Sunday, November 1, 2020

summary gone wind part 2

part 2 continuing from the summary:

there, pert two of summary:

 After the union victory Sc' and ladys work the land, themselves, due to the freedom of their slaves. her father is acting senile. Tara's fields are bare due to no workers.  [those awful yankees took our food, as if confederate soldiers had not taken their food. who preserves that? the video "free state of jones 2016"].

Scarlett arranges for her sisters to work in their cotton fields. Melanie wants to help but Scarlett warns her if she does not rest then melanie will become a burden. A "yankee" comes to steal... kuz its fiction but sc' shot him. 

Scarlett's "pa" rode a horse to  chase away a trespasser. tragicly when the horse jumped the fence [not thrown from his horse] he falls and died. 

With the surrender of the Confederacy, the war "ends" so Ashley returns to his family. He can join the work in the fields. Sc' tries to wed several men for the sake of her goal but rhett wants to remain single and ashley is married to  Melanie. 

How to rebuild? by tax but cant tax the poor? the government collected tax from the  land owners, kuz owned land, huge taxes for funding the rebuilding. sc' lacks funds for the tax. so she pretends that she loves a guy named Frank kennedy, kuz he owns a store. he was fiancee engaged to sc' younger sister Suellen. however su' did not want to wed now anyway so sc' told f' that su' did not want to wed him but insted that she did if he would marry now. so sc' n f' wed. sc' manages a Lumber Mill for profit hiring a harsh supervisor.

A criminal attacked Scarlett while driving through a shanty town.  a freed slave helps and rescued sc'.  Ashley, Frank, Rhett and several other accomplices make a night raid to avenge and find the perp and his gang. frank returns shot. a cop asks questions so they hide his injury but he died.  after Frank's funeral, sc' widow again so Rhett proposes to wed Scarlett. she accepts. they enjoy a fancy Honeymoon.

part 3 

Bonnie Blue's Birth: Sc' bore a daughter named Bonnie Blue.

Scarlett complains that her stomach remains stretched refuses future kids ergo separate beds.

Ashley's sister saw A' hug sc'  at the mill. she spreads rumors that sc' violates her marriage commitment to rhett. Sc' acts angry and refuses to leave her room. That evening, Rhett orders Scarlett to attend a's birthday party. they go and Melanie defended sc' announcing not to believe the gossip about sc'

Later at home Rhett is drunk and argues about Ashley. Rhett demands they behave same as married people that night, and carries the struggling Scarlett to the bedroom.

the following morning, Rhett apologizes for his behavior and offers Scarlett a divorce. she rejects, saying that would shame her [and strengthen the rumor].

Rhett took Bonnie to London. when  they return from London, they see Scarlett is pregnant. they argue until sc' tries to angrily push rhett... when he dodged she toppled down the stairs. later, sc' is in bed recovering, after the fetus died, when Bonnie fell from her pony and dies.

Scarlett and Rhett visit Melanie. who is dying. m' wishes for Scarlett to wed Ashley. but sc' feels confused. now that she can have ashley she does not want him anymore. r' said now you can have him as you always wanted and i will leave.

sc' begs him to stay saying she does love r' ...and not Ashley. Rhett was fed up with her. He walks away from the house into the morning fog.  

She stands on the staircase,  and announces she will go  to Tara and think about all this "tomorrow".  the end. 


my edit to mgm in case reverted

 Georgia, U.S., in 1861, (before the start of the American Civil War), Scarlett O'Hara lives with her family on a plantation named Tara. (Scarlett has two sisters). Two young men visit her, who want to dance with her at a barbecue. They talk about the possible war brewing between the Southern and Northern States. Scarlett stops them from talking about war, and instead talks about the barbecue at the home of her secret love, Ashley Wilkes. They tell her that there he will announce his engagement to wed Melanie Hamilton, his cousin.

The next day, at the  plantation named Twelve Oaks,  Scarlett flirts with and then argues with Ashley who insists he will wed Melanie. A guest, Rhett Butler heard and talks with her. Suddenly,  somebody announces that war has begun. The men rush to enlist.

Scarlett hurriedly marries Charles (Melanie's younger brother) before he leaves for war. Charles's dies in battle, so Scarlett went to Atlanta. At a charity bazaar, she talks with Rhett who earns money as a blockade runner supplying the Confederacy. She creates a scene by waltzing with Rhett, wearing her mourning attire.

The tide of war turns, when the Confederacy gets defeated at the Battle of Gettysburg, in July, 1863. Many (troops on both sides including) men from Scarlett's town died in war.

Northern troops of the Union Army acheive numerous victories as they march through the Southern States. They came and attacked Atlanta in July, 1864. then Scarlett aids Melanie to gives birth. 

end contribution

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