Wednesday, August 30, 2017


i am very sad.
how am i supposed to write about history when all the websites have conflicting stories.
when i was a kid i was taught [like most american christians too] that the israelites were slaves in egypt and were sent free but when?
one version is that 3300 years ago around the year 1312 bc was the exodus.
if so we would add the year 430 of the bible and say the israelites entered in 1742.
how does that "allign" with what we know about egypt?
1782 hyksos came to egypt and ruled but from when?
one version is from 1782
or 1640 or 1630.
if ruled from 1782 then what is the hyksos invasion of 1725?
either way lower egypt means the low lands where the river flows down to in northern egypt so the israelites would enter north egypt from canaan and meet the hyksos who ruled for hundreds of years so th new king before the slavery is a problem because the "new king" was before they entered in 1742 and continued until 1522 or 1523 or 1570... differing versions.
to make matters sadder, researchers defending the bible have their own version of history.
they put the israelites entering at the joint when the hyksos ended...
which could be 1570 when hyksos were driven out by ahmose 1 or perhaps ruled until 1523 like britannica online...
the bible defenders have their own number 1587 for end of hyksos. yet that does not DEFEND the bible which said 430!
it would be 1742 as above not the end of hyksos.
a tiny fraction of the population follows rabbis they have their own numbers briefly- 1312 exodus plus 210 or215 based on the lineage of moses from kohot... a contradicyion in the book of exodus itself. christians publish 400 and corrupt moses lineage as different from what appears while rabbis prefer and teach the truth is 210 and corrupt what appears as 430 as including other lands admitting the text of exodus is a lie. unless they corript it.
so we can ignore unreliable book exodus.
but then we do not know how long israelites were in egypt... no loss with exodus we do not know either.
is it POSSIBLE that the hyksos which were phoenician that means from the east coast of mediteranean were actuly the hebrews? WE KNOW THE NAME OF THEIR CAPITAL WAS AVARIS SO THAT MATCHES IVRI=HEBREW.
from the semites. they came and "built avaris in 1783 BC see source below.
so they named the city for themselves the hebrews and ruled egypt for many years. 1783-1570 around 210 years -- now that is not intende to coiincide with the rabbi number yet it does coincide.
who said these numbers?
not a jewish rabbi they believe 1312 exodus not "at the end of 210 at 1570"
perhaps the number is true but the rabbis had a bad starting point.
who built avaris?
one egyptologist site which records the claim by manetho that hyksos ruled 284 years yet britanica has them ruling much less.. and as usual from when is in conflict...
1640 or 1630 or YET the same egypotologists numbers only 118! that is ridiculous so we can ignore both the book of exodus and the confused egyptologist with no "contact us" option.
so that leaves britanica 1630 for hyksos.
because 1640 comes from a site with the stupid numbers which either total 118 or state 284 that is just stupid. so that leaves 1630 of britannica yet they ruled from 1872. so we can say the rule spread.
in first phase they ruled "northern egypt" from 1872 in the city they built
avaris built 1783 and established as capital and rile from 1782! and control all of egypt from 1630 not 1640 from confused egyptologist. until anmose expelled hebrews from egypt in 1570.
yet britanica said they ruled until 1523.
1782-1523=259 years yet the number of rabbis was 210 well they may claim to be jews but they are mistaken...
by ignoring both "moses lineage years" and 430 which conflict each other in book exodus, we are free to say that the builders of avaris called the city by their own name ivri hebrews and ruled egypt for 259 years and the entire egypt from 1630-1570. according to the website link above they were expelled yet they were still king? one king?? of the dynasty if king expelled how can dynasty proceed?
solution the one king was expelled in the year claimed 1570 while the following king took over a smaller section until the year in britanica. so in conclusion what remains is the books of the hebrews and their leaders called rabbis are all wrong whereas the hebrews true story is ruling egypt for hundreds of years.
even britanica quotes the possibility that hebrews were identifies as hyksos- with no reason not to. when we consider the years pointing to around 1740 as above we can say they are wrong but meant the nearby even of 1782 and ruled egypt as polytheistic hebrews for 210 years the number of the rabbis bt not until 1312 if so the "exit" was the loss of the kingdom- not the end of slavery!
this provides a motive to lie and not admit they lost kingdom but reversee the story of the exit not as chaseed out- a word that is even in the unreliable bible "they were chased out" this detail fits what we know about ahmose1 expelling hyksos- not because we trust the bible but because it matches what we know alreaady... so the exit from egypt was the loss of king status which is a shame so the israelites lied to hide their loss and said we were slaves and made up a story they were slaved and like most lies the lie is easily refuted as not matchiing the facts at any point. saying a new king cannot work with the entrance of hyksos as above hyksos entered 1783 and built avaris then before 430 of exodus. and the end of hyksos is unknown maybe 1570 or one king expelled ending the 15 dynasty while a new king continued in a smaller region until the year in britanica 1523 so all the different version make me sad. so what does all this water "boil down" to?
a long partial dynasty in 3 phases. small big small for 260 years and the true expelling was the hebrews exods when they lost the dynasty and that would be the exodus story.
not to mak jews appear good because they clearly lied about at least half of their story but because of the evidence.

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