one of r' has 77 sections, the book is about rama's journey but all of book one is before rama born and not about rama parents yet ! so only briefly summarize the time between "decree to kill bad ravan" as explained, until birth of rama. a parallel of the decree to kill ravan is in book 3 of mahabharata.

the main events: one god named brahma came to a sacrifice, people talking at this sacrifice that is described. the celestial gods decree death on ravan for using his power to oppress people.

Rish' visited then left. princes born before visva came and people talked. birth of tadaka, til death, a sacrifice. birth of ganga. cleaving of the earth. a sacrifice, a quest, ahalya freed, a feast, a battle and arson, a sacrifice, visva's success. broke a bow.

finally something connected to rama, king das' who will sire RAMA, came. cows were a gift, a wedding. king bharat left. next book.

book 2, r, 119 sections tell: that rama was son of king dasaratha to inherit the throne. he met with king and fasted. the citizens decorated the city with flowers and perfume for transfer of throne to rama.

people talked. one queen wanted her son to reign insted of rama. she told king you owe me for healing you, ergo my son must be king before rama can be king.

people talked. good drama emotions. king das' sent rama to temporary exile.

more drama emotions from rama's ma kausalya. others react emotionally. much god drama.

rama met with sita his beloved, they talk. sita wants to be near him but he warns danger away from city in forest.

sita begs to be together and rama love overpowers to stay together.

treasures gift. more good emotion. people talk. rama left so people sad. rama crossed rivers, rama sent message so parents cry. later king das' died. people cry. funeral, embalm not burn.

bharat dreamt, went and returnd. a funeral and ashes [cremation?] punished manth'

people left and journeyed.

a feast, a magic shaft, more good emotions, a funeral, people talk, sandals, gifts.

book 3 r, 76 sections tell that viradha attacked and died. rama's vow, dialog sita with rama, a celestial bow, the winter, killing a giant, kharas wrath, saw army n battle. people die, khara's defeat n death. rama had killed many demons. a survivor went to lanka to ravan to report this. ravan plans to fyt rama to save his type. people talk and ravan traveled. people talk more. the deer, lakshman left. ravan talks with sita then grabs her into his flying car. they "fly up" and away but a bird chased and argued. sita argued but ravan flew her to lanka and imprisoned.

emotional drama, of sita and rama, jatayus the bird died. a story,

book four 67 sections tell: more emotion. storys, bali fell and talked with rama, more good emotion. rama at sugriva coronation,. rain came more talking and emotiion. king sugriva left, many armys. the asur died. much talking, storys, more talking.

book five, 66 sections tell that: someones leap. ravan has a palace and enchanted car [that he took from his father the king as explained in mb book 3], searching n emotion. ravan talks with sita who rejects him. rv' n demons threaten her but she argues she loyal to rama. more emotion, more talking. rama's ring, and sita's gem, wrecking a temple, battles, hanuman captured, people talk. burning lanka. han' return, a feast n a speech. this book much talk some battles.

book 6 last 130 sections tell: much talk and emotion. spy story, sardula captured.

more emotion and talk.

up suvela, battles, but sita still in prison. rama and sita sad. battles. more talking and sallying.?

more die. indrajits victory. a night battle, more battles to rescue sita. lak' injured but heald.

finally the EXCITING part but the translator skipped

in english only part of the story !

6,103 indra gave rama a celestial car to help fyt ravan's flying car. 2 missing chapters of battle, translator skipped to. 106, 108 *battles with flying cars. finally rama used a celestial weapon to kill ravan after defeating ravans army.

sita rescued but many emotions. rama accused sita but she claims she was loyal. they kill her as a test but the gods revive her showing her innocence. rama hears he is vishnu in human form named naryana. rama flew the celestial car with sita from lanka quickly returning to his city. rama replaced his brother on throne. this summarizes almost 510 pages of ramayana.

the parallel of this saga is in book 3 of mb. from section 273 "ravan born" from page 534 in that section. ravan afflicted self for many years. earning a boon from brahma. but then used his power to harm others. so the gods became human and vishnu entered a body nameed rama son of das' as above destined to defeat ravan as told in these two books mb and ramayana.


last my summary of gods in veda and description indra strength etc. if i live long and do other goals first.

