my favorite characters are miley stewart and Maddie Fitzpatrick who is the top for me.
Maddie Fitzpatrick celebrated her birthday on march 24 [despite the party on saturday when no school.] this episode "slzc s2e10 title "Not So Suite 16" was shown that date. this is two weeks after march 10 bday of lily of hana montana.
nov. 23 is bday of "miley stewart" played by miley cyrus who dress like hanna montana. this is ten days after the date that zak and cody celebrated a birthday shown nov. 13 in season 2 of "slod episode bermuda triangle".
but those are not in may. important dates in may are may 9 birthday of Kermit frog and same date lisa of simpsons. also may 8 for Katniss of hunger games and a few days later will be birthday of her sister primrose on date 11. so those are dates to celebrate. I could generate a fictional character but they would not be famous but these are famous so their birthdate is for everybody to celebrate.
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