special days in
1. b.=Birthday of Hawkman Hall c1940. 2e
3. b. Shrinking Violet, "salu vi", c1961. 4.foe. 5e6x7e8x
6 forrest gump
9. b. of a soldier [John Cloud, of Losers elite team but not super] c1960.
12 marty of back future
17 Kyle's Mom (Sheila), despite not chronologic since april not summer need date in vacation so for phineas so closest match is 14 days after june 3 in second summer. age vague but one more.
18 Terrance Mephesto's b. sp
19 garfield+Birthday of Shayera (a Hawkgirl but not c1940).
20 Token's b. sp
21. celebrated in summer ma of phineas and candace [world pf], also change, stop adding lyt, hence new season named summer. for symbol now is the evening "to lyt a lyt" human lyt kuz stopd adding nature lyt. but rabbis bakwards.
27 dobby h.p+ anniversary Aquaman wed Mera.
non-celebration dates 4. b. of foe Weather Wizard, against flash c1959. 5e in dc, but b. of mean brat draco malfoy [h.p. world]. not only mean to harry but like dad a bad death-eater. he disarmd dumbledor.
next is july first indiana jones
happy summer season
ALSO explanation for DC calendar june
JUNE during this month, the star group cald gemini starts to be sun's bakground, not the star group cald cancer. also this month Krypton exploded, "By the time they saw that JOR EL was right, they were "too late" to apologize."
1. Hawkman's b. which? "Hall", c1940=golden age, see march 30 and august 21. 2e
3. Shrinking Violet's b. c1961. [added more salu, so this "salu vi".]
4. Weather Wizard's b. against flash c1959. 5e
6. J. Gordon [batman world] Graduates from Law School. 7e
8. young bruce, Batman, watjd the Murder of his parents.
9. a soldier's b. c1960 group losers. 10e11. error kuz superboy title "april 1949", after first seen in jan. 1945.
12. Harvey Dent Became villian "Two Face". 13. for presbyterian christian but not other churches.
14. [not federal] Flag Day, symbol june 14, 1777 new law describing flag to unify many regiments each with different flag by one. 13 stripes beside 13 stars on blue. 15e
16. Krypton exploded, superman's parents also died. 17e
18. "superbaby" Landed on Earth a week before official adoption. kent couple saw crash n found same day naming clark.
19. Shayera's b. (a Hawkgirl, seen after 1956, not c1940 but fans hid info by loopd links). 20 minor.
21. change, stop adding liit, hence new season named summer.
22. Pied Piper's b. foe of flash, c1959.
23. Superman's First Battle With TerraMan
24. in lex Luthor's Lab, an Accident causd e.s.p in lena, his sister. 25. see 18. 26e
27. anniversary, Aquaman wed Mera see january 29,31.
28. Wing Died saving Earth
29. a dog, Krypto came from krypton, so pet and helper for clark.
30. Perry White [c1940, not preserved brown hair n worse race-ploitation] Hired Clark Kent at newspaper job.
JULY 1976=200, bi-cent-enial
during this month, star group, cald cancer, starts to be sun's bakground,date 19, not 21 nor leo.
also during this month one federal, Independence Day, self-govern, free from king.
1. empty.
2. Tawky Tawny's b. c1947. 3e if friday legal. 4. federal unless weekend 5. minor
6. start Mary Marvel [magic].
7. Johnny Thunder's b. c1940 helps flash by wishes.
8. Kent couple de-age using Elixir
9. Atom's b. not g.a. Ray Palmer c1961. helps hawkman by shrinking.
10. Wildfire's b. c1973 helpd superboy.
11. when Escaping from Batman, Red Hood Swims Through Chemical Wastes They Dye His Skin And Hair, He Becomes The Joker. 12e
13. Supergirl Meets Comet, The SuperHorse. 14e
15. Robin's Parents got Murderd (John & Mary Grayson.)
16. First Meeting of the Justice Society.
17. Lana Lang's b. she is clark and "Superboy's" Girl Friend c1950 in superboy. 18e
19. start of Wildcat c1942. to clear suspicion kuz he was a murder suspect. boxing skills fiit crime in cat costume.
