we all know that the letters of paul for example "romans" are apostolic and christians consider them divinely inspired and pure and holy... but who decided that about the jewish parts?
did jesus ever say "exodus" is a good book?
we know that the selection "which to include in the list" was based on "what is pure and holy" for example the epistles of paul but what about the jewish part? can we trust rabbis? to select or include "only holy" such as exodus? why would we trust the jewish leaders?
why should we trust what "the rabbis before the era of jesus" decided to include for study in the septuagint?
in the era of the new church there was a split between "church fathers" whether to accept the jewish tradition in septuagint with many books or to reject "esther, judith" and others.
athanasius, around year 350AD, famous for being the bishop of alexandria rejected the septuagint list such as ester tobit and others. he did not trust that list and neither did jerome when writing the vulgate so why should we accept exodus and other septuagint books? trusting rabbis??
in contrast to the ASSEMBLERS of the septuagint who included a broader list... when jerome wrote the vulgate he did not accept the list from the jewish tradition of the septuagint... so why do we trust the jewish part for example exodus? just because jerome distinguished not to trust tobit but trust exodus why?
we must re-examine the books which jews preserved for study. are they pure and holy? just because jerome included in vulgate? is exodus "pure and holy" altho it was included in vulgate that was trusting jewish rabbis... did jesus ever say "exodus" is a good book?
some think it is evidence if a "book was quoted from"... note the word book... in truth only those words were good did jesus say which "book" he quoted from? if exodus has that phrase we do not know that the book exodus was the source nor that the "whole" book is pure and holy.
as one debater challenged me "how do you know either way" i respond the same phrase how do you know it is pure and worth including with romans. at least romans is apostolic... we must examine the jewish part not just accept tradition the same way the vulgate did not accept the septuagint list from the jews.
that claim has several flaws. firstly jesus never said "book named exodus" was good he only selected one detail from "some source" unnamed, to discuss.
also the dominoes would keep falling... for example jude did quote "enoch" deos that mean "accepting jude as apostolic" who included a quote from enoch testified that the whole enoch is pure?
if so do we include enoch? what if enoch quoted a book? would we include that too?
those separate books were not written by apostles and the selection of the new testament part was CAREFUL distinguishing based on what is pure but who decided what would be in the septuagint? the jewish leaders... and we know we cannot trust them. would you?
so if exodus claimed god commanded offerings while jeremia brought a message "thus said the lord of israel i did not command" truly in jeremia 7 then not only is the jewish choice a problem but jeremia is warning us not to accept certain ideas and then we know that those books are not pure nor true... so if we should select carefully as above only accept the books from god then... a book which is not true such as exodus cannot be from god nor from moses nor from any prophet.
exodus and leviticus are not pure it would be a mistake to COPY the trust for the letters from paul onto the books which jewish leaders selected. why would we trust rabbis.
similarly genesis said "your name will not be jacob" we know that is false... from what follows in the same book and other books in later eras so it ust be not from god who would know his name would be called jacob. god would say "also israel" but the author of genesis lied that cannot be from god.
if you believe "god only tells true" then the book genesis MUST BE not from god nor from moses nor any prophet... we cannot include it just because the jews study it because we only accept the pure holy parts.
the same reason that the vulgate did not accept every book in the septuagint is the same reason we should not accept the jewish part of the septuagint even if part was included in the vulgate because we see it is not from god because the books telling about moses and offerings conflicts jeremia chapter seven "about COMMAND. did not command. so we should not include those books but republish only with the specific quotes "the two will become one" as the section called former covenant [old testament].
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