Thursday, May 28, 2020

wich books

which book? to respect? only the word of god but not "all" the books that religions claim are word of god in the book bible. we can and should discern.
some of the books, which the religions publish and gave to us, are more obviously "not from god", since books with errors are not from god ergo no need to "assume we must defend" for example if god knew the future he would say the correct number of years "in egypt" in both books GENESIS and EXODUS, yet the numbers in book exodus for "generation of levi" as well as josepus and rabbis all preserve the jews rejected both the numbers in genesis and exodus so those two books are certainly not from god kuz god woulda known. no need to start respecting any book not from god.
book JOSHUA also obvious lie saying "not with sword" surrounded with battles before and after. i accept that one phrase and reject most of the book but a book mixed is certainly not from god. the way they gave it to us is certainly not from god so we must not accept book joshua either.
at the end of book judges reveald that sinners succeed for a long time, not only matching book ecclisiastes but worse challenging the idea repeated six times until then that sufferrinig was for sin so book obviously and certainly not from god. the book ecclesiastes showed that sinners "succceed long" so unless you reject ecl. while relijis people assume ecl. is "good book" then psalms and most of the book judges is wrong so obviously errors not from god. only respect gods word but not those books that certainly are not from god. they are not gods words kuz god woulda known.
another obvious lie is the year numbers in books KINGS and CHRONICLES cronicles kuz we know the time between mesa [2kings 4] and nebucadnezer, god woulda known so error not from god so books not from  god no need to respect, the books kings and cronicles that are obviously not from god.
if a book said "do not murder" with bad ideas is the whole book good? the same book said "do kill the sinner" despite sinner did not kill that is self contradictory so leviticus obviously not from god either. or the plagues in numbers against ecclesastes as above. deuteronomy has bodily hits and if we assume god "is merciful" he would give a diffferent punishment than pain. if pain is merciful and i must be merciful to you then invite me to burn your skin but you wont... hyppocrite you know mercy is not pain, so those are obviousy not from god. what remains samuel? god later rejected saul... yet god would be strong enuf to remove him... yet that book has god powerless to expel saul after prophet rejected, so that book called SAMUEL obviously cant be from god ether.
all the books the relijis say are good cannot be from god. some more obvious. maybe isaia? he said in past tense "god did not want" blood if we reject leviticus as above we have no reason to doubt isaia. in fact jeremia matches isaia so those two witnesses support each other. unless they reject jeremia as one rabbi lied to me yet he reads from it publicly he only lied to try and trick me... judaism only continues kuz rabbis struggle against truth and speak tricky deceptions which i reveal for you. christians must reject the bad books that rabbis gave to them and separate isiaa with jeremia from the ther books that people humans wrongly claimd are word of god kuz only word of god needs respect not books that are bviously not from god kuz h=god woulda known.

summarys joan arc robin hood movie critic -icism

my summarys
some people have  "A PAYING JOB" to write summarys for others to have a chance to decide if the story interests them so why cant i? i am doing the same worthwhile job by writing my summary and being a critic.
this post will critique and summarize "two old legends" as told in video "joan of arc" a mini-series on tv, seen in 1999, and sold as disk, about age 13 saw and obeyd vision. born 1412+13=1425. saw a vision in garden but better marketing she saw it in church. and a second the legend of robin hood as seen in the comedy version.
one 1 "robin hood men in tights" 1993 to make the "classic" meaning "old", story more palate-able they added some comedy and rap.
around the core "ingredient elements" robin hood was a hero in the crusades and led a struggle against extreme taxes to help the poor, til the king returned, they added some rap and dancing at the beginning and exagerated other parts to make things funny.
the story started with some dancers sindging and dancing. but not talented song words nor consistent melody. but abrupt "i say hey" which a limited audience does enjoy... but limited... who prefer something more important than skill.. only the skin color.
then robin hood is a prisoner in the crusades. he went to crusade battles obeying the king but when he escaped prison... did he return to serve his king? oops. if not obey better to say he was never commanded to go to army kuz not muscular enuf.
in the land called england, robin returnd and cannot go home kuz the king "took" the home and land. not the real king who is away fyting the crusade but the fill-in who raised taxes and takes everything. not only is the king owning the property insted of him but they roll it away... is that funny? kuz "took it"?
robin gatherd some helpers. he helpd a kid running from the cops for hunting in the forest by shaming the head cop. he saved a negro from a gang of white-bread... now that is the one definition of a hero: in this generation fyt your own skin color to save the other skin color... yet that premise itself is "color discrimination" because skin color should not matter. robin should not be involved in the fyt at all. bad to mix in to violence. if good, then stand aside. he dont even know why they are fytig can we assume the white bread was "racist" wanting to hurt negroes... the makers believd that would market the film video. though not to inteligent people. robin hood saved the negro by fyting his own skin color that "defines a hero," but it should not. similarly in avatar the guy who cant walk fout "his own" race to help his lover... is that a hero? i doubt that.
then robin traind the citizens to be warriors... that is the one plausible part.... and after he kneew that hunting was forbidden he enterd the the palace fearlessly showing that he hunted violating the fake kings authority. then they have a battle. and robins knockd down all the soldiers. litl john is strong enuf to lift gate and they leave.
john arranged an archery match and robin came despite his lovers warning. he shot the arrow and showed archery skill. in the disney parallel the competitor hit his bow so he quickly shot a second arrow to hit the bd arrow "just right" to send it to the target disney was clever. in this version not really skill but entertaining to watch the guided missile.
the soldiers surround him and the helpers send for the newly traind army to free robin. coulda threatend his lover at this point forcing his surrender but that idea is in "phantom of the opera".
she begd to spare robins life despite separating from him. the army freed robin and they battle the gaurds then robin climbd the tower and freed marion from the top cop in a sword duel.
with the army they rescue robin and he rescued his lover marion. the king gatherd his soldiers but the real king returnd and protected robin and punished his brother cancelling the exagerated taxes.
my conclusion? not worth buying just read the summary here and insted rent and watch the far better disney version despite the claim that animated is only for kids.
two 2 joan of arc the version in mini-series in two parts.
joan de arc where? you must already know? that joan de arc was french lady in france. when? at a time called the hundred years war fout in land called france between english who claimd the land by marriage against two french leaders one burgundy and another royal family who all claimed the land and fout each other.
when a dauter was born, dad does not want a dauter but ma convinced pa to see her as a human. part of fiction kuz only ancient japs kild dauters but not in france. if woulda killed no problems later, but she grew older and saw visions with messages that she knew were from god.
at age ten the young girl playd with a boy. she saw all france is one, no real divisions nor separation so should not be divided among two french kings and  third english king.
some refugees passd their village and beggd for food she wanted to help but dad said "i must keep for my family that is YOU you ungrateful twit". at dinner she complaind that we have plenty and dad explaind not enuf for a larj mob. but their vilij was next. the french burgundy attakd and burnd their homes making them homeless. her lover burnd. she cryd to god why him?
swayd by her anger at burgundy for hurting her loved boy, and already wanting a united france as she had said already, in church she saw a vision of both: a united france under the other french dude who also claimd to inherit the throne. she left her family and went to the leader who had not defended their town. "send me to the heir of the throne i saw god say he wanted a united france". he scofd and did not believe her. [for marketing only. back then they trusted prophets much easier.]
she sent a message to the poor "if you work to build our defenses in our city we will give you homes". the homeless pourd in and helpd build defenses so they were welcomed. the leader invited joan to explain why they were buildng defenses. for gratitude gave her what she wanted an escort to the heir. um one of the heirs. probably sent her before added new walls. about heirs the dufon was only one of several claimants especially after the english king had wed a royal dauter as told in shakespears story henry the eighth after his victory and compeld the marriage.
a messenger told the heir she was coming and he hid in the crowd to test her. a substitute sat on the throne. she came and saw the old guy on the throne that could not be the young heir so she lookd aong the young guys and an angel showed her the right young guy. they all believed she was the legendary maiden.
the church tested her for blasphemy and as long as she did not threaten their power she was fine.
the soldiers followed her to fyt the english on the coast cald saxony. note: the dwellers of englend are "anglo-saxons" kuz crossed from saxon conquering england adding the isle to their home in saxon. so god was saying take away the source from the anglo-saxons. french were happy with that prophecy and attacked the english anglo-saxon soldiers in a saxon town and they fout but the fire bomb was not hitting the target. joan was injured and many soldiers lost braveness til she returnd.
this miracle her recovery after arrow hit, inspired them to continue. the attack til the fire bomb started a fire and they opend the gate. to flee the smoke. then they killed the anglo saxons.
she also wanted to fyt burgundy but the heir made a deal with the burgundy leader.
joan argued with him that god wants one united france. the church dude argued you cant speak for god.
she left and led her followers to attack paris. her new lover died and she cried again "what did i do wrong i was obeying her visions from god." she faild at paris. the heir apologized and gave land to burgundy ruler.
at paris they captured her and spent half hour with the drama of her visions and interrogations until they burnt her for not accepting the church above god. but hundreds of years later they said that she was a good prophet. kuz that was good marketing at the time.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

the contrast

trump enterd presidency after obama policies increasd the national debt by 78% almost doubling, obama was democrat as you recall, obama recklessly pumpd americas money out, and he increased that debt even more than... the national gdp... in those years, almost to twenty trillion dollars [20 million millions]. then president trump, the business wiz, enterd presidency in a "more dire crisis" than the 1933 bank runs... when roosevelt CALLOUSLY closed banks on march 6, proclamation 2039, roosevelt was also democrat as you recall, depositors could not get their own money at a time when some schools had "90% children were malnourished," and unemployment was very high at around 25% of workforce.
then hoover had wanted to "limit the withdrawals" if so, many poor could each get some, spread among many, but the banks wanted to keep the money inside. roosevelt democrat preferd the banks over the depositors by proclaiming 2039 "banks closed." no withdrawals. so in contrast to hoover, depositors cant even withdraw "a limited" amount rationing the money over time.
now in contrast to obama who grew debt more than gdp, trump stimulated the national gdp and made new trade deals with nebbors canada and mexico and even added tarrifs... same as europeans obligate tarrifs, trump did the same obligating tarrifs on china items, so people would buy "locally made" this not only "stimulate the gdp" in contrast to obama but specifically encouraged the production in america.
if tarrifs were bad then european union would not obligate any tarriff yet when trump does the SAME, then the "hate america" news companies and dem's who claim Over-spending-Obama's recklessness was flawless and that callous roosevelt was a hero...  say we should not be the same as european union as if trump is bad...  yet trump is the one who understands business and caused less unemployment... in general... and "even" minorities have less unemployment.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