Thursday, October 8, 2020


 today i read two ideas that are worth elaboration

in gita, the hindu song of god chapter 2,12  [mahabharata book 6 section 26]  is an idea " 

aham sanskrit for i, never never existed translated "never was a time when i was not existing"

that idea is not-not exist meaning exist in past. perhaps he is saying this claiming to be god? in the past i always existed in the mouth of krishna claiming to be god? but we continue the same for humans mortals, kings and arjuna meaning even mortals that have a body that was born only the body had a beginning and a time when the body did not exist but the "driver" of the body  always existed even a mortal never was a time of never existing meaning always.

not oly a god has no beginning but the living part of mortals always existed in the past before the body was built and born. that is a fascinating idea to contarst to western thinking. we wanna how stuff started... but it did not start.  we contrast something that starts, i see a table that a mortal built. there WAS a time when the table did not exist as a table before the parts were attached and assembed. the western bible says the world had a "beginning" in the first word that mean that like the table there WAS a time when the world did not exist. the judeo-christian claims the same for humans, god "made the human" on he sixth day  by combining physical with a breath f life together the start of the human and before that there was a time when like the table no human existed.

the difference is stark that ju-c has a start and a time when humans did not exist but hindu claims each king always existed in past.

even if we stretch the bible that the breath of life was adam... entering the ody it is god's breath not the spirit driver of any human but blown from god so the same as adamas son both body and spirit driver did not exist yet neither did adam spirit driver exist until gods breath became the life driving adams body until heis death.

we ths have two possibilities in the past: hindu claims each person in the past always exxisted before entering the body but the ju-c bible said that adam's spirit driver did not exist separately from god nor other humans. there are tw directions to stretch the text: both false kuz krishna lists arjuna and the kings existed in past differs from bible that god was the same source for each spirit driver of mortal body.

did seth son of adam have a soul? god did not blow a soul into him. the bible lacks any explanation of adams sons and dauters.

once the breath of life enterd adam he  could cause the next life but who is driving the sons mortal body?? not the breath of god.

we can only imagine that at some point perhaps when the baby starts breathing after birth the soul enters... that would match the rabbis permitting abortion, but i have doubt is adams son and other human mortals  same as this hindu idea or not? either way adam differs. 

krishnas idea is more tempting not that there was a "start" to human life, and certainly not from "dirt of the land" as the schools teach... they urgently teach to young kids  before they can doubt that "that sounds sillier than fairies."

the seond idea is about the goal. fter taking hindus side for above topic i analyse the flaw in the hindu side for the second topic.

in the same sectiion krishna said the goal is o be "free" liberated from the material because each person is "second born" not immortal.  when they die three things can happen. they can go tp another body same as changing clothing as krishna said n this section or they can go to suffering described in book 18 and menyioned by krishna in this dialog if arjuna not fight he will go to suffering and arjuna feared the hell if he caused the adies,  unable to find a man marrying men from other castes... and he and the lades have hell not reborn in other body but suffering. or the plenty and joy as described in book 18 given if a warrior doeshis duty to fight.

2,15 said the goal is "liberation" which can be accheived by seprating from joy and pain. then they willnot be slaves to the body to bbe "second born" in a body.

the efforts of hindu is to stop being reborn in a second body. as defined in good dictionaries and encyclopedias. all of the efforts of the hindu and behavior and meditation is for that goal.

in contrast christians teach that the god taut in bibole that a person "lives once", so there is  NO NEED for  PREVENTING preventing the rebirth in another  body after god revealed that this event will not occur so all the efforts of hinduism and rules are not needed to prevent it. same as telling my son "use your hand to stop my hand moving toward your shoulder" and do not start moving my hand... he cannnot PREVENT me touching his shoulder when that event will not happen as i choose not to move toward his shoulder similarly if we know a person will not be second born kuz god said so in the bible then that goal of "preventing" another birth in another body is already accomplished becuse it will not happen. hence we see that the christian faith fulfills the main goal of hinduism and removes any necesity to do the religious burdens of hindu caste or other ceremonies to prevent the rebirth for example arjuna the warrior fihghting for his mission.

stil the first idea of existence in  hindu is better adding the idea not in bad bible for the son of adam  always existed meaning no starting point for the spirit driver. while the second idea of hindu would noy occur and no effort to prevent it.

so indted of moving to another body either same as he pained others he will suffer pain or the same as he helped others he will be helped as a spirit alone with no body. who will judge that? the god who told us we live once will judge but wait god also sent krishna to say you change body same as changing clothes?

if god existed then certainly he would teach who to follow? one message is not from god.

 the silence when two messages both claikm to be from god and no GUIDANCE is acting as if god does not exist... this suggests that no god exists and both of these messages are not from god kuz no source. in the absence of a god nobody to judge that the inflicter of pain deserves pain... a world like that sucks but is the logical conclusion...

unless you accept that god sent me to tell you that genesis is not from nor is the story true about  humans  from his breath nor from dirt of the land nor can we trust any detail in book genesis.

and the idea of changing body is also false and will not happen. none of the three religons have accurate religious texts.

if you accet that then you can ask me what is the goal instead?

if you accept god made the efforts to send me to warn you the texts of these religions have false contents then instead accept that your spirit always existed before you born and when your body dies you will not move to a second body and we know this kuz god saw the different teachings and sent me to guide you that both were inaccurate. if god did not send me to guide then that is itself acting like he does not exist and without a judge neither hell nor rebirth... to avoid.

