Thursday, May 30, 2019

my summary of video "black panther" year 2018

the video "black panther 2018" was very popular, many bought tickets.
what was it about? I hated the theme of the story for many reasons including "king bad idea" so I offer a summary instead of renting the disk.
NOTE: the summary is based on the video so not my ideas instead already in video. I will add details if I have more time. my summary is based on the story in the video so all details are not mine but insted are from the video.
INTRO. "Black Panther 2018" is the title of the very popular story about the start of king Tchala 's reign. T inherited the wakandan kingdom when the king died [as shown in Captain America: Civil War, 2016]. T is the super powerful person called black panther.
addition August 2019 "A gigantic meteorite with the toughest metal: vibranium, crashed in the region of the sources of the Nile river, "millions" of years ago.  Later, in the age of humans, five tribes in the land named Wakanda battled for control of that vibranium. It affected the plants. A power led a certain warrior to find and eat a "heart-shaped herb" affected by the metal. He gained superhuman abilities, and became the first "Black Panther". Four of the five tribes submit to his power but one tribe wants freedom. The Wakandans use the vibranium to develop highly-advanced technology. They see the horrors of the other nations and isolated themselves from the rest of the world. They hid and pretended that they are not industrially developed like a third world country. the region is [a parallel world that also has] the sources of the nile river. Then 5 tribes battled for the resources from a meteorite. A warrior swallowed a "heart-shaped herb", that was influenced by the metal in the meteorite, and gained super-human strength. They called this strong warrior the first "Black Panther".
Four of these tribes submitted to this warrior's super-strength. he ruled them and the kingdom of Wakanda. However, the Jabari tribe refused to cower at his strength and had their own leader. they fled to the cold icy mountaintop.
Wakandans used this vibranium to develop technology. they hid the technology by isolating themselves and pretending to be simple and pre-industrialized.
around 25 years before this story, in year 1992, in the region of mount Whitney, on america's west coast, the king's younger brother named Prince Njobu joined Klaue to steal vibranium. Then King T'Chaka [who had heard about the theft from Zuri] argued with NJobu.
year 2018: T'Challa inherited the Wakanda kingdom. Nakia came to attend the ceremony. At the ceremony, M'Baku challenged T'Challa for the privilege to rule. the people cannot choose any leader so [the bad outdated tradition directed] T'Challa to duel M'Baku until M'Baku surrenderd. T gets crowned as the new king [kings are bad and from outdated tradition].  after Mbaku surrendered, they crown T. elsewhere Klaue met a buyer to sell Vibranium so bp and his team went to the secret place. the buyer is CIA agent Ross. the vib. theives noticed and chased Okoye. T'Challa caut Klaue so agent Ross arrested k.
during the interrogation "Killmonger" freed kl. and injured Ross. bp took ross to heal using better technology in Wakanda so Klaue escaped.
Killmonger killd Klaue. Erik, Njobu's son, challenges Tchalla for the throne. the king canceld his powers and wrestld with erik until erik threw the injured Tchalla down a cliff. next e. swallowd the heart-shaped herb hence gaind the super-strength. he replaced tchalla as black panther. they burn all the special herbs to obey the bp.
bp sent techno-weapons to agents.
Nakia, Shuri, Ramonda, and Ross ask the Jabari for help. they see T'Challa is still alive. nak. gave the heart-shaped herb that she secretly suggled to Tchalla hence he regaind strength. they returnd to Wakanda. tchalla wrestles with bp.
battling W'Kabi?
Ross remotely controlld a drone and shot the transport planes.
Tchalla and bp fall into the Vibranium mine. Tchalla used technology to interfere with the armor hence he stabd bp and reclaimd the throne and kingdom. Killmonger preferrd death to prison for stealing the weapons.
king T'Challa told the United Nations that Wakanda has technology.
ENDNOTE: my opinions and comments: STORY: "Centuries ago" in the region with the sources of the nile river, [in a parallel world that now has a nile river and near its sources has the concealed nation of wakanda] five African tribes battled for the resources from a meteorite. they each wanted the alien metal [later called vibranium as seen in other videos of this series]. A warrior swallowed a "heart-shaped herb", that was alterd by the metal. he found that it gave him great strength. they calld him the first "Black Panther". most submitted to his power [bullied into "uniting" under this king which is bad because a king does not need the approval from the nation and might ignore the needs of the people but primitive people did not think of this problem nor its solution called "short terms" ruling for short time periods dependant on the people approving again]. four of those tribes joined and changed into one nation named Wakanda. the Jabari Tribe chose not to submit to the Black Panther. they lived in the frigid mountains [NOTE: parallel to our world because in year 2017 "The snowline moved downhill" meaning the snow stayed even at lower areas "1,300 meters above sea level" not melting reminder snow line means "the altitudinal or latitudinal limit of permanent snow] while the mountains in this region are even taller than 1300 meters]. the Wakandans used the vibranium to develop technology. the king ordered they must isolate themselves from the nebors and pretend to be simple undeveloped country.
> around 25 years "ago" in year 1992, in the west coast U.S. the king's brother named Prince N'Jobu acted on the decision to reject the king policy and "share" the wakandan technology with those of his own ethnicity who suffered under dark-skinned-muslim dictators to defeat the dictators and "african warlords." [or to "conquer" the whites as some interpret this story writing the word "conquer"] N'Jobu joined Klaue to steal vibranium. Zuri told king T'Chaka who argued with N'Jobu.

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