my summarys video "in her shoes 2005" movie critic -icism

I will pretend to be a movie critic in two summarys of videos I did not enjoy
pink panther 2006 and "in her shoes". first the one I saw first
an exciting sport game til somebody murderd a coach and stole a pink diamond ring. no panther in this story. is it funny? a tiny car in a larj parking space hit the cars as it parks? ridiculous maybe british humor? not funny. cop enterd police headquarters and boss has fancy office [for cops??] too wird. in big chamber a lady was hanging a picture. he offerd to help her down but rode her on his shoulders...funny? absurd but not my humor.
cop chekd office for spies and started investigating... the whole video he does foolish stuff... that is the point, not watching his surroundings,  breaking chandeliers but in the end after following the clues and despite his foolishness and failures and shameful errors a lady loved him anyway and he is the one that succeeded and found the secret layer in the purse that hid the pink diamond.
next an earlier video also very wird but i saw pink panther first.
in her shoes 2005
two ladys are hugging men and making sounds as if they are doing "adult seks". one lady gagd and stopd to vomit. so the guy took her outside for air. the other lady continued in a bed til the phone near the bed rang and blak hair must drive to get her blond sister.
the rest of the story is pretty boring so a brif summary.
blak drove blond to her rental [unclear but owner is a stepmother who marryd blonds pa], but the owner said that kuz blond is drunk so cant enter to vomit on her rug. sis took blond to her home. there they meet blaks lover and find beds.
morning came and blak went to her job lawyer. blond crump'ld the notes instructing dont touch and took her sisters shoes and ice cream. [haha yea ryt that thin actress never ever eats ice cream and spends many hours in the gym each day burning the few calories she is allowed to eat.]
black went to a law meeting and her lover invited her to a business trip. she hesitates for hide they are lovers but boss sent. blak workd in her law office til a young man said we must go for the business trip. lover man is not there. so she went with young guy who invited her for dinner but she said no... loyal to her lover. the co-worker kept trying to get her to eat with him between jobs.
while blak bus with trip, blond borrowd the car to go [vague] but it got towed, so she hung out with strange guys until they drove her to the car lot. one guy thinks that buying her a drink is payment for seks, so he tryd to kiss her so blond defended herself with a painful knee jab and drove away quikly.
that nyt black came home from business trip, and saw blond with a dog and said i dont allow dogs. clean the sheets and get rid of the dog if you wanna stay. then she slept.
the next morning, blak went out to drive to job, but cant kuz the car is lokd with a boot bloking the tire kus blond had not paid the fine payment. blak missed her job and told blond she must leave kuz she made too much trouble.
blond went back to her step-ma's house [bad vague story. that landlady was not known to be her step ma until the end of this scene]. blond searjd drawers for cash and found some and old birthday letters for HER ! her pa never gave her the mail. she opend it and found money and cards from her dead grandma.
she pocketed the money but before she used it to get to the address of the grandma at a retirement village she retirnd to blak's home to pack her clothes and steal some of blaks clothes. black is  a lawyer and can easily replace them. blond cant go to her parents kuz she is adult and worse her ma died and her pa was married to the step ma who kikd blond out.
blak took [a cab to work and there] criticised lover for trikking her "not informing her he canceld". she does not communicate properly but was angry that she thout he would be with her on the trip and he disappointed her expectations.
what a jerk she liked him but maybe they need to separate. she will decide later.
an old lady told her frends that she has no dauter and went shopping with a man and another old lady. who are they? you gessd ryt that is granma. i did not gess right. gransdmas dauter died so granddauter will stay with grandma at the returement vilij.
while blond pakd, lover came wih flowers to apoligize to blak. but blond signald him into the room for sex. the men liked that idea, and slept with blond til blak returnd from job and saw lover "far from loyal". lover apologized but blak realized this man is bad.
she will suffice with the love n storys.
grandma talkd with her frends til blond came to the retirement vilij.  blond tand by the pool til grandma sent blond to get a job offering her money to match her salary. so duble salary sounds good blond started a job. granma also askd blond to help her contact her other grandauter but blond refused.
while blond workd granma searjd blonds purse and found address book with claks address. she immediately maild a letter.
blak got mail with a plane tikit and flew to her granma. she argued with sister blond. the rst is too wird for me especially the jew-wedding with breaking the glass and head covering like the whole time not act jew but a jew-wedding pretends to be jew and break glass. i hat that idea for many reasons. blak does not communicate with new manfrend so he broke engagemet. in the end he wed her anyway... too wierd. somuch emotion frustration the lazy girl got a job... the lawyer did not like her job so relyd on her savings from past to care for dogs that she enjoys... that s hard to follow but she showd she enjoyd it and that is the stroy... fll of weird surprises. the lazy one got a job and the lawyer stopd her job. but thats okay kuz she wed a lawyer who will act jewish at ceremnys despite all life not except cutting his baby kuz he cant recall his own pain and feels nothing for his own sons pain... jewsh parents are horrible people... i know my parents were filthy cruel jews. and any parent that ignores the pain of their own child making them bleed without medical urgency must be stopd. the whole year they dont act jewish but suddenly at marij ceremony they pretend to be jewish just for the ceremony breaking glass and head cover and cut baby... all harmful dont break glass it harms the glass for waste and far worse than breaking glass... dont cut baby that is harming the baby and ignoring that pain and bleeding proves just the degree of evil that jewish parents have. and you thout it was hard to recruit nazis... back to the story it is just too wird probaby based on a true story too. lesson? if you arent smart in skool you will get a job anyway... if you are good at skool you will hate your job and  not do "the educated job" anyway... too wird. ah and men are jerks... that repeats itself several times. the only good part was when the man realized blak does not communicate and must not marry her... that is good lesson, but then he wed her anyway... too wird.

Friday, May 22, 2020

floating airports

during the second world war over ninety boats were specialy prepared as floating airports movable air-bases called aircraft carrier-boats
i organized them into categories so if you only know the name you will need to use search tool interface for the name or go to a database website kuz this list is better based on categories
World War II Aircraft Carrier-boats
the producers of the planes' boats usualy "described its class" for example "escort" meaning smaller or "light" meaning few planes, but  brits hid that theirs were weak.
i groupd them by number of planes they carryd kuz name. is "carrier" for planes
one: escorts, carry? 16 to 18 alates, but japs escorts carried 26. still less than 1/3 lexington 91.
two: lyt carryd around 30, 1/3 of "lexington class".  so not enuf planes for a marker in contrast to major. for game a transport marker should include lyt same as battlesships and smaller kuz not effective for attacking tunnels .
World War II Aircraft Carrier-boats, list
major only 19 less than twenty major until end 1941.  named carriers kuz carryd warplanes. like floating movable airports. but 26 of em carried a few around fifteen warplanes. around 500 feet long in contrast to big longer than 800 foot long ones. even lyt around 30 planes.
by end of 1941 how many each?
japan had NINE aircraft carrier boats besides many smaller lyt and escort size.
but four destroyd in end of spring june 4. so washingtons 6 more than 5 still some by africa uss-ranger or by britin.
soviets? not active. nazis one incomplete waited in river til 1945. brits? ten. surprise why no marker? kuz all carryd few same as lyt so i moved to lyt.
must learn brits n read 1944 kuz shorter.
u.s six but some in atlantic unjustly one against one marker but balance for all global.
get month 1942 for game v
GRAF 92 in categories. if you know the name goto ww2db. if you want groups my list is better.
Name Class Country Year of Launch
Akagi  Japan  1925
Ark Royal  b 1937  sunk 1941
Courageous  b  sunk 1939
Enterprise  Yorktown-class Aircraft Carrier  United States  1936 
Graf Zeppelin  nazi incomplete even in may 1942. 1945 scuttled but soviet got.
Hiryu  Soryu-class Aircraft Carrier  Japan  1937  
Hornet (Yorktown-class)  Yorktown-class Aircraft Carrier  United States  1940 
Kaga  Kaga-class Aircraft Carrier  Japan  1921  sunk june 1942
Lexington w 1925 scuttled after damij may 1942 south from solomon isle chain.
Nisshin  Seaplane Carrier  Japan  1939 
Ranger  United States  1934 in amazon ocean in july 1942 
Ryuho  Ryuho-class Aircraft Carrier  Japan  1933 
Ryujo  Ryujo-class Aircraft Carrier  Japan  1931  
Saratoga  Lexington-class Aircraft Carrier  United States  1925 
Shokaku  Shokaku-class Aircraft Carrier  Japan  1939 
Soryu  Soryu-class Aircraft Carrier  Japan  1935 
Wasp w 1939 
Yorktown w 1936 
Zuikaku  Shokaku-class Japan 1939  =19
ESCORT 26 ships around 500 feet long, 16-18 warplanes. 26 were involved.
by end of each year how many escorts? b only 3 escort aircraft carriers.
nazi none involved. soviet none involved. japan 7. w 16. by year?
end 1940: j4, w1 nutral.
added by end 1941: b1, j+2 , w+1 nutral til december til responded.
added by end 1942: b+2, others didnt complete escorts that year.
added by end 1943: j+1 , w+7.
added by end 1944: w+7 escorts
list escort 16-18 alates 26 escorts agtive
Activity, Escort b 1942, May same as solomon 513 ft 18 alates.
Ameer, Escort b 1942, 470 feet, 18 alates
Archer Escort b ? 1941v  16 alates one sank u-752 by rocket
Chuyo  Escort Japan  1939  longer 591 feet.
Copahee  Escort w=washington u.s 1941
Corregidor  25a Escort Carrier  w 1943 
Hiyo Escort Japan  1941
Junyo Hiyo-class Escort Japan 1941
Kaiyo Escort Japan 1938 
Long Island Escort w 1940
Makin Island  Casablanca-class 25 alates, Escort w 1944 
Manila Bay  25a, Escort  w 1943 
Marcus Island  25a Escort  w 1943
Natoma Bay 25a Escort   w 1943 
Nehenta Bay  25a Escort  w ? keel 1943 
Ommaney Bay 25a Escort  w 1943 launched end 1943
Petrof Bay  25a Escort  w  1944
Saginaw Bay  25a Escort  w,  ? commisiond 1944
Sargent Bay  25a, Escort  w  1944
Savo Island  25a, Escort  w 1943 
Shamrock Bay  25a, Escort  w  1944
Shinyo Escort Japan  ? 1943
Steamer Bay  25a, Escort  w  1944
Taiyo  Escort Japan  1940 
Unyo  Taiyo-class Escort Carrier  Japan  1939
Wake Island   25a, Escort  w 1943
LYT 25 that only carried around thirty alates sizes varyd between escort and fleet class
brits had 11 lyt carriers not including to aircraft carriers sunk in 1939 and 1941.
Argus b 1917  lyt [size lyt n 18 alates].
Bearn french 1927, lyt servd ally carryd half alates of lexington. 
Belleau Wood  Independence-class Light Carrier  w=United States dec. 1942
Chitose  Light Carrier  Japan  1936
Chiyoda  Chitose-class Light Carrier  Japan  1936 
Colossus  Light Carrier  b 1943 
Cowpens  Independence-class Light Carrier  w  1943
Eagle lyt  20 alates b  1918
Formidable  lyt [long but 30p] b  1939 
Furious  lyt b  1916 
Glorious  lyt b 1916 
Glory  Colossus-class Light Carrier  b 1943 
Hermes  Light Carrier  b 1919 
Hosho  Light Carrier  Japan  1921 
Ibuki  Light Carrier  Japan  1943 
Illustrious lyt b  1939 
Independence  Light   w 1942 
Indomitable  lyt b  1940 
Langley  Light Carrier  United States  1943 
Monterey  lyt w 1943 
Princeton  lyt w  1942 
San Jacinto  Light Carrier  United States  1943 
Shoho  Zuiho-class Light Carrier  Japan  1935 
Victorious  lyt 30 alates b  1939 
Zuiho Light Carrier  Japan  1936 
1943 japan built four but washington built TWELVE. brits made one small boat that year
including Aircraft Carrier boats ready september 1942 or later: 17.
Bunker Hill  Essex-class= 90 warplanes. w dec. 1942.
Essex  w dec. 1942
Lexington Essex-class w sep. 1942  replaced lex. sunk in may 1942 south from solomon isles.
later: Amagi, Unryu-class Aircraft Carrier  Japan  1943 
Anzio, Casablanca-class Escort Carrier  w1943 
Arbiter, Ruler-class Escort Carrier  b1943 
Bataan, Independence-class Light Carrier  United States  1943 
Cabot, Independence-class Light Carrier  United States  1943 
Casablanca  Escort Carrier  w 1943 
Franklin  Essex-class Aircraft Carrier  United States  1943 
Hornet (Essex-class) Essex-class Aircraft Carrier  United States  1943 
Intrepid  Essex-class Aircraft Carrier  United States  1943 
Katsuragi  Unryu-class Aircraft Carrier  Japan  1943 
Taiho  Taiho-class Aircraft Carrier  Japan  1943 
Unryu  Unryu-class Aircraft Carrier  Japan  1943 
Wasp (Essex-class)  Essex-class   United States  1943 
Yorktown Essex-class w 1943 
1944 built 5. washington built four major Aircraft Carrier-boats this year but japan completed only one which sunk a few hours after it started cruising.
Bennington  Essex-class  w 1944  this class carried over ninety warplanes and small bombers could start flying from it.
Hancock  Essex-class w  1944 
Randolph  Essex-class w  1944 
Shinano  Japan  1944, in 1942 started changing a battleship to runway. cruisd in nov. 1944 but a submarine of w saw and followd. at niit destroyer tryd to stop sub, instead sub succeeded to shoot six torpedoes some hit shinano. it started to tilt. its top soon sunk "cap-sized" turnd over, only a few hours  after started cruise. many of the crew chose honor to die inside, despite knowing it tilted, kuz that was japanese culture based on kamikaze legend which was not only legend but used in warplane tactics in practice. others wanted to defend their emperor god named showa. i add the  tilt prevented fifty planes from escaping.
Ticonderoga  Essex-clas  United States  1944
by this year washington decided they had plenty. even more than enuf considering smaller battle area now that japans territory had shrunk ergo did not build more despite japan preparing for a battle on its home island rather than shame of surrender. from january japan lost over 1300 warplanes yet refused to tell its soldiers to stop shooting. even the atomic bomb [singular] was not enuf to caus emperor to tell his soldiers to stop shooting...  needed a second on august 9, while other planes waited for better weather. so on 11 august washington demanded "tell your soldiers to stop shooting or else..." but he didnt. on 13 august u.s bombd more airfields near tokyo, still no order to japanese soldiers to stop shooting. only a week after second atomic bomb, as soviets took more land, emperor announced surrender yet japanese soldiers kept shooting... only a trick. he said he would tell the soldiers to "surrender their weapons" to allies not only to stop shooting and bring gun home! but only to fool the naive president roosevelt democrat who stopd offense. emperor never orderd his side to end the war that day, until afternoon of following day date 16. fiiting continued as japanese claimd their radios broke so even after surrender the japanese soldiers shot and llies returned fire. when did japanese stop shooting nobody preserved... naive roosevelt democrat only cared bout paper not lives. imagine if regan woulda negotiated then the japs woulda stopd shooting.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