Monday, October 5, 2020

my summary of the MOST SUCCESSFUL video

 which video is the MOST IMPORTANT to summarize?   
certainly the most popular video and the most successful of the decade must be first therefore i change my order, despite starting to write summaries for the top videos each year  , i now provide my summary to the top video since 2009  inclusive, which was even more successful than the hit "avatar"  2009 and was not topped by any later video since 2015 until today.  y
Summary for Star Wars: Episode 7, Force Awakens, sw7, f,a, 2015
words CRAWL that,,  Luke Skywalker, the last known surviving Jedi is hiding. after 30 calm years, the sinister FIRST ORDER violently hunts for him,, the REPUBLIC government approved a force named RESISTANCE to restore peace in their galaxy. General Leia Organa  leads it. She wants to find her brother Luke ergo she sent a pilot on a secret mission to Jakku. he must get a map from an old ally, that contained a clue to locate Luke.
   Intro: decades after vader killd the emperor, ending the empire, the First Order rebels against the young Republic. 
main characters
Finn, Kylo Ren, Rey
STORY,, Poe flew to a village on planet Jakku. he got a map from a man. abruptly, f,o=First Order stormtroopers, wearing imperial armor, attack. Flametroopers burn the village. Poe ran with his rolling-droid BB-8 toward  their jet, but f,o blast its engines. 
Poe hid the map in bb8. Poe fout while BB8 escaped. he zapd a stormtrooper. a pal checks as his pal died.
   f,o gatherd the villagers. Kylo Ren argued with a village elder til Ren used his lightsaber to murder him. Poe shot at Ren, who force-stops the pulse. f.o.  captured po.
   f.o. mass murder the captive villagers, as Ren orderd. one Stormtrooper stood motionless, not shot at captives. he returns to the sv shokd by these n his pal's deaths. he separated entering inside an empty shuttle to doff his helmet. exiting, he handed his blaster to his unit-leader for inspection, as ordered. 
   f,o torture Poe who hid information about the map of Luke Skywalker's location. Ren uses the Force to see  in po's mind that the map is in bb8.
   on jakku, a scavenger named rey salvaged parts from a downed sv. Rey went n exchanged her items fir food at an outpost.
   Rey went home=fallen imperial AT-AT, and prepares a meal. After ate she gazed at a starship fly up. she heard sound so took staff and went to investigate. she saw a green scavenger trying to take BB-8. She frees the droid that wants her protection. it followd her to food exchange. when she and droid left,  two thugs follow them, as ordered.
   the deserter frees poe kuz needs a pilot n led him to a TIE sv. the deserter sat by guns, and shot his ex-allies in the hangar. he also blasts the gun as they fly out. po names the deserter finn kuz name unknown except the "fn" code for soldier. po reveals he needs the map in his droid, when a missile hits their sv, luckily only damage but still caused it to fall so they eject. f,o flew to the place where the sv will crash.
   F&P land separately. f went to the wreckage n finds Poe's jacket. wreckage sinks into the sand.  Finn walks toward outpost while he doffs and throws down his armor. finally he drinks, desperately, from an animal trough.
   he notices thugs attempting to steal the droid, which he recognizes as BB-8 (saw in village raid), from a woman. she, rey, used her staff. BB-8 told rey that f is wearing his master Dameron's jacket.
    Rey accused him, thief. Finn explains... 
note: i praise disney now and later DEFIES society where the story contains the "tabboo" of a light-skin accusing a dark skin of stealing. the response... explains? this must be fiction. most 
would reply "you racist bigot !! just kuz im not white you say i stole" this effort in this and a later scene are to indicate the story is in a distant galaxy).
finn defends that he found it by crash where po died. then he told story, that he helped Poe escape. elsewhere, f,o  followed the trail of armor and sand footsteps to the settlement. f,o flew over it, searching for droid containing map. the newly assembled team of heroes (this time no white males sorry i noticed but the other way complain why no negroes... when many minorities exist among light skinned but this time no white males).
Finn n rey ran with rolling droid towards a sv, but TIE zapd it. last option is the old Millennium Falcon. as before finn operates weapon. Rey pilots it through Giant hulls of sv. Finn zaps the pursuing f,o sv. they fly up into space.
   in f,o flagship, Kylo Ren shows anger in response to the droid escape. Ren activates his lightsaber and slashd at an instrument panel. ren used the Force to pull the one bearing the news, across the room and starts to choke him with his hands.
