this article summarizes historical important events, with embellishments to define the issues, during the millenia from 600bc to 600ad
the same numbers 600-600 seem poetic that is the reason i chose
m605 in mesopotamia nebukadnezer 2, from chaldea conquerd babylon now also king of babylonia. in his 19th year [2 kings 25,8] burnt temple in jerusalem 605-19=586bc.
i,p550 cyrus king of persia ruled mesopotamia and region of jordan river. sent jew back to jerusalem [2 chronicles 36,17] fulfilling the seventy year prophecy early. a painful prophecy can be cancelled in jewish tradition, if repent for example story of jonah same for these 70 years shortened exile. cyrus died 529, 586-529=50 so less than 70 and even less than fifty kuz during kingdom.
[note: in contrast testing a prophet in book dueteronomy is a pledge of good, if jona true prophet then what test is in deuteronomy? good remains, which "will not be cancelled and therefore is a test" of the prophet. if i say names of prophet saying prophecy for benefit that hornets will chase foes for you or you will defeat every city of mesha, i will be called a heretic but you can find them yourself kuz it truly happened. if also good would be cancelled, and cannot test, then dueteronomy false kuz said CAN test either way moses bad oops i said a name i am doomed but i dont care somebody has to tell the ugly truth]
i,m550 persia ruled mesopotamia and also region of jordan river as above
p500 darius king persia [zakarya 1,1] from darius rabbis rejected books. no jewish books between darius era extending 150 years persian control, nor maccabee nor macedon forcing josephus to write very breifly between darius and alexander and to rely on book maccabees that the later rabbis rejected.
e500 persia ruled egypt along nile river for a century
e405 egyptian natives expel persians ending persian rule there.
c400 china empire continues to shrink, many separate states battle each other and attack emperor territory
a,i330bc Alexendar from macedonia conquerd jerusalem in addition to his capital region the Aegaen peninsula. the temple had been standing there for 30 years of persian rule until this conquest. this ended two centuries of persian control so temple 30 years at the end of persian rule. also conquerd mesopotamia before death 323bc
e300 macedonia empire rules egypt ending last egypt dynasty. king ptolmy rules this section of macedon empire.
c221bc in china near yellow river north and south banks a new emperor huang di. as above huang means yellow this is the ancient yellow emperor. small land conquering several cities under his control along the famous and long huang river.
a168bc rome extends rule from italy. greek cities ask for help to fight macedonia... greek is not macedonia as i was taut wrongly, only same language but now i know they were foes battling in aegaen peninsula.
a168bc pydna battle, the army of rome republic defeated macedonia and rules aegaen peninsula. same time, judea rebels against macedonian king. maccabbess gather many soldiers and win many battles. jew self rule by aron-ites of macabee family.
c100bc han dynasty conquers far, much land north-east ruling korea peninsula and south east along coast and west to the eastward bend of huang river.
i,r 50bc rome conquerd jerusalem
m50bc rome conquerd mesopotamia
e 50bc rome conquerd egypt
r37 roman senate in city rome in italy peninsula appointed king herod king of judea
r30 rome republic ends. senate appoints octavius as "augustus" the first emperor rules forty years see luke 2,2.
sky6bc a very bright shooting star [as calculated recently] near herod death in 4 bc. knowing jesus born before herod died means born before 4 bc probably 6 bc. the number counting ad is now known, not numbers from his birth as intended kuz herod died in year called 4bc which was not "before christ" but the name is bc.
60AD jew rebel against rome for several years as rome wins battles the jews used religious temple walls as a fortress so justifiably rome destroyed it burnt in 70ad. no jewish bias on this one coulda separated war from service and spared it as rome general offered. same for any religion using a religious structure for war. ever noticed the tall towers on mosques.... and storing bombs in mosques.
rebels retreat to massada platuea fortress, as told by josephus.
note: a church book preserved that the jews were angry at the "brthers who followed jesus for not joining the rebellion" this matches jesus command to evacuate. based on this the jews who followed jesus were not part of the akiba rebellion either.
roman empire very famous no need for me to detailing it. bad decision not to teach world history from mesopotamia 3000 as the one good article in encyclopedia. history in school prefers start with rome kus it had a senate for political idea in contrast to egypt kings and mesopotamia kings rome had a senate ... that appointed octavius as augustus like emperor. three ruled but augustus took both other parts.
julius was the firt "ceasar" but augustus was the first "emperor" source history dot com.
c100AD china already huge now added conquer more land even until the corner of edge in south-east of land. and west "sinkiang" to takla desert , huge china almost as large as modern china. forced afghanistan to submit.
a,e,i,m100 under roman empire
i135 jew rebel led by general king but rome quickly defeated jews in two years. after knowing about the rebelion i can recognize hints of this story that are in jewish books written vaguely to hide it was a rebellion. then ruled roman emperor named antoninus supporting safrai "outrageous unacceptable error" that rabbi book named mishna was written by juda THEN in "first half of second century" truly matching time of antoninus. i was expelled from jewish university for defending safrai with my harsh words about blind faith in religion without checking safrai nor roman emperor list.
book mishna is a rabbi book it gathered opinions of the students of rabbi akiba about religious ceremonies. akiba supported the rebbelion and his students "died" probably in this war wth rome. their ideas would be forgotten unless in a book. almost all these ceremonies were already NOT practiced and could be in a shorter book to preserve the customs... in fact jewish tradition instructs EDUCATIONAL method "always teach briefly" and since this is possible the leaders who respect jewish tradition SHOULD edit the mishna to shorten it obeying that aidea but rabbis dont care about tradition they only use tradition as a way to claim a salary for easy work of saying their own opinion pretending it is tradition... but i know it is not the contents of tradition. that is enuf about rabbi book mishna the only one included by rabbis between darius and the talmud books. now back to history
c220 han dynasty ends. 3 kings parting the land.until 589ad.
m200-400 many wars in mesopotamia between romans and persians. obviously both sides conscripted soldiers and war ruined the cities and families.
r300 constantine established eastern empire and capital city named for himself constantinople.
r400-410 northern tribes conquer the land in west rome. despite pulling troops from british isles rome lost and lost until mountains named pyrenees. then tribes conquer rome city ending western roman empire. only eastern empire remains.
m400 rome ruled mesopotamia warring with persia.
b440 saxons on north coast cross to invade briton. call it england kuz they were anglo-saxons.
m440 in meso-america first city
b458 saxons conquer more land in british isle celtics flee west across isle
r490 romans ruled aegaen peninsula and sent troops to fight in alps recapturing italian peninsula and rome city too.
m500 in meso-america maya flourish cities and roads and human sacrifice.
f507 franks by sein river attack southward the western goths called visgoths who had defeated rome. franks win battles and goths flee southward.
f530 franks conquer eastward including geneva.
m600 famous muhamed gives charity and the poor appoint him leader. he teaches islam and led battles. war by mecca and medina in region east from the east branch of red sea.
after muhamed the age of muslim conquest. the split between shia and sunni who inherits from muhamed. muslim occupation submitting the land alond the north coast of continent with long river called nile [africa].
they obey the later books from muhamed to use force and threat to scare people to join. many join from fear not sincere nor convinced by reasoning.
end of part 2 from 600bc to 600ad why 600 to 600? kuz poetic same number
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