for june and explaining dc calendar

special days in
1. b.=Birthday of Hawkman Hall c1940. 2e
3. b. Shrinking Violet, "salu vi", c1961. 4.foe. 5e6x7e8x
6 forrest gump
9. b. of a soldier [John Cloud, of Losers elite team but not super] c1960.
12 marty of back future
17 Kyle's Mom  (Sheila), despite not chronologic since april not summer need date in vacation so for phineas so closest match is 14 days after june 3 in second summer. age vague but one more.
18 Terrance Mephesto's b. sp
19 garfield+Birthday of Shayera (a Hawkgirl but not c1940).
20 Token's b. sp
21. celebrated in summer ma of phineas and candace [world pf], also change, stop adding lyt, hence new season named summer. for symbol now is the evening "to lyt a lyt" human lyt kuz stopd adding nature lyt. but rabbis bakwards.
27 dobby h.p+ anniversary Aquaman wed Mera.
non-celebration dates 4. b. of foe Weather Wizard, against flash c1959. 5e in dc, but b. of mean brat draco malfoy [h.p. world]. not only mean to harry but like dad a bad death-eater. he disarmd dumbledor.
next is july first indiana jones
happy summer season
ALSO explanation for DC calendar june
 JUNE  during this month, the star group cald gemini starts to be sun's bakground, not the star group cald cancer. also this month Krypton exploded, "By the time they saw that JOR EL was right, they were "too late" to apologize."
 1. Hawkman's b. which? "Hall", c1940=golden age, see march 30 and august 21. 2e
 3. Shrinking Violet's b. c1961. [added more salu, so this "salu vi".]
 4. Weather Wizard's b. against flash c1959. 5e
 6. J. Gordon [batman world] Graduates from Law School. 7e
 8. young bruce, Batman, watjd the Murder of his parents.
 9. a soldier's b. c1960 group losers. 10e11. error kuz superboy title "april 1949", after first seen in jan. 1945.
 12. Harvey Dent Became villian "Two Face". 13. for presbyterian christian but not other churches.
 14. [not federal] Flag Day, symbol june 14, 1777 new law describing flag to unify many regiments each with different flag by one. 13 stripes beside 13 stars on blue. 15e
 16. Krypton exploded, superman's parents also died. 17e
 18. "superbaby" Landed on Earth a week before official adoption. kent couple saw crash n found same day naming clark.
 19. Shayera's b. (a Hawkgirl, seen after 1956, not c1940 but fans hid info by loopd links). 20 minor.
 21. change, stop adding liit, hence new season named summer.
 22. Pied Piper's b. foe of flash, c1959.
 23. Superman's First Battle With TerraMan
 24. in lex Luthor's Lab, an Accident causd e.s.p in lena, his sister. 25. see 18. 26e
 27. anniversary, Aquaman wed Mera see january 29,31.
 28. Wing Died saving Earth
 29. a dog, Krypto came from krypton, so pet and helper for clark. 
 30. Perry White [c1940, not preserved brown hair n worse race-ploitation] Hired Clark Kent at newspaper job.
JULY 1976=200, bi-cent-enial
during this month, star group, cald cancer, starts to be sun's bakground,date 19, not 21 nor leo.
also during this month one federal, Independence Day, self-govern, free from king.
 1. empty.
 2. Tawky Tawny's b. c1947. 3e if friday legal. 4. federal unless weekend 5. minor
 6. start Mary Marvel [magic].
 7. Johnny Thunder's b. c1940 helps flash by wishes.
 8. Kent couple de-age using Elixir
 9. Atom's b. not g.a. Ray Palmer c1961. helps hawkman by shrinking.
 10. Wildfire's b. c1973 helpd superboy.
 11. when Escaping from Batman, Red Hood Swims Through Chemical Wastes They Dye His Skin And Hair, He Becomes The Joker. 12e
 13. Supergirl Meets Comet, The SuperHorse. 14e
 15. Robin's Parents got Murderd (John & Mary Grayson.)
 16. First Meeting of the Justice Society.
 17. Lana Lang's b. she is clark and "Superboy's" Girl Friend c1950 in superboy. 18e
 19. start of Wildcat c1942. to clear suspicion kuz he was a murder suspect. boxing skills fiit crime in cat costume.
 20. Dr. Alchemy's b. fout flash
 21. Fire Lad's b. c1963 can blow fire n fout evil.
 22. Justice League of America Organized
 23. start of Spectre, a Murder victim was sent back for divine revenj see january. 24e
 25. Lucy Lane's b. Lois's Sister [superman world]
 26. Penguin's b. fout batman
 27. Luthor made First Adult Bizarro, by cloning superman
 28. Batman First faut Catwoman
 29. start of Atom 2, a guy Used "Dwarf Star Power" To shrink, see july 9. 30e, 31. minor
during this month, date 12 star group cald leo starts to be sun's bakground, not virgo nor 22.
 1. Joker's b. foe of batman (so Red hood same see july 11)
 2. a grenade blinded Dr. Charles McNider, See Dec. 1.
 3. Superman, U.N. welcomed and approved him as World Citizen [but already "adopted"]. 4e
 5. Superboy Discovers Kryptonite
 6. Kid Eternity's b., magic c1942
 7. b. of President of competitor to daily planet [superman world]. 8e
 9. Ma Kent Died. [changed story in 1979 kuz canon that pa died same day.
 10. start of Deadman, Murder victim's ghost can "possess" body for justice. c1967.
 11. supergirl [superman's kryptonian-kuzzin] got Adopted by Danvers couple. 12e
 13. a pilot Crashes near wonder woman isle, c1942, "Friday the 13th" so year 1915. [a spy stole german plane but germans chased and shot down].
 14. Supergirl Adopts Streaky, The Supercat
 15. Chlorophyll Kid's b. c1963.  16. periphery
 17. Lois Lane's b. [superman world]  he flirted her despite ruf personality [new lois wed clark but g.a single]
 18. Wing's b. c1938 with crimson avenger canon said "partner".
 19. Aviation Day [by prez. 1939, so not federal] bday orvil contributer to powerd flyt.
 20. Element Lad's b. c1963
 21. Hawkgirl-Shiera's b. [g.a.] who wed "hall" see june 1. 22e
 23. start Capt. Marvel-Jr. c1942 [magic]. 24e
 25. start of Robin c1940 helpd batman. 26e
 27. Lab Accident causd lex Luthor lost Hair. He Blames Superboy see may 12.
 28. anniversary, Elongated Man [c1960], wed a human lady 
 29. Plastic Man's b. c1941.
 30. Superman Builds His Fortress of Solitude
 31. J'onn J'onzz from mars aka Martian Manhunter, Quits JLA and Joind Exiled martians
during this month, date 20, star group cald virgo starts to be sun's bakground for 47 days.
also federal during this month: first monday, Labor Day symbol labor union for workers protection.
 1. Superboy=clark's Foster Father's b. c1939. 2e 3. minor
 4. Wonder Woman left "lady" isle. 5e 6. if monday federal. 7e
 8. Superman Rescues Bottle-City of Kandor From Braniac [later many b's vril,lyrl,querl]
 9.Blackhawk starts justice against Nazi Ace for killing his Brother and Sister.
 10. Chameleon Boy's b. c1960
 11. Roy Raymond's b. [journalist] c1949.
 12. Wildcat's b. [which? "Ted Grant"] c1942 see july 19.
 13. Thaddeus B. Sivana-Jr.'s b. World's Wickedest Boy
 14. Anniversary, Adam Strange wed Alanna [no alias faut monsters on planet rann,] c1958.
 15. Linda Danvers [she had adopted supergirl] Meets Lena Thorul (Luthor's Sister). 16e
 17. signed constitution in 1787, so Citizenship Day for thinking about rights and responsibilitys of citizenship. also General Von Steuben Memorial Day who? he helpd train the "continental" soldiers to free the continent from king of england. later he led an important victory at valley forge defeating the brits.
 18. Karate Kid's b. foe of superboy, c1966. 19e
 20. Clark Kent Meets Lori Lemaris. 21e [in u.s the "nox=nyt" is not equal length as day both south miami n north augusta maine, so "misnomer" wrong name to say "equinox"]
 22. Supergirl's b. c1959, superman's kryptonian kuzzin. this date, the tilted axis [does not wobble annually so] as we move around sun, image / 0 /
 causes sun's center to move from northern hemisphere to southern hemisphere like crossing the equator. some years on date 23.
image / o / from now the angle of lyt means less heat to north so leavs dry, doomed to fall so "First Day of FALL". however not equal "nox" kuz wdc=nyc 12.10, til nyt 25=nyc. maine longer day not balanced yet, til 25 starts longer nyt even miami 12;07 not balanced til  nyt 27 and ecuador NEVER has an equinox always longer then nyt all year]
 23. Batgirl's b. [which? "Gordon"] c1967. 24+25 censored.
 26. Sandy Hawkins's b. c1941, "Golden Age Sandman's Partner". also can transform to a sand giant causd by radioactive sand.
 27. Flash-allen's Wife's b. now Iris Allen. s.a kuz b.a, c1956. [not flash-jay who wed joan williams]
 28. Lex Luthor's b. foe of superboy and of superman.
 29. start Red Tornado c1968, helps justice leag. villain T.O. Morrow made r.t.
 30. Supergirl greets Public
OCTOBER, federal second monday, for Columbus finding isle. Columbus First Landing In isle. [federal despite flaw not india nor continent, yet federal kuz symbol of finding continent]. [same star group as last month, sun still by virgo all month]
 1. Clark Kent Meets Pete Ross
 2. Green Lantern's b. which? Alan Scott c1940=G.A
 3. Supergirl Frees Her Parents From "Survival Zone" the pocket dimension where they survived when krypton shatterd 4. for Jew
 5. Duo Damsel's b. c1961 she wed bouncing boy.
 6. Black Canary c1947, Comes To Earth, to help flash-jay, kuz this day her spouse Dies
 7. Prof. Dalton cloned First Bizarro Superboy
 8. First Bizarro Destroyed. 9. for Jew. 10e
 11. General Pulaski Memorial Day since prez. 1929 proclaimd, he helpd free continentals from king of england. if monday also federal.
 12. Columbus First Landed on an isle now named bahama. symbol of new continent. missed florida oops. 1513 ponce de leon found it.
 13. first mission of Batman with Robin against Joker [after transformed from red hood who fout batman].
 14. Sterling Morris's b. boss of the man who is secretly captain marvel.
 15. error 16. for jew
 17. Green Lantern-Stewart's b. c1971.  18e
 19. Magnificus Sivana's b. [Dr. Sivana's "Good" Son in capt. marvel world c1940]
 20. Mr. Terrific-terry's b. c1942
 21. Anniversary Jonathan wed Martha, superman/clark's foster parents 
 22. Star Boy's b. c1961.
 23. flash-Allen started, got Super-Speed [by connecting to power c1956]. 24e25 minor. 26. periphery. 27e
 28. Blackhawk's b. c1941 pilot. 29e 30. periphery 31. not federal but costume party.
during this month, date 6 star group cald libra starts to be sun's bakground and 17 days later also scorpius will.
also 2 federals: on 11 veteran and later on fourth thursday, Thanksgiving Day federal vacation since 1863, but proclaimd in 1789, symbol of cooperation natives with colonists. dc recommended "VOTE on the 2nd and you'll have something to be THANKFUL for on the 25th"... spoiler: carter won. also this year. oh vote oh you few who will have survived the deadly virus... the one you feel is less evil to keep the worse one out of power.
 1. Speedy's b. Roy Harper helpd green arrow. c1941.  2. in '76 voting.
 3. Sandman-dodds's b. c1939=G.A. 4e
 5. Hourman-rex's b. c1940
 6. Deadman's b. c1967
 7. Martha's b. [Clark Kent=Superboy's Foster Ma]
 8. start Captain Marvel [billy, magic]. 9e
 10. twins Lightning Lad & Light Lass's b. c1958
 11. Robin's b. helpd batman. Dick Grayson. also federal kuz ended killing in 1918 n honor retired fyters.
 12. E. Stanton Day, Women's Rights [vote and equal minimum wage as men... ah women agree to lower wages than men agree? and you blame the men??]
 13. Tiny Rufe [+wed] Maisie c1942 superman world. 14e
 15. Black Condor's b. c1973, which? Richard Grey, Jr.
 16. Scarecrow's b. foe batman
 17. start Parasite, foe of superman as above, Atomic Wastes causd. 18e
 19. Invisible Kid's b. c1960
 20. vigilante, kuz bandits murderd his pa now
 21. Kamandi's b. c1971
 22. Abra Kadabra's b. foe flash
a 23. Saturn Girl's b. c1958 [later wed lightning lad see november 10].
 24. Anniversary Barry wed Iris, flash world 25. federal if fourth thursday
 26. a soldiers' b. [group Losers]
 27. Vigilante starts 28e
 29. Jimmy Olsen's b. superman world
 30. Stone Boy's b. c1963.
during this month, star group cald sgitars starts to be sun's bakground
also federal during this month note in contrast to easter! why this one legal? to define equality "everybody same day is equal." church only night! in contrast to easter morning church did not caus federal vacation. Christmas Day either "savior from sin born" or symbol to "define equality" all same day equal.
 1. start Dr. MidNite. 2e.
 3. Adam Strange's b. c1958
 4. Batman's First mission
 5. Dr. Mind's b. Wicked 6e
 7. two face's b. foe batman
 8. Dream Girl's b. c1964
 9. Green Arrow's b. c1941. 10e
 11. Captain Cold's b. foe of flash. 12e
 13. Star Spangled Kid's b. c1941
 14. Color Kid's b. c1966
 15. ratified BILL OF RIGHTS DAY  to limit government and protect personal choice.
 16. Lena Thorul's b. helpd supergirl, c 1961. widow see anniversary colby. changed name from luthor to separate from her older brother alexis lex luthor.
 17. First powerd Flight, 1903. also for jew.
 18. Starman-ted's b. c1941=g.a. not the one that faut batman.
 19. Princess Projectra's b. c1966
 20. start of hal-green lantern got Power Battery and Ring
 21. First Day of Winter, kuz sometimes shortest day-light time, and error see 22.
 22. forefather's day meaning religious choice day, fled relijis persecution in ship mayflower, Landed 1620 and calld place "plymouth" mass. there celebrated  since 1769
note:  not "first" english colony kuz after a virginia colony 1619 and 13 years after jamestown may 14, 1607, started english colony by james river later named virginia. the difference was only  mayflower was for relijis choice hence the name "pilgrim".
also Polar Boy's b. c1963
 23. marvel twins b. Capt. c1940, with Mary Marvel c1942. 24e25Fed.26e.
 27. Shining Knight's b. in 6th century c1941. 28e
 29. Georgia Sivana's b. Wicked
 30. Braniac 5's b. on planet colu c1961.
 31. New Year's Eve, for calendar.
DC comic wishd us "HAPPY new year FROM DC".
earths 5, s, 2, 22, 38 n much more
endnote: about january 15 birthday, mr. king bday 15. he started leading two badly named organizations AFTER already had each thing whining about past. example: his improve alabama was 1955, source king institute, after 1954, already integrated schools. !!
story "rear bus" king responds in  55 "improve alabama". 13 november 1956 supreme court upheld previous court that those bus laws were bad, before jan 57 then king led organization to improve "transportation" after supreme court!
similarly may 1957 "give us ballot" after already had specific laws since 1776 in 12/13 states only south carolina was an exception.
even king institute admits both his first major efforts were AFTER had. black voting 1777 and 1776 as above except one, south carolina. fifteenth amendment already since 1870 black vote dem refused to support. 1927 supreme court protected vblack vote "even" in dem primary long before kings transportation organization in 1957.
1957 speech issue was change easier to vote despite tricky laws. poll tax equal on whites too.
civil rights for "easier voting" since regan-r president note since start, the state laws protected voting rights for colored for example n.y. 1777 and other states 1776. in 1874 congressman elliot recorded that states protected blacks equally btw he was a black congressman from republican showing included blacks in government and voting. also after fifteenth amendment proposed already since 1870, all states black vote... only blokd when dem refused to support.
 when dem boast "black president" rep can respond long before that we had black congressman elliot over a century before obama. only south carolina band free-blacks to vote and a century before guy king, already "all" free... so what civil rights was he whining about? in 1808 band import slaves. no new ones only if born into slavery by slave parents. elderly founder john adams supported the ban slavery and opposed annulling limits of slavery kuz founded equal only dem in southern states wanted slaves. "pro slavery democrats". 1856 republican emphasis was for black equality.
in 1932 not only did blacks vote but 75 percent voted republican. 1954 supreme court integrated schools this too before kings bus organization in 1957. king was still in college then until june 1955 "even" according to king institute. i say he does not deserve but whites fear black violence they rioted already to scare jury when judging oj simpson... they are... not white you know.