20. Dr. Alchemy's b. fout flash
21. Fire Lad's b. c1963 can blow fire n fout evil.
22. Justice League of America Organized
23. start of Spectre, a Murder victim was sent back for divine revenj see january. 24e
25. Lucy Lane's b. Lois's Sister [superman world]
26. Penguin's b. fout batman
27. Luthor made First Adult Bizarro, by cloning superman
28. Batman First faut Catwoman
29. start of Atom 2, a guy Used "Dwarf Star Power" To shrink, see july 9. 30e, 31. minor
during this month, date 12 star group cald leo starts to be sun's bakground, not virgo nor 22.
1. Joker's b. foe of batman (so Red hood same see july 11)
2. a grenade blinded Dr. Charles McNider, See Dec. 1.
3. Superman, U.N. welcomed and approved him as World Citizen [but already "adopted"]. 4e
5. Superboy Discovers Kryptonite
6. Kid Eternity's b., magic c1942
7. b. of President of competitor to daily planet [superman world]. 8e
9. Ma Kent Died. [changed story in 1979 kuz canon that pa died same day.
10. start of Deadman, Murder victim's ghost can "possess" body for justice. c1967.
11. supergirl [superman's kryptonian-kuzzin] got Adopted by Danvers couple. 12e
13. a pilot Crashes near wonder woman isle, c1942, "Friday the 13th" so year 1915. [a spy stole german plane but germans chased and shot down].
14. Supergirl Adopts Streaky, The Supercat
15. Chlorophyll Kid's b. c1963. 16. periphery
17. Lois Lane's b. [superman world] he flirted her despite ruf personality [new lois wed clark but g.a single]
18. Wing's b. c1938 with crimson avenger canon said "partner".
19. Aviation Day [by prez. 1939, so not federal] bday orvil contributer to powerd flyt.
20. Element Lad's b. c1963
21. Hawkgirl-Shiera's b. [g.a.] who wed "hall" see june 1. 22e
23. start Capt. Marvel-Jr. c1942 [magic]. 24e
25. start of Robin c1940 helpd batman. 26e
27. Lab Accident causd lex Luthor lost Hair. He Blames Superboy see may 12.
28. anniversary, Elongated Man [c1960], wed a human lady
29. Plastic Man's b. c1941.
30. Superman Builds His Fortress of Solitude
31. J'onn J'onzz from mars aka Martian Manhunter, Quits JLA and Joind Exiled martians
during this month, date 20, star group cald virgo starts to be sun's bakground for 47 days.
also federal during this month: first monday, Labor Day symbol labor union for workers protection.
1. Superboy=clark's Foster Father's b. c1939. 2e 3. minor
4. Wonder Woman left "lady" isle. 5e 6. if monday federal. 7e
8. Superman Rescues Bottle-City of Kandor From Braniac [later many b's vril,lyrl,querl]
9.Blackhawk starts justice against Nazi Ace for killing his Brother and Sister.
10. Chameleon Boy's b. c1960
11. Roy Raymond's b. [journalist] c1949.
12. Wildcat's b. [which? "Ted Grant"] c1942 see july 19.
13. Thaddeus B. Sivana-Jr.'s b. World's Wickedest Boy
14. Anniversary, Adam Strange wed Alanna [no alias faut monsters on planet rann,] c1958.
15. Linda Danvers [she had adopted supergirl] Meets Lena Thorul (Luthor's Sister). 16e
17. signed constitution in 1787, so Citizenship Day for thinking about rights and responsibilitys of citizenship. also General Von Steuben Memorial Day who? he helpd train the "continental" soldiers to free the continent from king of england. later he led an important victory at valley forge defeating the brits.
18. Karate Kid's b. foe of superboy, c1966. 19e
20. Clark Kent Meets Lori Lemaris. 21e [in u.s the "nox=nyt" is not equal length as day both south miami n north augusta maine, so "misnomer" wrong name to say "equinox"]
22. Supergirl's b. c1959, superman's kryptonian kuzzin. this date, the tilted axis [does not wobble annually so] as we move around sun, image / 0 /
causes sun's center to move from northern hemisphere to southern hemisphere like crossing the equator. some years on date 23.
image / o / from now the angle of lyt means less heat to north so leavs dry, doomed to fall so "First Day of FALL". however not equal "nox" kuz wdc=nyc 12.10, til nyt 25=nyc. maine longer day not balanced yet, til 25 starts longer nyt even miami 12;07 not balanced til nyt 27 and ecuador NEVER has an equinox always longer then nyt all year]
23. Batgirl's b. [which? "Gordon"] c1967. 24+25 censored.
26. Sandy Hawkins's b. c1941, "Golden Age Sandman's Partner". also can transform to a sand giant causd by radioactive sand.
