does cyprus deserve "praise"? or even gratitude for the terrible treatment of the jews trying to get to their homeland before 1948?
if trump would put the refugees in an island camp like Cyprus, then people would demand free them not in a cage but the cyprus expect praise from israeli tourists for "accepting them". that is so far from truth. firstly caging the refugees is very bad every other country releases the refugees cannot be in prison longer than a day. but the cyprus caged the jews when the brits stopped their ship that is terrible treatment. jesus Christ !
but the fact the cyrus "accepted them" is also not accurate bkuz cyprus was not independemt until long after 1948. so who made the decision? the same brits who blocked entrance into then british occupied palestine now named israel. those same also controlled ctyprus unil many years after 1948 and moved the jews to the island cages.
and a third poiint last but not least the CAUSE of the brits for breking the legal commitment of balfour declaration that recognized the jewish homeland was the violence of the arba so the cyprus who say "we accepted you" when they were not yet independent... do they expect gratitude for not RIOTING the same as volent arabs... they deserve no praise for not being violent all that remains is the acceptance but the cyprus people did not decide to welcome they were not yet independent. and instead of gratitude from jews as some jew tourists were fooled and told me... the real issue is the long term caging which we know is not valid in america nor israel because of personal freedom which brits and cyprus denied those jew-immigrants. only illegal immigrants cannot be caged but jew is different... and should be grateful?? that cyprans did not riot same as the violent arabs...
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