book 2 of saga

my summary of phantom menace the rise of the emperor starting.
Phantom Menace, 1999 sw1
NOTE: all details are already in the video, not my ideas, so the summary is from the video.
pronunciation note: for the purpose of universal reading the words sound for example "vehicles [for this word dictionary markd ' to show less than a vowel quick i sound] so i should use that mark same as dictionary to avoid the sound "le" in apple or vehicle. the h is silent and so is the e.]
1 main characters, 2 crawl+Intro, 3 story
1 main ones: Queen Amidala, jedis: Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, young Anakin, 2 words CRAWL that the trade federation=tf argued about taxation of trade routes. so the greedy tf stopd all importing TO planet-Naboo using a blockade of deadly warcraft. senate leader secretly sent "two Jedi Knights" to mediate the argument and negotiate ending blockade.+intro: long long ago, in year 9 YA [years from birth anakin] 2 jedi waited in a tf sv. Jedi can use energy called "the Force".  . note: this begins the saga long story of the life of darth vader who we already saw as adult. not in this story but years later, the sith will regain their former glory as we already saw in "empire strikes back," already seen in year 1980. however, the senator that secretly led the invasion is not shown to be Darth Sidious.
3 story: inside a tf space-vehicle=sv, EVIL tf attakd jedi, named jinn n kenobi=j,k, using poison gas. the jedi used energy-swords named lightsabers to cut door. ran free until batld droids. Jedi reachd strong doors of bosses. bigger Droids atak with energy sheilds so jedi fled and hid on "two separate" tf transports bringing wardroids to the surface of Naboo. a senator secretly led the Trade Federation to invade naboo. tf wardroids invaded peaceful planet naboo and capturd Queen Amidala.
on surface of planet naboo, jedi saved a native from being crushed by a giant transport vehicle. slim gun-bikes attackd. jinn the master destroyed them. the native named Binks led the two Jedi to an undersea Gungan settlement. Jedi met the Gungan leader, who gave a vehicle. the jedi went by submarine. sea beings tryd to eat it, until a larger sea monster ate them [perhaps a symbol of the future of the republic]. guided by native named binks, they freed the captive Queen Amidala.
they successfully flew thru the tf warvessel blockade but tf damaged the sv.
Senate debated at Coruscant, the Galactic Republic's capital planet.
droid R2-D2 fixd some of the problems, enuf to fly standard, but hyperdrive got damijd so they flew to the desert planet Tatooine, for parts. another droid with them is named C-3PO.
there they seek parts for repair, and met the young boy age 9 named Anakin Skywalker [J. Lloyd]. he was born into slavery.
the one who has the device, rejected the payment of money cald "Republic credits." so they gamble on the race.
young Ani is already a skild pilot. a blood test showd that Anakin has lots of "the stuff to connect to the force" in his blood. Anakin raced in a gamble: if ani wins for his master, then ani's master will free ani from slavery and also give the vehicle parts. Anakin flew a long difficult and dangerus race. finally ani won so master granted ani freedom.
Darth Maul came and tryd to kill jn. maul and jinn dueld with lightsabers until jn jumped on am's sv. ani flew with the jedi, to their intended destination, Coruscant. On the capital-planet-Coruscant, jin taukd with jedi council about... CENSORED [i must censor the two problematic dialogs that together are a problem. so which to remove to save other? delete both problematic parts]. he told about blood test that anikin blood is match for weilding the force. then they tested anakins abilitys. meanwhile on same planet, senate removed leader and appointed Palpatine as senate leader.
jin and kn flew with Queen am. returning to liberate Naboo. there binks giided them to a meeting where the species unite to repel the invaders. forces rescued some prisoners from tf prison camps. the Gungan Army gathered outside the capitol city which drew many tf battle-droids away from the palace. Amidala, led team by secret entrance into the capitol city.
meanwhile, simple defenders have advanced tecnology too. so native gn. activated the energy shield. tf hover-tanks shoot but the sheild blokd. tf droids march thru the energy shield. gn battle the many droids with small success until the droids destroy the shield generator. much fiiting continued.
in palace Amidala led team n freed pilots who flew and shot at tf sv. young Ani accidently activated self-auto-pilot and flew into the tf command vehicle. inside he shot droids and even destroyd the Droid Controller from the inside, causing the droid army to droop.
meanwhile Am's team fout in palace and successfuly broke into the throne room where the tf leaders
surrendered. yay. suddenly tf droids, hidden and garding the tf leaders surround the Queen and her team. gasp. they lost their weapons.
next a new team, led by a maid of am. broke into throne room and destroyd droids. during the shooting am grabd guns from hidden compartment in throne and thretind the tf leaders, not yet knowing about the secret leader. they sign an agreement to stop annoying naboo. will they honor this after freed? now Queen Amidala's handmaiden reveald a dramatic secret. the queen was an identical decoy, so the real queen, who inherited the throne, would not be in danger.
During these battles, of gungan and am, each against tf, the jedi j,k used lightsabers to fiit the sith lord darth Maul, who held a staff-type lightsaber with energy at both ends.
on a brij they swing til m kicked k down from brij. k fell, but grabd the ej of a lower one. k jumpd back up to swing at M. m retreated behind force-fields, so j used the force to switch off.
Jinn dueld Maul. one force field keeps k away. a lengthy duel until Maul hits handle against j's chin causing distraction so m can injure j making a deadly wound.
then k dueld Maul. k chopd m's handle.
they duel until m FORCE-pushed k down a shaft. darth maul is a Sith connected to dark side of the force. the long dormant sith, thout to be extinct is resurfacing. as k fell, he grabd a protrusion. Maul kickd k wepn down the shaft and waited for k to follow it down. k threw himself from the shaft while fors-pulling j's lightsaber to his hand. k surprised Maul slicing m in 2.
j died and later they burnt j's body. [k will train ani to be a jedi] how end trade dispute? so i add: [palpatine orderd tf to stop annoying naboo. they only started kuz this senator had urjd.] The natives celebrate the victory over tf. NEXT story Clones,
note the title should be clones kuz about growing them but not fyt yet they wll fyt in part 3 so that should be attack of the clones but this simply clones. edit title only word clones. or better title this one misnamed clones should be revenge of the sith avenging the defeat at naboo by arranging the secession in the crawl of part two.

