Tuesday, January 22, 2019

compare the reactions

compare the reactions. we all know even for mere WORDS when nobody bleeds or even blushes yet liberals make a fuss to limit speech no "offensive" words like "boy or slave or nigger or spic or kyke" well kyke is for jew so that is not a fuss for liberals.... no 'you people' nor 'blacks' either after all they are brown not black so black is simply wrong.... so althoe the criticism of the catholic school boys "less than exemplary" yet typical teen behavior for "mocking" somebody seems consistent with the unreasonable over-reactions still we must and can compare to the reactions to the FEMININE protesters defending the organizers.... you would think with such great sensitivity to "offensive" words they would MAKE A FUSS at least as much as attacking the teens for mocking... the organizers of the feminine stated problematic stuff... yet the so called sensitive liberals respond "we should only think about now" no fuss about those offensive words when it is from feminist organizers or "we should not let the wrong words ruin the whole movement" sounds reasonable? until you COMPARE the reactions so saying "it is wrong" is bad when compared yet not making the same fuss of accusing those teens for acting like common typical teens.... this comparison reveals that liberals are not really making a fuss about offensive words... when they should equally make a fuss except for teens what can you expect they are just teens while organizers of feminist marches who KNOW to be careful about rights should be much more careful about offensive words and actions... that deserves a fuss... not teens which we cannot expect them not to laugh when they see something ridiculous.... after all they never said "native americans are termites" that is only good in liberals eyes to say about jews because semite sounds like termite so that is just a joke.... so no fuss for saying that about jews nor associating with such people.... well they should make equal fuss as the fuss about the teens for offensive words and less fuss about smirking because it is not bad to smile and laugh at something that looks strange.   I mean what is wrong with those liberals ... jesus Christ ...

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