Sunday, September 10, 2017

criticism of maps in games+with a fix

I complain while offering a solution
7.7 mk area [=continent named australia]
7700000/2900=2650 sk
test 2900*2650=7.7 v
this reveals the absurd stupidity of the "maps in games" consider=
in the game "risk" the region "kafue" [badly named "south africa" describing the section of the african continent using the name of a country], is almost the size of australia from the narrow tip until 9 degrees south from the equator is nearly 7.7 million square kilometer= the same area of australia yet australia itself they divide into... two regions--! this was needed for rules relevant to that game yet absurd. we must see a bigger picture with more details to compare.
if kafue is one region, then australia mostly desert can be one becuase only developed should be small like "north europe separate from east eu." or in a parallel map game caucuses+ukraine+eastern-europe are 3 regions.  this othe game named "axis and allies"=aa, reverses the british regions--making australia one region, like the region "named sa in risk"---while cutting that zone from the narrow tip near cape-town, until 9 degrees south latitude by lindi tanzania into 3 regions---that is ABSURDLY stupid and inaccurate. it prevents the tank from libya/egypt, reaching cape town-unjustly because it should go through "east-africa" in first step and second step reach capetown at the coast of south africa which should be the area same as area of alberta region badly named "west canada" 7.7 msk of canadas 9 msk without water on SAME map, and as australia on same map and like kafue of risk map as above.
so what shall we say? should the division in africa be supported by the divison of australia? yet in map of aa, australia is one region like west canada. similarly the one who controls cape town can control the jungle around it the size of australia so instead only developed regions are small, as above, however each region can be the size of australia's area similar to area of "alberta" region 7.7 million square kilometers [of map aa badly named west canada] ---with the vast regions similar to map of game "risk" which is fair because britian and nazi can move a tank from egypt=libya to cape town equally.
all undeveloped [regions at the time the game represents january 1942]: siberia and alberta and australia and kafue are all regions the area of australia and this is fair because both nazi and britian can move a tank from egypt/libya to cape-town equally. in fact the names should be regional names not continental names="siberia" a region the size of australia area 7.7 million square kilometers of frozen dirt from coast called pacific, and reaching westward until the area and if so both "infantry armies" together in one region=like "alberta" the vast region in west canada and australia good name for complete continent and name kafue for the region 2.6 by 2.9 msk. and similar sized regions in the rest of africa [not 9- that is absurd-!-also madagascar was not controlled by britian until the end of 1942 so it should be neutral and worth zero empty potential]
next use square eastward from this line, the border of kafue which runs from lindi T to luanda A, a similar distance northward almost reaches libya which is good. going east from coast of atlantic [west coast] a similar distance reaches the west side of the niger-chad border near tiny ANEY, niger at 19 degrees north of the equator and the difference can be the libya-algeria region [one region named libya which reaches from 19 degrees north and northward until north coast and across along the north coast until egypt with both infantry armies together with tank division] reaching until 19 degrees north latitude and 13 degrees east longitude because that justly divides that length of africa with an area similar to kafue.
consider that "sa of map risk" which should have a regional name kafue, validates the detail of "australia region of aa" and similarly a=b so b=a like "alberta" [called west canada] is the same area therefore the map of aa should be one region like risk and a tank from egypt can reach cape-town on its second move like the map of risk and like australia=one region and the second "step" reaches to the coast by cape-town. one region from coast until lindi-t and luanda-a at 9d=s from equator and similar areas in east africa=FIVE africa is five 5 regions total long-region libya+egypt+ aney from western coast until aney of niger and without water can extend in the thinner part of africa divided by a diagonal to justly divide "aney" region from "souar" vast region which has an eastward extension. so the part of africa near 19 degrees north latitude is justly two regions TWO REGIONS [like risk map but not four] divided between aney and souar with a diagonal division for justice since the western region aney does not count the water in the square so justly a diagonal roughly parallel to the diagonal red-sea coast of eastern coast of "souar" by red sea.
image of africa surrounded by w-waves of water using letters
wwww---- \---------------w
this would describe the five regions of africa better than separating congo, total five l+e+a+s+k=5 same total as risk but divided justly and jungles not developed like desert so each worth one potetential except libya and egypt small and still worth one potential besides algeria potential to justly define potential. so 2p in libya because one long region and the others 1.

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