which saga should replace bad book genesis

for replacement of the bad book genesis, that has information that we know is false and also storys with harmful ideas and lessons, that repeating here would be harmful, we need a replacement with good lessons like fyting an evil empire that enslaves and kills and prevents choice.
for example: many that now do violence claim they are "the same" as the violent rebels against the king of england so we can CHECK is "personal freedom of faith religion" encouraged or emphasized by islamic "freedom fighters" called hamas?? hizballa? is freedom of religion encouraged in the land governd by the government called palestinian authority that has a government that governs land... does it encourage personal choice for many religions christian jewish and more faiths not just islam... we know only islam is allowd and that the deniers of muhamed suffer so those muslims truly are ANTI-FREEDOM fyters. so we need to define good and evil. kuz evil is not violence but evil is enslaving others which islam and bad jew all do see examples below.
so the replacement must be the saga of star wars for fyting the evil empire which parallels bad religions such as jew and islam and hindu castes levels and more.
but which story should be the first book? altho the rise of empire is needed for the story still it should not be the first book. the publishers wisely started with the rebels bringing luke skywalker to use the force against the empire.
so that is book one of the good faith that violence is correct when fyting for personal freedom against a king or empire that enslave everybody and forces compels changes on the body such as bad jew and bad islam compel cutting parts off body from helpless infants and kids genitals.
then the second book, before the empire showd its power, should tell the rise of the empire from phantom trilogy then repeat this book a second time in time order of story and proceed with two more until the rebels killed the emperor and free the imperial soldiers who can go home same as in the end of video wizard of oz. then start, from first book this again so it is twice in each cycle for the lesson of evil enslavement not all violence is evil. some say dont fight back when evil is active those are serving the purpose of evil.
link to phantom. in following post
first the story of the new hope as luke skywalker wielded the ofrce against the empire
my summary of "star wars" 1977
STAR WARS [1977 but they changed title to "new hope" kuz added videos to this series]
1 main characters, 2 crawl+intro, 3 story
1 main ones Princess Leia Organa, Darth Vader, Luke skywalker. note: the word darth seemd to be a name until used for others as a title. it blends: "DAR-k lord of si-TH." sith means connected to dark side of force. for idea of force see intro below.
2 words crawl that rebels faut against the empire. [any empire is evil kuz cant choose leader but this one was:] the Galactic Empire. Rebels also copyd secret plans about the Empire's powerful weapon: Death Star. [note: that is a huuj armird orb. how huuj? the empire wanted bigger than one hundred kilometer wide, to hold gigantic generators for the weapon able to destroy an entire planet, but 200 km diameter would take too long to build so built 160 kilometers wide, see endnote.] a Princess carryd these stolen plans, in space vehicle=sv while empire chased her.+intro: we now know that rebels transmitted a copy of these secret plans from a base that they attakd. the data is on her space vehicle. the imperial sv that chased her containd the leader named vader, who can weild and direct the energy cald the force. the force means "energy everywhere, produced by every life-form, that a jedi can use. it also has a Dark Side" as kenobi explaind in video when talking. when did these sv fly? in future? the video started with phrase 'A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" idea: despite space travel, not future instead the story already happend. i add: if far galaxy, from us, must be very distant past allowing time til we receivd their story. about liea: we now know that lieas parents named organa, adopted her. about the 2 droids who now escort leia in her sv, one of the droids helpd luke's father. lukes uncle owen told luke that his brother- anakin, who is lukes pa, died.
3 story: on a background of many stars, 2 space veeik'ls=vehicles=sv, shot laser ray pulses at each other's sheilds weakening them. they are above the desert planet-Tatooine. A huuj Imperial sv=isv chased and shot at the small Rebel sv=rsv. why? as explained in crawl. In rsv, the force of the laser puls threw an and-roid C3po with droid R2-D2 across the room. the isv damijd the Rebel sv n  puld it inside, [using a "tractor beam".] soldiers, wearing white armir [stormtroopers=i.s] blasted their way into the rsv. the two sides shot at each other as the i.s. advanced.
after i.s kild many rsv defenders, Darth Vader (David Prowse; voice: James Earl Jones), enterd. he wore black armir and black royal cape. his black helmet hid his face. i.s searjd the ship computer for the copyd secret data. next, evil Vader strangld the captain. i.s started gathering everybody to vader for interrogation.
leia (Carrie Fisher) now hid the data inside droid R2-D2. she recorded a message too. then the droids C-C and R2-D2 flew down, to planet Tatooine's surface, inside an escape pod. when i.s detect no life in pod, they decide to save energy and not shoot. these droids landed on surface n argued with each other [each obeying different programs for purposes] so split different directions.
on sv i.s found and zapd leia who had hidden from Vader. they led her to Vader. v n l argued til v imprisond her til later when he will caus her emotional pain. Commander Jir announced that liea died.
i.s followd the escape pod, to search for the data, n find the empty pod. then they followd footsteps.
meanwhile natives capjird each droid, n brout them to a town for sale. Owen Lars bout C-C kuz wanted translation skills. he also bout a droid that soon droopd. the Jawas gave R2 as a replacement. his 18-year-old nephew, Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), cleand them.
Luke sadly cancild plan to meet his frends. while cleaning R2 Luke saw message from Leia to someone named 'Obi-Wan Kenobi'. she begd for help.  Luke went for meal with uncle owen and wife.
when luke mentioned  Obi-Wan Kenobi, Owen acted nervous. luke knew Ben Kenobi several miles away.
owen, told luke that both his bro, lukes pa and k died. to prevent adventure n danger.
Luke was hoping to learn to be a space pilot. luke went to finish cleaning the droids n saw that R2-D2 escaped. if the night were not risky time kuz of dangerous raiders, they would chase r2 now.
in the morning, Luke flew with C. his device located r2. they quikly reajd r2. then a group surrounded them. One hit Luke's head so he lost conscious. the day is dangerous too! C-C fell down a sand dune. R2 roled away and hid.
the raiders stole some parts from the "speeder" til a hooded guy scared them away. uncovering his face, the white bearded man woke Luke. his name is Ben Kenobi (Alec Guinness). luke askd k if he knew Obi-Wan Kenobi. k reveald "i am." they help C-C stand from sand and went to k's home. there k told luke about Anakin who is luke's father. an. was a jedi before the republic changed to empire.
k gave l Anakin's lightsaber [it is an energy sword]. k explained "the force" to luke, see intro.
Jedi can use and weild it. k told story: k once taut a young Jedi, who joind Dark Side and who murdered your pa named Anakin. that guy is now darth vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith under Emperor. he hunts jedis.
k saw the message hologram, that R2 brout from Princess Leia about helping rebels to defeat the Empire. he heard that information is in R2's memory, info for her pa organa on Alderaan. so k invited Luke to go with him to Alderaan. Luke said owen wont let. so they argued. k wanted to go to a space port.
in galactic space, vader's sv dokd with the huuj orb cald Death Star. the orb's size is "160km wide" so volume v=2.1mkc, similar to the moon amalthea [one of jupiters larger moons see endnote for details assembled from several nasa and "space dot com" websites]. Vader and high rankers discuss the huuj weapon. emperor's idea: after "using" the weapon they would have less populace to rule, so better just caus fear of weapon. [similar idea on earth chinese book art of war] Vader claimd "the ability to destroy a planet is small compared to the great power of the Force." Motti replyd "the Force did not recover the schematics nor find the base of the Rebels." instead of arguing, vader simply Force-strangled him. the emperor granted, to each of the regional governors, control over their populace and authority to enforce the emperors desires. so they could request ds.
on planet t., k and l.s were traveling when they saw a destroyed veeik'l. the Jawas were dead, kus the i.s kild them. this causd luke to fly home. he saw destruction so too late to warn them. I.s burnt the home n killd his aunt and uncle. Luke returns to Obi-Wan  agreeing to go fyt empire, for hurting his family and especially now owen cant stop him.
L.s, k and the two droids went to the spaceport. I.s stopd them n askd about their droids. [kuz saw tracks by escape pod].  k waved hand n lied these were different ones. the Force can influence minds.
two criminals harassd Luke n threatend to murder him. k tryd to defend. one [of them?] pulld a gun so k swung his lightsaber to cut gun.
they met Han Solo (Harrison Ford), pilot n captain of sv named the Millennium Falcon. Solo offerd for 10,000 credits to bring them to Alderaan.
k bargaind "now 2,000 and when arrive, even more than askd, 15,000". han agreed so k,l left.
Chewbacca, a 7-foot-tall Wookiee, went to sv n prepared it for the flyt.
solo payd. a bounty hunter stopped so. and threatend using pistol to bring him to Jabba the Hutt, for a debt. they walkd to an empty corner and sat to negotiate a bribe. while tauking, solo pointed gun under table and shot the guy. Han left n went to sv. but jabba was there. so han offerd to pay interest for time to delay paying so Jabba agreed.
Luke sold his veeik'l for money to pay for the trip. [oops after broke parts?] k led l.s and droids to solo's sv. it seemd "old freighter" but solo  modifyd  it for speed.
I.s follow a tip to come and shoot at solos sv as the team was entering. sv flew away but not safe kuz two isv chased. so chooi accelarated to "light speed," [cant go faster than that, unless star trek fiction using anti matter in future biut sw is long ago].
the empire agents questioned Princess Leia where Rebel main base so they can destroy it using dS
accomplishing both goals at once: weakening the rebels and causing fear of the weapon. leia refused to reveal, [despite evil empire certainly pain torture] so they used a "mind probe"  but she did not know.
