Friday, October 9, 2020

my summary of ramayana

my summary of ramayana, the book fills almost five hundred ten pages. who has time to read so much? so i provide a summary of the key events BEFORE rama born and BETWEEN ravan abducting sita until the rescue mission that frees sita ending the 508 pages.
   the book is important kuz it relates to the hindu god vishnu. he came in human form in ttthe second era before the bronze age called third era. then vishnu was in a human body named krishna

book one of r' has 77 sections, the book is about rama's journey but all of book one is before rama born and not about rama parents yet ! so only briefly summarize the time between "decree to kill bad ravan" as explained, until birth of rama. a parallel of the decree to kill ravan is in book 3 of mahabharata.

the main events: one god named brahma came to a sacrifice, people talking at this sacrifice that is described. the celestial gods decree death on ravan for using his power to oppress people.

Rish' visited then left. princes born before visva came and people talked. birth of tadaka, til death, a sacrifice. birth of ganga. cleaving of the earth. a sacrifice, a quest, ahalya freed, a feast, a battle and arson, a sacrifice, visva's success. broke a bow.

finally something connected to rama, king das' who will sire RAMA, came. cows were a gift, a wedding. king bharat left. next book.

book 2, r, 119 sections tell: that rama was son of king dasaratha to inherit the throne. he met with king and fasted. the citizens decorated the city with flowers and perfume for transfer of throne to rama.

people talked. one queen wanted her son to reign insted of rama. she told king you owe me for healing you, ergo my son must be king before rama can be king.

people talked. good drama emotions. king das' sent rama to temporary exile.

more drama emotions from rama's ma kausalya. others react emotionally. much god drama.

rama met with sita his beloved, they talk. sita wants to be near him but he warns danger away from city in forest.

sita begs to be together and rama love overpowers to stay together.

treasures gift. more good emotion. people talk. rama left so people sad. rama crossed rivers, rama sent message so parents cry. later king das' died. people cry. funeral, embalm not burn.

bharat dreamt, went and returnd. a funeral and ashes [cremation?] punished manth'

people left and journeyed.

a feast, a magic shaft, more good emotions, a funeral, people talk, sandals, gifts.

book 3 r, 76 sections tell that viradha attacked and died. rama's vow, dialog sita with rama, a celestial bow, the winter, killing a giant, kharas wrath, saw army n battle. people die, khara's defeat n death. rama had killed many demons. a survivor went to lanka to ravan to report this. ravan plans to fyt rama to save his type. people talk and ravan traveled. people talk more. the deer, lakshman left. ravan talks with sita then grabs her into his flying car. they "fly up" and away but a bird chased and argued. sita argued but ravan flew her to lanka and imprisoned.

emotional drama, of sita and rama, jatayus the bird died. a story,

book four 67 sections tell: more emotion. storys, bali fell and talked with rama, more good emotion. rama at sugriva coronation,. rain came more talking and emotiion. king sugriva left, many armys. the asur died. much talking, storys, more talking.

book five, 66 sections tell that: someones leap. ravan has a palace and enchanted car [that he took from his father the king as explained in mb book 3], searching n emotion. ravan talks with sita who rejects him. rv' n demons threaten her but she argues she loyal to rama. more emotion, more talking. rama's ring, and sita's gem, wrecking a temple, battles, hanuman captured, people talk. burning lanka. han' return, a feast n a speech. this book much talk some battles.

book 6 last 130 sections tell: much talk and emotion. spy story, sardula captured.

more emotion and talk.

up suvela, battles, but sita still in prison. rama and sita sad. battles. more talking and sallying.?

more die. indrajits victory. a night battle, more battles to rescue sita. lak' injured but heald.

finally the EXCITING part but the translator skipped

in english only part of the story !

6,103 indra gave rama a celestial car to help fyt ravan's flying car. 2 missing chapters of battle, translator skipped to. 106, 108 *battles with flying cars. finally rama used a celestial weapon to kill ravan after defeating ravans army.

sita rescued but many emotions. rama accused sita but she claims she was loyal. they kill her as a test but the gods revive her showing her innocence. rama hears he is vishnu in human form named naryana. rama flew the celestial car with sita from lanka quickly returning to his city. rama replaced his brother on throne. this summarizes almost 510 pages of ramayana.

the parallel of this saga is in book 3 of mb. from section 273 "ravan born" from page 534 in that section. ravan afflicted self for many years. earning a boon from brahma. but then used his power to harm others. so the gods became human and vishnu entered a body nameed rama son of das' as above destined to defeat ravan as told in these two books mb and ramayana.


last my summary of gods in veda and description indra strength etc. if i live long and do other goals first.

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