27. Flash-allen's Wife's b. now Iris Allen. s.a kuz b.a, c1956. [not flash-jay who wed joan williams]
28. Lex Luthor's b. foe of superboy and of superman.
29. start Red Tornado c1968, helps justice leag. villain T.O. Morrow made r.t.
30. Supergirl greets Public
OCTOBER, federal second monday, for Columbus finding isle. Columbus First Landing In isle. [federal despite flaw not india nor continent, yet federal kuz symbol of finding continent]. [same star group as last month, sun still by virgo all month]
1. Clark Kent Meets Pete Ross
2. Green Lantern's b. which? Alan Scott c1940=G.A
3. Supergirl Frees Her Parents From "Survival Zone" the pocket dimension where they survived when krypton shatterd 4. for Jew
5. Duo Damsel's b. c1961 she wed bouncing boy.
6. Black Canary c1947, Comes To Earth, to help flash-jay, kuz this day her spouse Dies
7. Prof. Dalton cloned First Bizarro Superboy
8. First Bizarro Destroyed. 9. for Jew. 10e
11. General Pulaski Memorial Day since prez. 1929 proclaimd, he helpd free continentals from king of england. if monday also federal.
12. Columbus First Landed on an isle now named bahama. symbol of new continent. missed florida oops. 1513 ponce de leon found it.
13. first mission of Batman with Robin against Joker [after transformed from red hood who fout batman].
14. Sterling Morris's b. boss of the man who is secretly captain marvel.
15. error 16. for jew
17. Green Lantern-Stewart's b. c1971. 18e
19. Magnificus Sivana's b. [Dr. Sivana's "Good" Son in capt. marvel world c1940]
20. Mr. Terrific-terry's b. c1942
21. Anniversary Jonathan wed Martha, superman/clark's foster parents
22. Star Boy's b. c1961.
23. flash-Allen started, got Super-Speed [by connecting to power c1956]. 24e25 minor. 26. periphery. 27e
28. Blackhawk's b. c1941 pilot. 29e 30. periphery 31. not federal but costume party.
during this month, date 6 star group cald libra starts to be sun's bakground and 17 days later also scorpius will.
also 2 federals: on 11 veteran and later on fourth thursday, Thanksgiving Day federal vacation since 1863, but proclaimd in 1789, symbol of cooperation natives with colonists. dc recommended "VOTE on the 2nd and you'll have something to be THANKFUL for on the 25th"... spoiler: carter won. also this year. oh vote oh you few who will have survived the deadly virus... the one you feel is less evil to keep the worse one out of power.
1. Speedy's b. Roy Harper helpd green arrow. c1941. 2. in '76 voting.
3. Sandman-dodds's b. c1939=G.A. 4e
5. Hourman-rex's b. c1940
6. Deadman's b. c1967
7. Martha's b. [Clark Kent=Superboy's Foster Ma]
8. start Captain Marvel [billy, magic]. 9e
10. twins Lightning Lad & Light Lass's b. c1958
11. Robin's b. helpd batman. Dick Grayson. also federal kuz ended killing in 1918 n honor retired fyters.
12. E. Stanton Day, Women's Rights [vote and equal minimum wage as men... ah women agree to lower wages than men agree? and you blame the men??]
13. Tiny Rufe [+wed] Maisie c1942 superman world. 14e
15. Black Condor's b. c1973, which? Richard Grey, Jr.
16. Scarecrow's b. foe batman
17. start Parasite, foe of superman as above, Atomic Wastes causd. 18e
19. Invisible Kid's b. c1960
20. vigilante, kuz bandits murderd his pa now
21. Kamandi's b. c1971
22. Abra Kadabra's b. foe flash
a 23. Saturn Girl's b. c1958 [later wed lightning lad see november 10].