vader threatend to destroy her home planet-Alderaan if she won't reveal where. She begs dont do it saying it is at planet Dantooine. she said this to save her family and her home planet.
the d.s flew with leia to Alderaan and zapd it... to roks... a lesson about making deals with the evil empire [and a lesson to naive americans who think goverments should "make deals" with violent groups REMEMBER ALDERAAN a similar idea in series batman when he bribed penguin, important kuz p took money and did not free him, will they do their commitment? dont be naive]. 
leia gets tortured watching her home planet including her family die and her face expressd  horror that her "surrender" did not save them.
d.s is powerful.
in solo's sv, Millennium Falcon, k taut L.s to weild the Force. he felt the change in the Force as hundred-millions humans died the same moment.  Luke tryd to allow the Force to guide his reflexes. with concentration and practice [and same blood as anakin as we will learn in p.m 1999] L.s weilded the force while eyes covered yet succeeded to block laser pulses using a lightsaber. four in a series that a hovering droid shot.
in Death Star, Vader checked leias info. she told truth, but that base was already evacuated.
solos sv neard Alderaan. they stopd light-speed, and saw many roks in place of Alderaan.
the empire shat'rd that planet. a small Isv named "tie"=Twin Ion Engine [shaped similar to the bow "tie"] flew near them scouting and indicating an isv must be near. so solo chased and shot at the scout [for preventing report]. the tie flew to a spherical asteroid. it is the weapon, the imperial sv named death star, there kuz it destroyd leia's planet. d.s puld "tractor beam" the rsv inside.
Imperial troops forced the door open and enterd this rsv. they searjd for crew but cant find, kuz rebels hid in secret compartments under a corridor. unable to find a crew, i.s used scanners to searj. Vader left the hangar, l.s and solo surprised a scan unit n shot them. one rebel wore the white armir n signald for two i.s to enter. inside they shot the i.s and now have enuf armir. The helmets coverd their faces besides chu. they led R2 along a corridor where it plugd into the computer. r2 reported the way to the tractor beam generator so k went to rek it, for the escape.
R2 read all the imperial data [haha recognize that phrase?] and came across information that he reported: leia's location is inside, in prison cell. hence l.s led the others, in imperial armir, on the dangerous rescue mission. they led chu as a prisoner to the prison area there an officer askd qustions so they ran.
the i.s shot so rebels returnd fire. chu also shot til that group of i.s died. an alarm sounded so more i.s chase as the heros ran to leias cell.they freed her n gave her a weapon. surrounded by i.s, Leia blasted a hole in a garbage tube so they jumpd down it into the trash compactor.
a big serpent tryd to drown L.s under the dirty waste liquid... til suddenly it freed him, but the relief is brief kuz the compactor walls moved to crush the trash and them.
L.s told cC by device to tell R2 to stop "all" garbage compactors in the prison. as the walls press they try to slow it but finally R2 switjd them off, and opend the doors so they left.
Vader went to fyt Kenobi knowing k was aboard. where? Kenobi switjd off that generator.
l,h kept the i.s pistols, not armir, and started to return with lea to solo's sv.  i.s blok them. so solo with Chewbacca shot to "cover" leia's escape with L.s .
i.s chased l,l to a wide air shaft that they cant cross. they enter doorway and then L.s shot the control panel for the door. this lokd the i.s on the other side of the door. that panel also operated the bridge and they cant extend it across the air shaft... i.s came to opposite side of shaft and shot so l,l returnd fire killing them. L,l used imperial belt with hook and cable to swing, with lea on cable across the shaft.
while k returnd to rsv, Vader blokd his way into the hangar and they argued. then they dueld using lightsabers. k forced v back into the hangar. the i.s gards watchd the fierce duel.
Luke and Leia, rejoind Han and Chewbacca by the hangar. vader's duel on the other side of the hangar grabd the i.s attention. the 3 rescuers and one rescuee with droids R2 and C, quietly enter rsv. Kenobi and Vader continue until k saw lea safe in rsv. k switjd off his saber. Vader does not take him prisoner, but saberd k. k'ss body vanishd [kus killd when not  threat] v poked Kenobi's cloak on the floor.
as they enter the sv they shot at the i.s. Luke stayd out and shot more i.s. he ignored the teams call to enter, so they can fly away fom vader, kuz trying to kill every I.s. nearby. k's voice told l.s to run from vader, so he enterd. next the rsv flew out so i.s tryd to use tractor beam, but cant.
four TIE attakd rsv ergo Luke and Han went to guns one atop and other under its floor. chu piloted as they shot at and wrekd each of the isv. lea warnd that vader wanted the location of the rebel base and will follow them, especialy kuz R2 was carrying the data about Death Star.
in d.s, Vader and Tarkin followed this rsv. solo flew to rebel base, ignoring her warning.  the base was on a moon by planet-Yavin.
rebels read R2's data. they found the Death Star's exhaust-tube, for the generators.
the opening is "two meters" around six feet wide. the rebels have "proton torpedo" weapons [like atomic force which differs from photon torpedo in other series, despite both sound cool]. if they can shoot a bomb into the exhaust it would destroy the generator and possibly explode the whole d.s.. the info showed the location of the opening. it is protected in a narrow trench with guns able to destroy big sv. so The Rebel General sent small fast sv that are more dificult targets into the trench. also a group of Y-Wing bombers (Gold leader referd to the guy who led the bombers] will bomb the trench guns. a group of almost 30 faster, "more maneuverable" X-Wings, [Red leader led these] garded the bombers from TIE and would attack the exhaust pipe.
the staff assigned young Luke as pilot, named red 5, so he flew an X-Wing. Rebel pilots flew toward Death Star which neard Yavin. luckily it arrived on the wrong side of Yavin allowing rebels time before it can wreck the rebel base. but only 30 minutes til it intercepts the base. they must wreck d.s first.
l.s saw a buddy who said "we fly together again". the rebels payd solo [for bringing them the data and bringing the group, as kenobi had offerd] so he left to avoid danger. "i cant enjoy the money if i die" also he must hurry to quickly pay jabba his debts. Luke with R2 flew from the base toward d.s..
the rebel groups neard the Death Star and flew "attack speed." xs attak to draw TIE to them instead of bombers, so l.s shot a gun that exploded a giant blaze. the lasers miss the tiny swift xs.
Vader sent six elite pilots, in TIE fighters, the best imperial pilots to repel the X-Wings. many more swarm at the bombers. so xs flew to protect the bombers. a tie shot an X-Wing and more chased the other rebels. l.s followd a tie as it neard an x, n shot it.
the bombers retreat from the swarm of tie-s. [did they destroy anything? i add: "after brifly bombing many guns"]. the battle was fierce. an i.t chased and neard l.s so a buddy swung toward "red5" who led the tie to face the x that shot it.
vader flew into battle with escorts. his TIE is better quality and new shape. he flew toward xs til bombers returnd and bombed the trench guns. Vader with two escort ties shot bomber after bomber while quikly dodjing the lasers.
many rebel pilots died including "gold leader" so the rest retreated.
the rebel attak is failing. luke must use the force tbc...
rebel lost too many bombers so X-Wing pilots attack the trench. As a group neard the exhaust pipe, a pilot used a targeting computer to aim. two escorts blok his vulnerable  tail from enemy fire. vader hit escorts as Dreis shot a proton torpedo at the exhaust.
even with  a computer calculating speed missd pipe and wasted on armir.
vader soon shot him too. his fighter spirals n crashd.
Luke  tryd despite damage with 2 buddys. Vader and his escorts shot them too.
one hurt x flew away but Vader stays to destroy threat in the trench. Vader shot another x that exploded ablaze.
Luke heard kenobi's voice "use the Force" to gyd bomb [after tech faild] Luke switjd off targeting computer. the Death Star is now in range to hit Rebel base. The weapon starts powering...  to destroy the moon with rebels. but some officers led troops to evacuate ignoring superiors.
Luke concentrates weilding the Force to gyd bomb. luke knew to move... vader zapd but l.s had dodjd. another shot damijd r2 but not the engines.
by vader, an escort shatterd unexpectedly. solo returnd and help the rebels by shooting at the ties chasing the x and shot more. the other escort dodjd but bumpd Vader's and bounsd away to the wall of the trench. it  smashd on the trench ablaze. the explosion pushd vader away spinning.
luke reached pipe and fired. he gyd'd the bomb with the force into pipe. luke warnd that the bomb was "in the hole" so he, solo and a few other xs turnd away from the Death Star.
behind them the bomb hits the inner generator. death star weapon exploded with huge fireball also killing many empire leaders and all the imperial generals inside, except vader who had joind the fyting. Vader stopd spinning regaining control of his sv. he flew to the other sv in imperial fleet.
rebels finally have a major victory, destroying the terrible weapon before it destroyed their base.
the triumphant heroes flew to their base. there luke thankd solo. Leia greets both l.s and h.s. they celebrate the success of the wrecking of the empires super weapon. they take R2  for repairs kuz hit by vader.
in a huge chamber, the rebel leaders gave awards. Ls, solo and Chei enter the chamber and
walk to Leia. the droids C and R2-D2 are notice-ably polished. L.s and h.s waukd to leaders in the larj chamber. Princess Leia gave them medals while the audience clapped. now there is new hope kuz the force helpd them.
e *endnote: dimensions of the weapon named "death star" and amalthea, one of the larger moons of jupiter.
amalthea's volume "2.4mkc" source nasa dot com. similarly this huuj weapon is "160km wide" so
radius 80 hence volume v=2.1mkc almost same as that moon. both same radius so that moon is a good choice for comparison kuz amaltheas radius according to nasa is 83 kilometers [width around 167 km like weapon 160, but note: amalthea is not a sphere yet nasa calculated that moons volume 2.4mkc, nasa.] for a sphere the formula is "v=4/3pr^3," therefore orb width 160, r=80 so v=2.1mkc almost same. i found the moon that is similar. this volume contained gigantic power generators for the weapon.
this weapon was far larger than sixty of jupiters small moons kuz the largest in that group is 6.2 miles around 10 kilometers wide. the orb is so big that it is one tenth the width of europa one of jupiter's largest moons.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

