Sunday, May 10, 2020

go EAST Frodo with ring, one

my summary with travel directions for video:
Lord Rings1, Fellowship Ring (2001)
intro: travel directions: this part, simply went eastward continuing east from each city until river anduin.
note: the book's title is bad kuz the book story is "not about the lord of the" rings except that he made it, which is only in video but not in the books either. a better name for the book trilogy is "the adventure of the ring". even the video only tells a bit about saurons story a bit at the start and a bit when "saurons eye" exploded at the end so i need to fix: that sauron died at the end. I recommend to compare
my "corrected version" with fandom of this video, fans abbreviate "lotr" r
the story of the ring starts: a wizard, named Sauron, made a ring by pouring liquid metal into a ring-mold. he used magic to bind his life to the ring and for this One Ring to rule. he gave magical Rings to dwarvs, elvs and Men but this ring will rule all. sauron is the "lord of the rings" but most of the story is not about him.
sauron captured many places til elvs allyd with men to attak sauron by Mount Doom. during this bat'l, Sauron killd king Elendil. his heir, Isildur, graspd the sword [that fell from his pa] but sauron stepd on it and broke the metal. desparately he swung the broken sword at Sauron's hand... good won as he cut off Sauron's fingers, separating him from the Ring.  without power, the men and elvs slay saurons army. what happend to sauron? [i must add once the ring was separated, saurons body vaporized and isildor thout that sauron died.] Isildur took the Ring and did not destroy it, despite hearing that sauron can't die until they destroy the ring. [sound like harry potter and the horcrux? too bad.]
later, orcs ambushed king isildor and killd him. when he fell in the river, the Ring fell to bottom of River Anduin. [i add they puld the kings corpse out and burnd it as was the custom in that place].
2,500 years later, Gollum found and wore it [as told in part3 r.k.2003]. he lived in a cave for "five centuries," by the power of the ring, til the ring "left him" [as told in video titled hobbit, 2012] when Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit around fifty years old, came to the cave and found the ring. gollum cryd.
Bilbo returnd home with the Ring. sixty years later, [3060 years after king isildor died], frodo baggins and his uncle bilbo prepared for their birthday party. [note: they have same birthdate in september and celebrated bilbos 111th birthday so 111-60=? to fill from 60 need to add 51 years hence we know from the total that b was age 51 when he found the ring kus sixty years later he was age 111]. end intro.
the story about the "fellowship of the ring" starts when Bilbo gave this Ring to gandalf, after the party.
when? in year 111 yb [years from bilbo birth]. where? in hobbitton [the town where hobbits live. who was their king? none.]
at the party mischevous hobbits played with the "fire-works" and accidently lit many, but... what is the story of the ring?
at the end of the party bilbo did a magic trick vanishing. The Wizard Gandalf understood that b has a magic ring so he askd bilbo to hand it to him. g put the ring in an envelope and went far to learn its story. then g returnd and sent frodo to Bree. Sam heard so he joind the journey eastward from hobbiton.
Gandalf went southeast to Isengard. Saruman already chose to serve sauron so he lokd g on a tower. under the tower orcs made weapons and saruman bred large orcs cald the Uruk-hai [i call them orks].
Frodo and Sam passd the mischevous Merry and Pippin. a ghost called a Ringwraith, rode a horse and chased the group til they hid. he was trying to get the Ring. [note the name "Nazgul" is name for these wraiths]. the wraith could not see them and turnd away so the group of four continued the trip eastward.
the four hobbits enterd Bree. as gandalf pland, they met a man named Strider. he led them east toward Rivendell. after a day of traveling they slept on the hill named Weathertop. til the wraiths attakd.
Strider fout them, but one stabd Frodo. for healing, they must hurry to the elvs at their intended destination. during day the wraiths chased again. an elf-et took Frodo to Rivendell, using magic to caus the river to stop the nazgul. the elvs used magic to heal frodo.
In Rivendell Gandalf rejoined them and told the story. he went to saruman kuz s was the leader of his wizard order but s lokd him in a tower and used magic to hurt g. then he trapd g atop the tower til g jumpd to a giant eagle.
then much talking... til a dwarf named gimli jumpd and [complaind too much talking] swung a weapon at the ring. the ring is not crushed. The Ring can only be destroyed in Mount Doom, kuz place it was made. Mount Doom is far to the southeast from rivendell. [flaw so i fix. Frodo is a halfling unaffected by the ring kuz its magic was to rule elvs and men]. the group formd "THE FELLOWSHIP" in rivendell. frodo will have 8 escorts. the dwarf named Gimli, the elf named Legolas, 3 hobbits [s,m,p], 3 men: Aragorn, who they cald Strider, Boromir and the wizard gandalf. while gandalf talkd with the council, frodo's group traveld eastward. til gandalf rejoined them. g led them to mountains. when they try to pass the mountains, Saruman used magic to zap the roks causing an avalanche. insted g led them down and thru a tunnel. they enterd the "west" gate of the tunnel. they travel eastward thru the tunnel til orcs attakd them with fierce battle. they fyt the orcs til they retreat but soon the orcs surround them... til the orcs fled as a huuj being was approaching. the fellowshipfl ran to a brij but the being chased them. g broke the brij allowng the fl to escape, but it puld g down from the brij. the fl. exited cave and went to the elvish vilij Lothlorien near river anduin. there an elf named Galadriel felt temptation, [kuz ring "ruled elf rings".] she wanted the ring but after inner struggle she defeated the temptation. better in hands of halfling kuz less affected. she gave Frodo an elven light source and elven rope.
the fl. floated southward on the River Anduin. After landing on the west bank, Boromir, tempted by the ring, tryd to steal it from Frodo. frodo wore it, so hid. Frodo separated and started crossing the river eastward alone. sam swam after frodo to help him and they went eastward.
suddenly orks [bigger than orcs] attakd the gruup. Merry and Pippin distracted the orks to protect ring.  Boromir ran to protect m,p til an ork wounded him. the orks captured Merry and Pippin and went westward. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli find Boromir dying. They chased the orks westward to rescue the captives.
s,f went eastward. to be continued.
L.R.2, Two Towers (2002)
see adjacent post in list in sidebar

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