Monday, August 7, 2017

summer story

summer story
***quote from the story. "...he swung the wooden bat and missed the ball, adding a "strike" to the total of three "balls". then he planned to wait for the ball to fly past.
he was set to wait, but the ball came straight.[rhyme] he hit the ball hard and the loud "crack" sound scared him. the ball leaped back, between the pitcher and first base..."
today was the same as all the hot days of late spring and summer. one certain young boy felt very hot. in his house the air conditioner=a/c was cooling the home all day. his mother was enjoying the cool air. she had forbid him to enjoy it. it was working anyway! he should be at home enjoying the cool air like mom. she had shouted at him "you cannot stay here" in a hundred different ways, until he left the house to play games outside under the burning summer sun.
he wished he could be, in the cool ay-see [rhyme]. he would choose one show from tv and play the games on a table in the cool home. they had games but the person who supposedly loved him, she forbid him to play them...
they had a/c, but the mom who supposedly loved him forbid him to enjoy it...
they had a tv, but she forbid him to enjoy that too... not even one tv show per day. instead he had to be in the intense summer heat. if that is love, what is hate... no. she did not show love. only she could enjoy the cool a/c. he wished there was a word for such a mean person. greedy? selfish? mean? they did not describe this "mom".
this young hot boy was named muhamet. he sat beside his friend juda, who was probably just as hot and also suffering from the intense heat, on a flat wood bench under a sheet for shadow. they watched the "baseball" game between their own team and the visitor team. they felt thankful to wait in the relative shade until their turn to try to hit the ball.
m told j, "i am so grateful that now is school-vacation, because i could not even think in this unbearable heat. j added, "AND it is also too hot for games with running." they wore shirts with green numbers. m was number 12 and j was number 21. the name of their team "riyadh riders" was not on the shirt, only a number. the other team, named medina MD's, wore shirts with orange numbers. not the pleasant orange. the color was the gross ugly shade of orange. m felt pity for the other team, his competitor, which for so very long stood in defense under the "scorching saudi-sun." the powerful heat of the saudi desert was baking them.
juda said, "the longer our team hits, the longer those kids will stand under the burning sun and suffer ." m was surprised that j had been thinking the same thoughts as him! m agreed, "yeh, or get "walked" [as you hopefully know, that means if the ball is not aimed properly, then after four bad "pitches" of throwing the ball, the pitcher loses his chance for that player, who can walk with no rush to first base.]" he referred to the unskilled pitcher 3, whose aim was bad. already, despite the plentiful attempts, 4 per player, 3 had already "walked" two "rr" players, just in this fourth inning. m added "they will stand in the heat for a very long time."
their team captain, also named muhamet, came and asked, "juda, are you ready?"--"i am"--"go practice swinging" juda stood to obey while m joked, "why bother? you will also get walked" m now remembered how he met juda.
muhamet's family was from israel. his father had been a devout muslim  when he was born in the city named haifa. later his father had met a woman who told the story of her journey from islam to christianity, surprisingly directed by the muslim holy book called quran. based on a certain idea in the quran, which he recognized from his reading, she explained [see below] that it would be wrong to follow the imams and instead truth to follow the wisdom of jesus. yusuf ali was intrigued by this idea and that same day reread that section about the wisdom of jesus. he then tried explaining the reason to his wife, but she only got angry. so yusuf divorced her by a kadi. he met many muslim women and told each one this idea but they all just shouted insults at him. if they thought he was wrong they could tell him the mistake. finally he met osnat. he saw the woman at a coffee shop sitting alone. he sat beside her and he felt the conversation flow. he told her this idea and she was the only muslim woman who did not shout insults at him. soon they were married by the imam on her request despite the age difference. osnat was almost twelve years younger than yusuf. as they had planned the day after the wedding both went to the catholic church and he converted to christianity. she seemed so patient and in love with the older yusuf. when muhamet was 4, the family including yusuf's son m, moved from israel to riyadh in saudi arabia. yusuf the father slept away from home almost the whole week. he stayed at a camp by the oil drills. only friday he would return home to the family of four. osnat was very bossy to yusuf's two sons. the christian "nanny" from britian did all the chores of the house and watched the sons. at the oil camp yusuf had met joe, who also lived in riyadh. they arranged for their sons who were the same age, to meet. juda's family was from new york city. juda was born to a secular jewish family. after his father josef worked at and became familiar with, an oil drill platform near the atlantic coast, he moved the family to to riyadh and went to work at that oil drill camp where yusuf had met him. the two young boys m+j easily related to each other and spoke english.
now j stood by the unusual-square called home plate [usually with five corners] waiting for 4 bad pitches.  meanwhile m sat under the sheet in the shade, watching j, and waiting for his own turn to hit the ball. m took the plastic from his bag and unrolled the plastic. there was some lamb meat which the nanny had prepared. he slowly chewed the soft meat enjoying the falvor and spices and soft texture. he made a rhyme "here i am, eating lamb" while waiting and another rhyme about the game, "i will be, so ready." now he noticed the orange numbers of the md. one was at first, 2 at second 3 at pitcher and 13 at third. coincidentally, beside orange one, green one was also at first, from the "walk" and with orange 13 was also green 13 at third base from a good hit called "triple". 13 had ran all the way to third and the previous player 6, who had a walk had ran all the way home. this added a point to the riders and added an rbi point for 13. so 2 kids with 1 were at first base. it was possible but eery. at the same time as 333 was 111.
