to find surface area of earth we need to know the radius of the sphere [not including the height of mountains in radius] and since sea cover around 70 percent so also without oceans that is water so radius smaller and MUST use radius. still for my goal I will not subtract the uneven depth of the sea for the reason explained below.
if we know the circ. only based on radius then we cannot know radius based on circumference. I could claim any number "the radius of the earth must be five meters" because the circumference is 15 meters. how do I know the c? simple 5pi so five times three must be 15. despite the stupidity of the method one website makes that circular claim about the circumference of the earth.
if you use meters and don't mind that a third is 3.33 "repeating" then see below. however in time culture knew to divide in a manner that the parts would simply calculated for example the orbit which defines one year was split into 12 month and the day which is defined by the spin into 24 hours. deceivers try to hide this as if a day is defined by 24 hours. but you must be alert for deception.
the circumference of the earth is known. what about the surface area? we should estimate USING Radius 3956 because nasa estimated "Equatorial radius 3963 miles but Polar radius 3950 miles" we see not precisely a sphere so use mid for estimate. 3956 miles.
from radius we can calculate the surface area. we must not add the mountains to the radius because only small areas have the peaks of 8.8 kilometers high. so for the purpose of this article we will use sea level and include the depth of water in the radius, despite the fact that water covers 72% [based on a flawed book with many problems] and better without water, still for my goal this exception will be relavant.
based on radius the surface area must be 196.7 million square miles and simply "197msm".
the formula: "4pi radius squared." so 12.566 times radius squared totals 196.7 million square miles.
we know the surface of the earth is covered by seventy one percent water. water is "about 71% of the Earth’s surface, while the other 29% consists of continents and islands". universetoday dot com.
so 71% of that is 139.6 million square miles of surface area which is SEA.
196-139=57msm remain above sea level.
the sea surround all the land so the so-called-continents are truly islands and the way to distinguish is to add the true description "giant islands." classifying which group based on size is debatable so simply all are islands but some are giant.
Were I a brit I would want Australia to be a continent so I could brag "we control a continent and a subcontinent" but such bias would be bad. and that is what the bad brits did so we must recognize and reject considering smaller than even "south America" and smaller even than Brazil area.
the bad greeks decided that Greece was in Europe but across the water is separated by water so needs different name: to their east "asia" which is bad because the land CONTIN-ues. so the proper name should be ural continent. also before they dug the narrow shallow suez canal the surface connected to the nile region which if separate should be called nile continent but perhaps shallow does not truly separate so that island is around 33 m. square miles. the second largest island, with the long amazon river and shorter Mississippi river hence good name "amazon" is 16 million square miles. less than half can that be a continent? yet so large... and three times the next one: the southern continent 5.5msm so much less that it cannot be a continent. still we have five fingers on our hand so five is big enuf and certainly the amazon continent. some books say the largest island is Greenland but that is so mach larger than the "second largest" 0.3msm hence separate categories. even the southern continent is a problem as above. the fact is ural continent is truly surrounded by water so it is an island.
now for meters.
circ. is "40 million meters" then radius 6.366. then 4pi radius squared for surface of sphere.
r 6.366? but not perfect sphere so use middle between as above not 6378 too much!
40,041 km so r 6373 hence 510.4m.kms. v,
r squared *4pi
fixing the bad book: in metric should say surface 509 msk as translated from miles. the books number does not metch "even" its own claimed radius ratio.
sea 361.5 but book wrong not total own 378 nor 361.5 but less. radius should be estimated as abve because not sphere.
circumference 40,005 or 40,075 not like bad book.
distance to sun 499 light-seconds and bad book off by 90 thousand kilometers.
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