Thursday, January 31, 2019

after-word epilogue [the temptation]

so dear readers marriage only makes a stability which can be misused by husband or wife. the man feels he can have more than one wife as the bible teaches in genesis :2 wives and 2 maid apparently non-wives. the story does have weddings for laban's dawters… only.
well one could argue that if I buy a maid I can marry her and it is within marriage still the bible only punishes a married woma/en for cheating.
what happened to the characters in this historical fiction?
efrim went to pray that Saturday but instead of the assigned prayers in the book to read he thanked god for his first real pleasure of women. in his own words. he was silent to his wife about it bkuz she would just be angry and she was annoying enuf without this. did he feel guilty? after all he could marry the second wife in the eyes of god if not for monogamy laws in new York state
the couple returned to Israel for a couple more years of arguing. wifey relied on the "stability" of marriage to nag and nag and nag... efrim about many stupid things until she got her REWARD of divorce money which motivates women to act badly. it is worth it. if I nag enuf I will be rewarded with money in the divorce... and then I can buy those shoes and dresses I want with money supposedly for the kids but they can have the minimum unless the man pays separately an additional shoe bill in addition to the set monthly reward for being a nag.
the moral is before you get married ask what you think you will gain? is it only because of religion? the wife ONLY wants marriage for the divorce money afterward so until society makes major changes a smart man will never ever commit to monogamy.

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