meanwhile juda stood wincing in the "bright light which disturbed his sight" [rhyme+eye rhyme] and m bit another bite  from the few cubes of lamb. he wanted to buy more now, but there were 3  more innings in this long american game called softball version. he wondered if regular was shorter. so he decided  to wait and composed another short rhyme "the lamb which i got, still feels hot" a benefit of this desert land.
juda had swung the wooden bat and missed the ball, adding a "strike" to the total of three "balls". then he planned to wait for the ball to fly past so he could "walk". he was set to wait, but the ball came straight.[rhyme]  juda hit the ball hard and the loud "crack" sound scared juda. the ball leaped back, between the pitcher and first base...
the crowd cheered and clapped. 1 was ready and flew across the dry dirt towards second base. 13 was distracted by the heat, until the captain waved his arms. 13 now hurried from third towards "home plate" while juda ran quickly. 3 the pitcher ran towards the ball very quickly, but the ball was faster. 1 stayed guarding near first. 3 shouted to 1, "get it" but 1 resisted the instinct to chase the ball and even ignored 3 because, as trained, he needs to be near the base. the ball slowed as it rolled into the outfield section of dirt. the kid 9 in right field had not even noticed the ball rolling slowly towards him. the ball slowed more  slower and slower. 9 should run towards it but he was not ready! 9 still did not notice the ball. 3 screamed in frustration "9 get it!" the kid did not respond. meanwhile juda was straining to run his fastest to first. "WILLIAM" 3 hollered in frustration, trying the name instead of number.
9 had been sent there, because he was the newest on the team and people rarely hit there. especially at this age the ball almost never reached outfield and then went to the left field near third base. it was william's first year while it was the second year for his young team-mates despite all being the same age 6. this whole game nobody had hit yet towards 9 in right field near first base. now hearing his name, 9 jumped in surprise and finally noticed the ball. the ball had slowed and stopped so 9 ran- barely can call that running, toward the ball. 3 and 1 were encouraging and urging "get the ball get the ball" juda touched first and looked for the signal. captain m waved so he ran to second with all his might panting and gasping. 13, who had started late from third, reached "home plate". 13 slid. unnecessarily. the crowd cheered and clapped again. the points increased again. by one but it certainly would be 2 more points for the home team named riyadh riders and 2 more rbi points for juda.
william finally reached the ball, crouched painfully to pick it up and finally threw it... at the kid shouting at him. however, not exactly at 1. the coach near third waved a signal at juda who tapped his right foot on the heavy sand-bag marking second base, continuing around towards third. juda almost reached 1 he was almost overtaking 1, because he ran with all his might. william was too inexperienced to realize he should throw to third base to stop the runner and was very nervous because 1 was shouting at him.
the ball was aimed bad and flew by 1 at least 2 meters to the side. now juda urged green-1 "faster." soon they both arrived at home. juda was praised the hero for a "homerun" rare at that age, but based on the bad teamwork and an error. plus 2 points for rbi because his hit allowed 1 and 13 to score points too. the players gathered around juda  praising his hit.
the crowd cheered much louder now. the captain of md's went to the "umpire" judge and "forfeited" ending the game early. next he walked to 3 and said a lie "you tried and you were pretty good" and added "we will practice more."
m+j bought some lamb cubes at the hotdog stand. juda said "good thing we did not bet on this game. i thought we would lose. then i would owe a debt"muhamet loved rhymes and announced "never ever bet or you will owe debt". j added "said muhamet".
"how did you hit so well?" asked m, complimenting his friend. "I kept my eye on the pitchers hand"  they both bit another bit of lamb.
m+j walked to juda's home. they planned on playing the money game "monopol-y." on other days they set a time limit and after 2 hours counted the money to see the winner and switched to other games.
today while they walked, they argued. muhamet asked juda "are you also christian?"--no--the quran said the wisdom of jesus is good and to study it." m told the story: because of the quran his father had converted to christianity. since the quran said to study it, then certainly it was true and not corrupt. juda listened politely although quite bored. after a detailed explanation juda agreed "that logic is on the dot."--so why arent you christian?--because all religions have god--can you prove "no god"??--no-- so believe--based on "no evidence either way"??
m insisted "if you cannot prove "no god" then that means yes god. not seeing is no proof"--what do you mean?-- things exist that we cannot see, like wind and covered things and bacteria.--if god is a bacteria i would believe god exists--no! those are examples of things we cannot see. god is invisible.--so how can we know?--faith-- faith based on what?--god sent messages--and how would we test if those messages are from god--they predict the future and were true--say an example--isaia the prophet said a miracle would happen as a sign, a young girl would have a baby and the prediction of the future was true--when?-- when jesus was born-- i mean when was the prophecy--isaia said it so whenever isaia lived--i meant when did the prophecy say it would happen.--huh?
a long silence followed.
m continued "isaia said a prophecy about the future and was right"--did he say a place and a time?-- no-- then that proves no god--what??--god would know the place and time.--god knew! he just did not say--if it was a message from god then he would know the time and place." each was repeating what they heard from their fathers.
m tried one last time "look at the earth and nature god must have created it. without god how could all this exist?--i do not know--so obviously god made it--i do not know. i will not imagine a god just because i do not know--offer a different possibility--magical fairies made everything with magic--okay so one magical fairy is the god who made eerything that is god.-- one fairy or many fairies? how would we know?--no! there is one god--how can we know?--because of the bible--the bible cannot be from god--why not?--because god would know the time and place.
m gave up and they walked in silence. they did not argue about god anymore. instead they played games. luckily nobody heard this argument, because in saudi arabia atheism is punishable by death...
another  story i recommend, with a lesson.

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