the americano-japanese war

as I tryd to answer specific questions about the isles that japan invaded, each website only told a bit of the story. I cold not gather the information to answer my questions. as I continued reading more websites I noticed each one  lackd dates and events that other sites had. some dates for same event were in conflict so I had to ask the japanese for their dates kuz they know when they invaded
now I gather all the details from several websites  and sources, each sadly incomplete until gathered here for you. where nobody will see it
the start of  "the Pacific War" 1941-1945.
sides: Japanese Empire against United States with allies.
from 7 December 1941 til 15 August 1945, after second atomic bomb... one was not enuf,  the Japanese emperor surrenderd. also u.s. submarines sank many imperial ships.
on the first day of this war, japan used alates [that means wingd vehicles] to bomb hawaii and guam.
start: in hawaii, on 7 December 1941, japanese warplanes bombd base and warships.
the proximal arguments near the war were: in September 1940, japan joined axis, so The United States forbade selling them all scrap iron. on 21 July 1941, japan moved troops into vichy axis land called French Indochina which could be used to attack islands.
a year after japan joind the axis, United States, Britain, and the Netherlands finally made oil embargo unless Japan left China. u.s wanted Japan out of China.  japan said okay later but u.s said stop the war now, already killing each other four years. japan ignored that demand
japan helpd its nazi ally to prevent american involvement in europe, by distracting u.s with a pacific war. 
japan extended a wide "defensive perimeter" by taking/attacking, many isles, lasted until japan secured the eastern edge on Guadalcanal in Solomon isles in May 1942.
 December 1941: in hawaii, on 7 December 1941 (not tokyo date kuz event) Japanese warplanes bombed hawaii and sank u.s warships. [see reason above kuz america was nutral].
also bombd guam, a few hours after hawaii battle, imperial japan also bombd guam.
details:  December 8th 8:27, Japanese planes and bombers attackd army targets on guam: the Piti Navy Yard, the Marine Barracks and civilian [Libugon Radio Station, Panamerican Hotel the Standard Oil Company. a minesweeper, USS Penguin shot at the planes but only downd one plane. the ship was damaged so navy "scuttled" it as crew rowed to isle.
december 10, the landing on guam invasion was dawn 10 december. landed 5,400 troops on Guam=east from philipines. fout all day, til 6 pm  December 10th, the Marines surrendered. and same day 10 dec. '41 jap invaded gilbert isl sw from hawaii.
date 11 december, jap landed wake island, sw from hawaii, faild n lost 2 destroyers but
returnd 23 dec. 1941 with alates so u.s surrenderd.
okinawa jap controld long before 1941, wake as above 11th, guam 10 dec1.
12 dec. 12, philipines was invaded next: "Dec. 12th, landed at Legaspy on the southern tip of Luzon on the 12th, securing local airfields and advancing aviation units."
however, u.s had many bombers for transports, if ships brout invaders could drop bombs on transport ships. so jap delayd until destroyd planes then invaded dec. 12.
in philipine, noon of date 8, ten hours after hawaii battle, jap warplanes wrekd the airforce.
source: "Translating into English, there are following information:
On Dec. 8th, the air strike on the Philippines achieved ideal results.
On Dec. 10th, the 11th Air Fleet attacked airfields and naval bases around Manila, destroying most of U.S. air force
On Dec. 12th, landed at Legaspy on the southern tip of Luzon on the 12th, securing local airfields and advancing aviation units.
(No information about dec. 16)" from jap records. kuz allies cant agree on dates.
next oil in "sunda" includes many isles one borneo so jap bad strategy kuz wanted oil kuz 3 days after invading luzon the northern isle of philipines:
dec. 15, 1941, jp invaded borneo, first of the group Sunda Islands include java n big ones as well as smaller near java. dec16 in year 1941, jp invaded borneo, conquerd west coast of Borneo for oil coulda while u.s nutral. insted of a week after.
in 1942 japs attacked Sumatra and Java
date 20 january '42  new ginnee, next east from ng, Japanese forces seized Rabaul on
date 23 January 1942, on isle new britin. isle new britain east from coast ng.
FEBR. jap invaded longer isle sumatra 13 feb 1942, and invaded island named java [south from kapuas rr] on mar 1, 1942. one week later surrenderd.
may 1942 [spring] jap landed soldiers on guadalcanal in solomon isle chain. allies fout to get back solomon in august 1942.]
success for Japanese conquerd isles .  price warships: 23 small warships of destroyer size [400 feet by 30 feet, so narrower and shorter by one hundred feet than japanese cruiser 500*50] japanese loss total was like five cruisers kuz lost 26,441 displacement tons and jap cruiser class was 5600 tons less than 5 cruisers.
allies sank 67 transport and cargo ships.
allies did destroy "a few hundred aircraft" during those months. but only a "few thousand soldiers died" conquering many isles.  in contrast to the larger losses the allies would have retaking them

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

celebrating israel

tmoro? nope. the real anniversary for declaration of independence to establish the modern state of israel, is the date with same point in sun cycle may 16 not just the calendar number, kuz the year declaration, sun time was 13:49:33 called friday 14 may, but if we rely on calendar, not real, kuz day shorter.  mark last day of british governance so celebrate ending it and declaration. that ending led to a new [and inclusive] israeli government that included secular jews relijis jews and arab political-party in parliament and with voting rights, very so far from apartheid, and from its start.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

