in Nature we know the cycle of shorter nights and longer nights-- as the length changes we reach a point when the length of night is EQUAL to the length of daytime. this occurs on different dates in different cities i call this event "natural equa-nox" [to distinguish from "equinox" which means something else and is correctly spelled with letter "i" and is usually taught as september 21] for me the letters "equa" in "natural equa-nox" represent the equal lengths of night and day.
I begin the list first with a location "very north from equator" and near the artificial dateline:
named: City of Shishmaref, Alaska, USA because it is very far north and very near the date-line.
we should consider the length of sun-time on date 24, 12 hours plus 3 minutes hence if we think of "equal" then the night-length before it, is the same length. [in contrast the length of the night following it, is less: 12.01 so not "equal"]
in other locations this event occurs on different dates but see end-note, later. other cities in abc order:
canada/ottawa december 25 day-length equals its following night
egypt/cairo [one of the most populous cities in the entire nile continent] date december 27, has day length 12 hours
israel/jerusalem, december 26, day-length equals its following night. similarly china/beijing december 26 day-length 12 hours and following night has length nearest in length.
south-africa/johannesburg december 18.
sri-lanka/colombo the natural eqau-nox is not until october 10 when night length is 12 hours and day length equal.
*note; near the equator is very different because near the equator almost the whole year is "exactly 12 hour days" with only a few minutes difference.
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