24. Anniversary Barry wed Iris, flash world 25. federal if fourth thursday
26. a soldiers' b. [group Losers]
27. Vigilante starts 28e
29. Jimmy Olsen's b. superman world
30. Stone Boy's b. c1963.
during this month, star group cald sgitars starts to be sun's bakground
also federal during this month note in contrast to easter! why this one legal? to define equality "everybody same day is equal." church only night! in contrast to easter morning church did not caus federal vacation. Christmas Day either "savior from sin born" or symbol to "define equality" all same day equal.
1. start Dr. MidNite. 2e.
3. Adam Strange's b. c1958
4. Batman's First mission
5. Dr. Mind's b. Wicked 6e
7. two face's b. foe batman
8. Dream Girl's b. c1964
9. Green Arrow's b. c1941. 10e
11. Captain Cold's b. foe of flash. 12e
13. Star Spangled Kid's b. c1941
14. Color Kid's b. c1966
15. ratified BILL OF RIGHTS DAY to limit government and protect personal choice.
16. Lena Thorul's b. helpd supergirl, c 1961. widow see anniversary colby. changed name from luthor to separate from her older brother alexis lex luthor.
17. First powerd Flight, 1903. also for jew.
18. Starman-ted's b. c1941=g.a. not the one that faut batman.
19. Princess Projectra's b. c1966
20. start of hal-green lantern got Power Battery and Ring
21. First Day of Winter, kuz sometimes shortest day-light time, and error see 22.
22. forefather's day meaning religious choice day, fled relijis persecution in ship mayflower, Landed 1620 and calld place "plymouth" mass. there celebrated since 1769
note: not "first" english colony kuz after a virginia colony 1619 and 13 years after jamestown may 14, 1607, started english colony by james river later named virginia. the difference was only mayflower was for relijis choice hence the name "pilgrim".
also Polar Boy's b. c1963
23. marvel twins b. Capt. c1940, with Mary Marvel c1942. 24e25Fed.26e.
27. Shining Knight's b. in 6th century c1941. 28e
29. Georgia Sivana's b. Wicked
30. Braniac 5's b. on planet colu c1961.
31. New Year's Eve, for calendar.
DC comic wishd us "HAPPY new year FROM DC".
earths 5, s, 2, 22, 38 n much more
endnote: about january 15 birthday, mr. king bday 15. he started leading two badly named organizations AFTER already had each thing whining about past. example: his improve alabama was 1955, source king institute, after 1954, already integrated schools. !!
story "rear bus" king responds in 55 "improve alabama". 13 november 1956 supreme court upheld previous court that those bus laws were bad, before jan 57 then king led organization to improve "transportation" after supreme court!
similarly may 1957 "give us ballot" after already had specific laws since 1776 in 12/13 states only south carolina was an exception.
even king institute admits both his first major efforts were AFTER had. black voting 1777 and 1776 as above except one, south carolina. fifteenth amendment already since 1870 black vote dem refused to support. 1927 supreme court protected vblack vote "even" in dem primary long before kings transportation organization in 1957.
1957 speech issue was change easier to vote despite tricky laws. poll tax equal on whites too.
civil rights for "easier voting" since regan-r president note since start, the state laws protected voting rights for colored for example n.y. 1777 and other states 1776. in 1874 congressman elliot recorded that states protected blacks equally btw he was a black congressman from republican showing included blacks in government and voting. also after fifteenth amendment proposed already since 1870, all states black vote... only blokd when dem refused to support.
when dem boast "black president" rep can respond long before that we had black congressman elliot over a century before obama. only south carolina band free-blacks to vote and a century before guy king, already "all" free... so what civil rights was he whining about? in 1808 band import slaves. no new ones only if born into slavery by slave parents. elderly founder john adams supported the ban slavery and opposed annulling limits of slavery kuz founded equal only dem in southern states wanted slaves. "pro slavery democrats". 1856 republican emphasis was for black equality.
in 1932 not only did blacks vote but 75 percent voted republican. 1954 supreme court integrated schools this too before kings bus organization in 1957. king was still in college then until june 1955 "even" according to king institute. i say he does not deserve but whites fear black violence they rioted already to scare jury when judging oj simpson... they are... not white you know.