go EAST Frodo with ring, three

summary with travel directions for
part three Return King (2003) lrrk.
for previous summaries see directory at end bottom here
main characters? frodo, sam, gandalf, and a group containing a dwarf an elf and men.
intro: the story of gollum finding the ring, when? 560 years before bilbo gave frodo the ring, and thousands of years after orcs killd king isildor [as told in part 1 lrfr 2001]. where? on River Anduin.
FAR from home, two small hobbits floated in a boat. they were trying to catch fish. the hobbit named Deagol felt a tug. his companion shared the joy and said encouragingly "deagol you caut something". d caut a fish that pulld him off the boat into the river. the string snapd near a shiny ring. [now we know this ring wanted to be found after waiting 2500 years] d found a Ring in sand under the river [after 2500 years? it woulda been covered deep oops. why need 2500 years anyway??]
d grabd it and climbd up the river bank. Smeagol saw ring and his jealousy is swollen by the dark magic in the ring. Smeagol tryd to steal ring so they wrestled til sm choked d. sm pulld open d fist and stole it.
the hobbits saw him return without d, so they expeld Smeagol. he went to live in caves cald emyn muil. there Smeagol's love for the Ring grew. its magic granted him long life, five centurys. [as told in part 1 lrfr]
limited food [he only ate fish and rarely gobbled a goblin] causd him to thin and shrink. he renamed himself "Gollum" so that is the story about gollum. [how did the ring get from g to frodo? we know that from video seen in 2012 entitld hobbit.]
the story of the ring continues: when? in year 111 yb [years from bilbo birth]. where? by the mountain range of Mordor.
sam (Sean Astin) awakend in a cave. gollum led him and Frodo (Elijah Wood) to continue the mission to destroy the magical ring. gol. led them eastward.
after the battle at helms deep, Gandalf (Ian McKellen) led the fellowship, not of the ring. the fellowship was a group containing a dwarf named Gimli, an elf named Legolas, and men named Aragorn, Theoden and eomer. the group first rode to Isengard, to rejoin Merry and Pippin. m,p ate by the tower. [censored. instead saruman used magic to escape, leaving his magic staff in the tower.] gandalf broke sarumans magic staff.
Pippin found and gazed into a glass orb til Gandalf quickly took it from him and coverd it in cloak. from the tower in isengard, the fellowship, rode southeast to Edoras.
King Theoden of edoras, and guests enjoyd a feast for victory and for honoring the kild. there at nyt, mischevious Pippin took the orb from sleeping Gandalf. he gazed into it and saw a white tree in a  courtyard, ablaze. p writhed in pain as sauron interrogated him. p does not know where frodo is. gan. took the orb. the White Tree is a symbol for Minas Tirith. g rode with p southeast to warn it. it must be a long trip?
while Arwen rode from Rivendell, she saw a vision of her son from Aragorn. if she weds him she has a future. so she rode back to Rivendell. the elvs mend the ancient broken sword of king Elendil [his story in lrfr 2001].
near the mountain range of mordor, Gollum awoke at night. he scurryd away so he would not wake them while his personalitys argued. same as he murdered Deagol for the ring, he should kill frodo and get the ring. Sam heard gollums plan n hit Gollum to deter him, til Frodo stopd him. frodo naively said they need a guide, but sam knew that gol is not a guide to help them. gol guided Frodo n Sam up the stairs, beside cliffs, cald Winding Stair. the doors in the city wall, below them, opend. an army of orcs marched out.
after days of journeying, at Minas Tirith, Gandalf and Pippin rode past the White Tree of the vision. Denethor mournd for his son Boromir. g helpd prepare the defense of the city. Pippin secretly climbed n lit the signal fire. on each mountain top the soldiers saw the fire blaze beside them and lit theirs. despite far to northwest of m.t., the signal soon reajd Edoras. there Theoden saw and sent Aragorn with riders to gather more soldiers and defend Minas Tirith. Aragorn n eowyn prepd horses. she wore a sword.
The orc army crosd river Anduin in boats. faramir [the one who captured frodo in part 2 and lived near mordor] led defenders to destroy the invaders. orcs bat'ld til defenders could not hold them back. Faramir with few survivors retreat. flying nazgul [the wraiths] chased til Gandalf rode toward the retreaters and blasted a magical lyt to hit the nazgul. so they turnd away. Faramir safely retreated to m.t. where Denethor sent him back to battle.
near the mountain range of mordor, gol. led f,s up steep stairs. orcs passd them going westward [to attak Minas Tirith.] Gollum accused sam for the lack of food. Frodo does not trust his frend but naively believed gol. more than his frend sam. frodo is far from a praiseworthy example. when Sam said [as gollum predicted] the ring is straining you, let me carry it, frodo did not trust his frend but insted told sam to leave as if sam wanted the ring for keeping. sam left, walking down the steps kuz lost his frend.
by m.t. Faramir rode in counter-attack but orc arrows wounded him and his troops. there in palace, while Denethor ate, Pippin sang. later the horse returned, with faramir slumpd and wounded.
aragorn met Elrond, a hooded guy who rode a white horse. e gave a the fixd sword and some advice. ar.rode with gim and lg to the cave of the ghosts. the sword will convince certain ghosts to attak the warships.
The next morning, Theoden rode from edoras, leading thousands of cavalry. eowyn and Merry, disobeyd by riding among army.
The Orcs attakd Minas Tirith. first they used catapults to throw dead heads at the defenders. Denethor orderd a retreat howling in despair kuz of the many orcs.
Gandalf tells the captains they must fyt back. both sides use cranes to throw rocks at each other til wraiths fly Beasts that broke the throw-cranes defending m.t .
by mountain range of mordor, Gollum betrayd frodos naive trust by pointing for frodo to enter a cave with giant webs. a giant spider, Shelob stung frodo. meanwhile sam found the bread, and returnd... too late. sam stabd spider. Orcs came and found frodo wrapd in spider web.
In Minas Tirith, Denethor mournd both his sons and started a fire, at the top of the palace, to burn himself and Faramir. Gandalf and Pippin  puld the wounded Faramir from the fire.
below them, trolls slamd a huge battering ram thru the gates. the trolls invaded m.t. the defenders retreat upward as trolls chased. orcs enterd burning and massacring the populace.
the edoras army with riders of Rohan charjd into the Orcs swinging swords. immense elephants came with troops led by a Witch-king who wounded King theoden. gimli and legolas attack the elephant crews. the men fail to kill the witch king so eowyn showd her long hair and jamd her sword into his helmet. nearby the Corsairs' ships arrive, the Orcs cheerd at the help, til Aragorn led army of ghosts. The ghosts devour the Orcs and elephants and pour into m.t. to kill the last orcs and trolls.
at mordor Sam followd orcs and climbed a tower to rescue Frodo.
Orcs argued for Frodo's valuable mithril shirt which turned volent. while they fout sam carryd frodo out [and straight east to Mount Doom. fans believe sam carryd frodo north to the black gate and then southeast. but i fix kuz the orcs went there].
after the battle at m.t. g led soldiers from m.t. to the Black Gate. this causd Orcs to come toward black gate for defense "and away from Frodo's path." oops. not like the atlas in the disk. the Eye of Sauron watjd the battle start.
on mount doom, Sam "carryd Frodo" up the mountain as the venom faded. samand frodo walked along a bridge in the chamber of the mountain and then... censored.
[i fix: frodo lifted the ring from the chain on his neck and raised his hand to throw the ring into the lava, but before he threw it, Gollum tryd to steal the ring that he loved.]
Gollum ran along the brij and jumpd on Frodo shoulder and ... censored. [i fix several flaws: so frodo shook him off.  gol. tumbled to the side of the brij and could not stop. he fell over the ej but grabd the ledge and hung. frodo hesitated before deciding that saving violent gollum would be wrong, considering gol had just jumpd on him. frodo the hero fulfild the mission and threw the ring down into the lava. kuz Frodo was a halfling not under the magic for elves and men. he threw the ring into the lava which destroyd the ring. as sauron was dying he sent all the ring-wraiths to mount doom but as they fly they fade to cloud that the air scatterd in a misty trail as the beasts flew thru the air with no rider, kuz they were ring-wraiths dependant on the ring magic.]
gol. fingers slipd from the rock and he fell into the lava... justice for the murderer of deagol beside more crimes.
Sauron's life was bound to the ring so its destruction killed sauron. the Eye of sauron screamd and then... censored. [it exploded shattering the tower to bits. next the eruption and destruction of ring causd a massive earthquake causing...] the ground collapsd from under the orcs feet so Orcs and the beasts and all sauron's army [except the flying beasts] fell into the cracking and crumbling ground in a masssive earthquake. the Black Gate crumbled.
as the ring melted, the lava exploded up so f,s ran along brij out from the chamber. [i must fix some more: the side of the chamber collapsed inward, kuz the eruption and destruction of ring causd a massive earthquake. the top of mount doom crumbled and splashed into the hot lava. as f,s ran down the hill and up another,] hot lava chased them and surrounded the raised isle.  the flowing hot lava melted the isle from each side as the isle waind smaller. f,s huddle on the center of the waining isle.
the soldiers shot arrows that kild the flying beasts. Gandalf sent Eagles to lift f,s  from danger.
the battle ended and the "lord of the ring" is dead. the ring destroyed. time to go home.
eagles flew f,s west to Minas Tirith. there the fellowship reunited. except Boromir.
Aragorn wed Arwen. everybody kneeld down to the little hobbits.
The hobbits return west to hobbiton, where Sam wed Rosie. Frodo wrote story in Book and must rest from the injurys, not the Ringwraith stab kuz elves heald, so only healing the bite from giant spider. Frodo gave the Book to Sam to add his life story. he cruisd "west" with Gandalf, Bilbo, Elrond, and Galadriel to see bilbo. they cruisd [out from "middle earth" to "West" earth? merry and pippin agree never to steal from other people's fields.]
Sam watjd the golden sunset. [where gimli? and legolas?]
later Sam walkd home. by door wife Rosie, and kids greeted him. with family He enterd home, closing the door to close the story.
for previous summary see adjacent post and list in sidebar

go EAST Frodo with ring, two

note: I noticed many flaws in logic so I tryd to preserve the good parts of the adventure even my fixes had flaws which I noticed and fixed here for this corrected version of my summary with travel directions for
L.R.2, Two Towers (2002)
re-view-ing a bit from previous video, [l.r. f.r.2001] the mountaintops are peacefully calm and snowy, but under the mountain, in a cave, Gandalf fell from brij and sworded against a huuj flying being. they splash into a lake.
note: in previous video frodo traveld east from hobbiton meaning hobbit town. he fled from exciting ghosts  eastward as the fellowship assembled, and the ghosts even injured frodo. they simply traveld eastward, from each city east to next city until river anduin. then uneventful river-floating south, until video ends beside river anduin where frodo separated from the "rest of fellowship".
story: when? in year 111 yb [years from bilbo birthin contrast to video "hobbit" in year 51 of yb and maybe before frodo born] where? on land east from the river anduin.
Frodo stood and went eastward with sam around mountains. they had strayd northeast, instead of plan toward mordor in southeast. they wandered around the mountains until they realize they lost their direction. a being named Gollum tryd to steal the ring from frodo. sam saved frodo. the Hobbits tie him in Elven rope. they needed a guide so Frodo freed gol.
orks led their 2 hobbit captives, [captured beside river anduin, as shown in part 1], westward, from river. there the multi-racial fellowship=fl, a dwarf named Gimli, an elf named Legolas, and a man named Aragorn followd the orks, for rescuing the hobbit captives.
in a palace, King Theoden weakly sat on throne as he heard that orcs wounded his son. The king's nephew eomer argued with a man who then expeld eomer. eomer led his troops to expel the orcs. they attakd a group of orks and slayd those evil orks. it is the same group that held the hobbits captive so during the fighting, the two hobbits named Merry and Pippin, m,p escape into the forest.
fl trakd the orks and found eomer. they see the dead orks but cant find the hobbits. they followd tracks northwest into the fangorn forest.
M,P ran in forest til a tree-like being carryd them westward to a meeting.
in the region east from river anduin, gol led Frodo and Sam thru Marsh until ghosts puld Frodo into marsh. gol. quikly saved frodo. after leading them safely thru the marsh, a recon-ner flew near them on a large black flying beast searching for the ring, but gol. helpd the duo hide.
In Fangorn Forest, fl met Gandalf in another old-man body. g had kild the Beast. now g led the fl to ride southward to Edoras, kuz the hobbits were free from the dead orks.
near the mountains of mordor, gol. led the ring-bearers from the marsh southeast to the Black Gate. many soldiers were there. sam crawld to look but the stones crumbled and collapsd under him. sam rold downhill so frodo ran down. when gaurds came to check the noise, frodo hid with sam under an elven cloak. the magic causd them to seem like a rock. when the gaurds left, Gollum led them southward from the gate along the mountain ridge.
Gandalf led fl southward from the forest to Edoras. there in a palace, eomer's sister named eowyn watjd helplessly as king theoden's son named theodred died from his wounds. next gan. puld a spirit from theoden. the king expeld his steward for working with saruman to enslave his body. Theoden orderd all the citizens to evacuate the city to go to a safer fortress named Helm's Deep. the fellowship went with them to helms deep.
while they travel, 1 Gandalf searjd for eomer. 2 near mount doom, men captured the ring-bearers and led them south to gondor, without gollum. 3 eowyn lovd Aragorn.
then orcs and wargs attakd the homeless refuge-seekers. a warg dragd Aragorn off a cliff.
In Isengard, Saruman sent ork army to destroy Helm's Deep kuz Saruman led orks, serving the lord of the rings named Sauron. n kuz Wormtongue told Saruman that king theoden got free.
In Rivendell, Elrond showd Arwen a vision that Aragorn will defeat Sauron and reclaim throne of Gondor.  then she will outlive the mortal and feel lonely when he dies... [she could then marry an elf after following her hart] she left.
men led Frodo and Sam to the younger brother of Boromir named Faramir. they beg Faramir to let them destroy the One Ring.
Aragorn floated to river's edge. his horse woke him so he rode to Helm's Deep. he passd thousands of orcs. only 300 men gaurd the fort. king t despaird with no hope.
At Fangorn forest, m,p watchd helpless as the Tree-like beings decided they wont fyt saruman.
at Helm's Deep, the men took swords even young men. the familys retreat deep into caves.
Elven archers came there, [from Lorien]. a rainstorm's lightning showd the gaurds the vast army. one old man on the wall, accidentally loosed an arrow, starting the battle of Helm's Deep. orks charged the wall. so elvs n men shot many arrows but thousands of orks continued. orks leand ladders on the Wall. they climb and attack the gaurds on the wall.
orks overpowerd the wall gaurds. one ork carried a barrel of powder to a water tunnel under the wall. it blasted the wall. orks took h.d n kild the elf leader. also In the Hornburg, orks clymbd over wall, and broke thru gate.
Pippin cleverly led Treebeard to the part of Forest near Isengard. treebeard saw the stumps of trees that the orcs cut for fire to shape metal armor and war stuff. this swayd them to stop saruman and deter future tree cutting. the ents atakd Isengard. which is due north of the battle at helms deep.
in h.d. the orks swarm all over the fortress and into the caves. the defenders fout to delay until "dawn on the 5th day".
they counteratakd those orks while women and children went deeper into caves. finally Gandalf returnd and stood atop the hill. he found eomer with two thousand Riders they rode down the hill from the dawn sun.
and cut down the orks.
due north from h.d. at Isengard, the Ents attack, hurling rocks to break stuff. they also pull the supports breaking the dam, the water breaks everything and floods the orc tunnels with the war industry.
near the mordor mountain range, Faramir led frodo and sam southward. a Ring-wraith on a flying beast found the ringbearer til Faramir shot arrow saving frodo.
at helms deep, eomers cavalry cut down the  orks.
Ents succeeded in ruining Isengards industry so only a tower stood.
Faramir finally allowd frodo to go destroy the ring, kuz they are near enuf to mount doom to kill sauron before the next battle.
gollum led Frodo and Sam to "her"... to be concluded in
part 3  Return King (2003) lrrk
in adjacent post listed in sidebar