    Finn and Rey celebrate their escape, til sv shakes. it needs repairs. they with BB-8 begin fixing it. While they fix, a beam traps them n pulls m,f into another sv named the eravana=e. is it f,o?  they see Han Solo and Chewbacca who reclaim solo's sv, kuz was the former owner.  he was scanning for its signature and now found it kuz it was flying. [as han will say later]. Han and Chewie enter n inspect it. they find crew. 
note: again at this point disney has the guts to defy society and show a white male accuse a negroe of stealing his ship.... good that they fearlessly have such a scene not trembling about "accuse negroe" kuz our society usualy prevents that, only white criminals, kuz the truth hurts. indeed m,f is not theirs just not stole from han. DESPITE this unpopular move... this video was not affected by liberals. its story was so good that it attracted audiences earning the most of any video this decade. its success was so great to the extent that no later video until now 2020 has yet topped in sales. not even the "politicly correct black panther" which pretended no black dc suprhero in 1976.... jeez. but back to the story.
    Rey and Finn explain that they were escaping danger in the m,f. they tell the story about the map with the location of Luke. Han and Chewie join their mission but abruptly 2 gangs came. han talks to both, who demand money from han, while r,f both hid.  a thug recognized BB-8 and wants its bounty from First Order. 
they fyt. Rey controls doors trying to help han, but accidentally releases three hungry rathtars. The rathtars eat some thugs from both sides, while Han and Chewie run along a corridor. 
a long tentacle grabd Finn and drags him thru corridor, so Rey shuts a door, that cuts the arm. The duo, and bb8, join Han and wookie in m,f fleeing the remaining gangs. they accelerate. a gang leader informs f,o  that han has the droid.
on a planet, that was hollowed to build a superweapon, f,o made Starkiller base.
Kylo Ren and General Hux met with Supreme Leader Snoke's hologram. hux gets permission to use the Starkiller superweapon to destroy the government of the New Republic.  Ren insists that he will kill his father.
  while m,f flys, it shows a problem. Rey shows knowledge of s,vs by fixing the flow. later, BB-8 shined the hologram-map. Han told the story: luke trained jedi. one student not only chose dark, but also killed all the other jedi-students. Luke hid but many went searching for varied reasons to find him. some claimed that Luke went searching for the first Jedi Temple. han adds that f,o can find m,f same as the gangs scand for its signature. ergo they must fly a different sv for delivering droid BB-8 to the Resistance. ergo they fly to planet Takodana. 
the 3 heroes and BB-8 arrive at Maz Kanata's castle. han talks with Maz. spies from different sides see and report that the group is by her castle. the Resistance hears that the BB unit is by maz. the First Order also hears. 
Ren sits quietly in his meditation chamber. he placed vader's burned helmet on the floor in front of him. ren secretly tells his grampa about Snoke's order to kill his own father, and about his internal struggle. he says that he knows Snoke could sense he is tempted by the light side. ren chooses the dark side of the Force and seeks guidance from his grandfather, Darth Vader, to help him stay dark. 
on t, Finn arranges to work for Sidon Ithano if he will fly him to the Outer Rim. After a dramatic discussion with rey, Finn leaves.
Rey hears screaming. the voice seems to be a young girl. She goes in that direction and descends deep to a chamber. it contains many relics of the past. The Force calls her to a wood box [h.p. changed diadem from sculpture to box, in 2011 ergo not inspired by this later video]. she opens it and finds the lightsaber that had previously belonged to Anakin Skywalker and his son Luke.
When she touchd the lightsaber, she abruptly saw a series of visions: first in Cloud City, Luke dueld Vader until vader cut off his hand causing this saber to fall down a wide tube. next the force shows her Luke placing his metallic replacement hand on R2-D2 near a fire. now she lay on the ground at night. rain soaks her. corpses lay around the Knights of Ren who murdered them. Ren notices her and came toward her... before he reaches her, she sees herself as a child yelling "come back" to her parents when they were leaving Jakku. next Rey saw ren chase her in a snowy forest, in the future, so Rey rouses herself.
she saw maz by the room. they talk about the force. rey runs into the woods with BB-8.
part 2, the senate's calamity, by the firing of the Starkiller superweapon.
the Starkiller superweapon, flew in the direction of the capital planet. it drained the energy of a star, and from far it zapd and destroyed the planets with the government.
   from Takodana, they see the flash and the power of the First Order. it now seems finn was right, f,o is unstoppable...  to be continued.