Saturday, April 18, 2020

the word a its meaning

which language do people speak in u.s.a.? a dictionary called it "american language" on the title page, so that is a valid acceptable name.
when we think about the american language, the most basic word is in the sentence "he needs a towel" what is the meaning of that basic connecting word "a"? we should not need a dictionary for this so why dont we know the MEANING? and why need a dictionary.
so i analyze. "he needs towel" wrong, but what is missing? which towel should i bring that matches his need? if towels are on a shelf then any towel matches the need. so the meaning of that word "a" is "increasing the options for any". so then we check a dictionary, that should be the idea that we find.... but when it does not start with the common word and separates more than five sections for the same word and many lines before it showed the meaning "any", then that is bad, kuz should say the meaning first, based on the usage and not EIGHT separate sections for the same letter but in one group. even the word "any" does not define kuz is unclear, and too brief, so even the book dictionary never said the meaning. worse it fills over twenty lines with many different meanings actualy 30 lines in 8 separate titles all about the same word when should organize by usage in one group so i must fix.
so i must fix. first the meaning of the "word a" both big and small is: 1 "allowing any one without restrictions" any dictionary that does not clearly and plainly show this idea is bad.
my dictionary has 30 lines of vague stuff about the "letter a" spread in 8 titles and only after several vague lines showed the usage that should be first "any" and even that is bad kuz shoulda said "any [of the noun] without restrictions". yet that meaning is the common usage so when we read the letter a that meaning must be first. as follows: "A
A,a if adjective, sound phonetics: u, 1. any one [of the noun] without restriction. 2. best class of quality. 3. in each. note: only use "a" beside a word starting with a consonant sound for example "a hat" but compare "an". if Noun, plural: as, "ay", 1. the letter "a" that is part of various words, 2. something shaped like that letter. 3. the sounds of that letter. if prefix: 1. on that place (abed aboard ashore), 2. in the situation (asleep, awake, arise) 3. related to (akin), 4. lacking the description (see atheist, a-gnostic cf. abnormal). if big: 1. in chemistry, "A" the element argon. 2. in music "A" the tone after "G" and hence that tones musical scale. 3. [in list] "A." first of the sequence. if abbreviation: "A." 1. absolute. 2. Angstrom. 3. in the year. 4. before. if small: "a." 1. [in list] first of the sequence, if abbreviation, 1. about 2. acre/s, 3. adjective, 4. alto, 5. ampere, 6. anonymous, 7. answer. 8. before. 9. in the year" so this describes as much as i could gather in one inclusive group, not seven nor eight, separate sections because all define the same word.
don't you understand the need for this correction?

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