intro to gita: gita fills almost 50 pages with 18 chapters. it is located inside book six of mahabharata. it is important kuz it contains the message from the hindu god vishnu in a human body named krishna, ergo until he talks only briefly:
intro to message until 2,11 brif summary til words of god: first chapter tells that kuru and pandu were each gathered to battle. king dhrit' asked what happened at the battlefield. his sage said that people talked and blew conch shells. told that arjuna had a dialog with [a hindu god in a body named] krishna. arjuna asked how can he kill his family? [end chapter one with question which is corrected and wrong so better not to quote the wrong question except to show krishna corrected the error about hell.] brifly til message ch,2,1-10, Summary Arjuna spoke from mercy, but Krishna replied his deeds are same as the weak. Arj' said reasons not to kill his relatives saying i cant enjoy kingdom by killing family and teachers so will not fight them.sanjaya told the reply of kr', [end brif summary til words of god].
Summary of message:
2,12-26: kr. explained the life moves to a second body [2,13] and "death only ends the body" 2,18 the idea summarized is: battle will not kill your family kuz spirit survives and cannot be harmed. before your relatives were born they always existed. no time when they did not exist infinitely and same in future they exist infinitely unable to harm nor destroy. when body die usually life to another body source gita 2,13 in book 6 mahabarta section 26.
souls does not and cannot die. same as a person changes clothing the soul moves out of dead corpse to new body. the four elements besides space cannot change the soul.
2,26-32 even at death "birth is certain" only unseen but continue living the life cannot be harmed nor slain it is imperishablle. you as a warrior family must do duty[2,31] to fight in battle. if not do your purpose you will not reach celestial realm [instead other body birth as 2,27].
kr' explains either way benefit. if die "on the battlefield then attain the heavenly planets," for doing purpose as warrior and if not, "you will conquer and enjoy the earthly kingdom." notably he warns "scorn" if not battle, correcting arj' wrong question in chapter one, not of pain after death, but of "scorn" the act of the weak people will "consider you a coward." also "devotional service" differs and surpasses the veda, by working your purpos [war for warrior] for the purpose "not for the fruit" that is wiser.
46-3,1 ideas: abandon all attachment to success or failure. 51 do devotional service this frees from the "cycle of birth and death". mind 53 trance of self-realization, cease 55 actions for your happiness, desires goal 56 indifference to misery, not bother,detach from joy and fear and emotions. goal 57 not rejoice when he obtains good, nor lament when he obtains evil real indifference for "steady". my response "steadiness is a dumb goal" not feel misery is the happy state but not feel elation. restrict and cease pleasures " fixes his consciousness upon Me" 61, attachment is bad [cant release from body but if not happen anyway attachment is harmless and even fun] lust? 64 goal free attachment"
desires 70 not disturb to reach internal peace, dont try to satisfy desires. s
my conclusion although some is true and we should not have intense emotions we should also have emotions and "not suppress our nature" therefore a "creator" of emotions would not demand the "indifference" described and this book is wrong direction if we were created with emotions. also need but lack coroberation. this "infamy" cororberates "cut life" but its contents not corroberated but problematic.
end ch. 2
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