Wednesday, August 30, 2017

where did hyksos come from

after studying several sources which say mysterious or guesses and "political power" which is very ambiguous it is time to write a new legend to explain where the hyksos came from. one source which describes the hyksos era is the rhind papyrus which is actually mathmatical "practice problems" which has been analyzed to describe the culture as background of the mathematical text as well as the knowledge of the math.
josepus quotes manetho about the source of the hyksos but several websites reject that version and even britanica just leaves the story a "mystery." rejecting the bit of history that josepus bohereed to preserve.
well i dare to write a legend.
from our time we can look at the past 50 years ago before i was born we barely know what happened. mostly peaceful international trade especialy in europe. no major wars... similarly if we go back 800 years the most important international issues were probably the mongolians spreading into europe and the near east.
go back to the more distant past... it does not even have significance it is so remote! i mean at least knowing how world war two ended helps define borders but before "jesus taught" anything it is so far away that it has no value  when we consider even fifty years before our time is far from important... and more ancient... why bother? it is like picking up dirt whiich is  plentiful and worthless.
however it is a "mystery" that deserves at the very least a legend.
i specify this is a legend no more reliable then the ambiguous "political influence" version  and who cares? it is over 50 years ago anyway!
jacob and the rescue mission
long long ago a religious priest named jacob sent his sons on a rescue mission. binr was watching the sheep when suddenly three men named simon levi and juda jumped from the trees behind binr and grabbed his arms. binr shouted in protest but he was too far away for his brother isaq to hear. binr struggled to free himself but he was overpowered by the three criminals. finaly the leader of the group stepped from the trees and waved his long bronze sword at binr. "stop your struggling. we are not here to make you our slave! surely you know that i am the benevolent abraham."
binr continued screaming and jabbing his elbows to no avail. so abraham walked near to binr and pressed the sword against his cloth shirt and binr finally obeyed.
now the rest of the group gathered the sheep and led them away. abraham  had a large group and they were planning to eat meat for dinner.
ans, em, kan, mol, and jard were in the first group.they each grabbed a sheep and pulled its neck until there was a row. the other 8 ran from around shouting to scare the sheep after the leading ones. abraham the benevolent watched as adam, enk, japt, lamk, mats, ne, sot, and som did their job. they would have enough sheep to last for several days.
when the sheep were far enough away abraham lowered his long bronze sword and said now beat this guy up so he will fear us. obediently the 3 thugs simon levi and juda took turns holding binr and hitting him once in the stomach with their fists.
abraham then announced that is enough see my benevolence now we have some grilling to do. abr whistled and the horse-helpers don and gad led a brown horse to abraham who swung himself up and rode away. last  the horse-helpers and the 3 thugs walked the other way to the city.
binr rested from the blows but soon hurried back to his father jacob. he reported that the sheep were stolen. jacob called his other two sons from the field "isac and zabil i need you" now jacobs three sons were together. led by jacob they climbed on their white horses and rode over the wheat field after the theives of abraham.
at the edge of the trees they stopped and saw  a row of five cloth tents. around them were some of the sheep just walking as the first sheep were being prepared for the large group to eat.
binr the eldest of jacobs three sons asked "what can we do" jacob said "we will kill them." the younger two sons isak and zabil repeated as a question kill? binr protested i was the one they hit but they do not deserve to die." jacob explained this is not a punishment but a method to stop them repeating.
binr was convinced by that and added if they are hungry they could always trade for the meat.
zabil urged "we should strike now before they kill all the sheep" but jacob the sly pointed out that their were gaurds and only three of them they would need to use deception.
jacob sent isac from the trees and from a distance he threw a rock at a guard. isac missed but the guard noticed and shouted jask and bani lets get that child.
isac was only 9 years old and he ran into the trees with jask bani and josp chasing. binr jcob and zabil stood ready just inside the trees with their weapon an arrow in a bow with more arrows if more would come. as the three gaurds were nearing young isac, binr shot his first arrow swish straight into bani's chest the other two stopped suddenly. then jacob and zabil shot- easily the other two guards fell.
next jacob crawled with his 3 sons towards the tents. the theives were busy watching the sheep or preparing the meal relying on the guards to protect them.
they moved slowly between the tents toward the center tent it was guarded by two more guards. can you guess their names? that is right! napt and asar. standing still by the opening of the tent jacob and binr aimed at the standing guards while zabil and isac shot arrows at some men by a fire. standing still all four were easy victims. but jacob and binr waited. isac and zabil shot at the group of four men by the fire swish two dropped. they would be remembered as apir and mens. the other two ran and young isac decided not to shoot at a runner, but zabil shot and hit one more. he would be remebered as juda. one of the three thugs which had punched binr well he would never steal again.
the fourth one escaped and went to warn the chief abraham. meanwhile isac and zabil lit wood from the fire and lit their arrows on fire. as they returned to jacob stealthily sneaking between tents the man named simon who had been with juda reached the tent to warn abraham. the guards would not let him in the tent. simon argued there is danger i must warn the chief but the guards refused to let him in. finaly the family was back together. jacob told zabil and binr to help him kill those three together. "ready... now!" swish went the 3 arrows to the gaurds and juda whom binr recognized. they would be remembered as palg and ragu. now isac lit the cloth tents on fire while zabil pulled open the tent cloth jacob aimed at the man in the throne chair and quickly killed abraham then he  crouched and waited for the group inside to come and chase them. isac had ignited the last tent nad was already running back to the trees. zabil waited with jacob while binr escaped.
but nobody came out the tent. so zabil lit the center tent on fire and escaped with jacob into the woods. once abraham was dead the officers had started arguing who wouldl lead. levi and adam were shouting and enk saw his chance to surprise them swinging his sword swiftly he killed levi and adam. the wives huddled by the throne chair.
soon the whole band of abrahams theives wer fleeing the fire and even the sheep ran scattered from the heat and flames. those who fled towards the place where isac and binr stood were greeted by arrows. so they turned the other way towards the other side of the row of tents and ran into the arrows from jacob and zabil. soon the camp was deserted and the four victors gathered the remaining heep to return them home. jacob and zabil returned to the camp with people from thee town to take whatever weapons and metals from the burnt tent and to bury the dead.
since they did not know the names [for only we   read them] the town people dug a mass grave and marked it:
"adam set enos kenan malel jard enk mats lamk ne sam em japt" and the head of abraham- they cut it off and carried it to the gates of the city to warn futur theives to stay away from them.
meanwhile the others prepared the dead sheep on the fires or looted the the tools and jewelery which abrahams theives had amassed. they had stiolen much but would never enjoy it those who ran would never enjoy it and those that did not run were dead.
to be continued...
traioler: next chapter the first resue mission.

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